The Greek synaxarial epitome of the Martyrdom of *Innas, Rhemas and Pinas (Gothic martyrs, S02590). Skeleton entry
Evidence ID
Type of Evidence
Literary - Hagiographical - Accounts of martyrdom
Martyrdom of Innas, Rhemas and Pinas (BHG 2184)
We have not examined this text.
For the manuscript tradition, see:
For the edition, see Bibliography.
The brief synaxarial notice on Innas, Rhemas and Pinas is presumably based on an older lost Martyrdom (Delehaye 1912, 287).Bibliography
Text:Delehaye, H., 'Saints de Thrace et de Mésie', Analecta Bollandiana 31 (1912), 215-216.
Record Created By
Nikolaos Kälviäinen
Date of Entry
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00716 | Gothic martyrs, named and unnamed | Certain | S02590 | Innas, Rhemas and Pinas, Gothic martyrs | Certain |
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Nikolaos Kälviäinen, Cult of Saints, E06856 -