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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

The Greek Martyrdom of *Theodotos and his seven virgin companions (probably Montanist martyrs of Ancyra, Galatia, central Asia Minor, S00626). Skeleton entry

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Literary - Hagiographical - Accounts of martyrdom

Martyrdom of Theodotos and the seven virgins (BHG 1782-1782a)

We have not examined this text.


For the manuscript tradition, see:

For the edition, see Bibliography.


Franchi de' Cavalieri, P. (ed.), I martirii di S. Teodoto e di S. Ariadne: con un'appendice sul testo originale del martirio di S. Eleuterio (Studi e testi 6; Rome, 1901), 61-84. (BHG 1782)

Franchi de' Cavalieri, P. (ed.), Note agiografiche (Studi e testi 33; Rome, 1920), vol. 6, 131-142.

Record Created By

Christodoulos Papavarnavas

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00626Theodotos, a probably Montanist martyr of Ancyra (Galatia, central Asia Minor), and his seven virgin companions, ob. c. 312Certain

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