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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Coptic Encomion on Apa *Petros (a confessor, possible one of the saints with cult at Wadi Sarga, S02068), of unknown Egyptian provenance; written presumably during the 6th century. Skeleton entry

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Literary - Sermons/Homilies

We have not examined this text.

Non Liturgical Activity

Composing and translating saint-related texts


A parchment leaf at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, I.1.b.715 (5693), records this homiletic text. The manuscript is datable on palaeographical grounds to the 10th/11th century.


Text and translation:
Elanskaya, A.I., The Literary Coptic Manuscripts in the A. S. Pushkin State Fine Arts Museum in Moscow (Leiden, 1994), 94–98.

Record Created By

Gesa Schenke

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S02068Petre, Apa Petre, Joseph, Apa Joseph, and Anoup, Apa Anoup, saints with cult at Wadi Sargaⲁⲡⲁ ⲡⲉⲧⲣⲟⲥCertain

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