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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Greek writing exercise of the 6th/7th c. from Egypt, mentioning *Menas (soldier and martyr of Abu Mena, S00073).

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Documentary texts - Other private document

P.Rain.Unterricht 46

A parchment fragment of unknown provenance, with writing exercises on flesh and hair sides, including the line:

Μηνᾶς ὁ ἅγιος
'Menas, the saint'

Translation: G. Schenke.

Non Liturgical Activity

Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts


A small piece of parchment used for writing practice (P.Rain.Unterricht 46).


Writing the name Menas here has clearly not been a cult activity, but a mere practice of writing skills. This piece of parchment is covered with letter formations and kalamos testing, making it clear beyond doubt that this piece was not intended to be used as an amulet.

See Harrauer and Sijpesteijn 1985, 44; Papaconstantinou 2001, 146–149.


Harrauer, H., and Sijpesteijn, P.J., Neue Texte aus dem antiken Unterricht (MPER 15; Vienna: In Kommission bei Verlag Brüder Hollinek, 1985).

Further reading:
Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris: CNRS, 2001).

For a full range of the documentary evidence on Menas:
Papaconstantinou, A., Le culte des saints en Égypte des Byzantins aux Abbassides (Paris: CNRS, 2001), 146–154.

Record Created By

Gesa Schenke

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00073Menas, soldier and martyr buried at Abu MenaΜηνᾶςCertain

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