Liturgical texts - Sacramentaries
Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment codex
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum)
404. Sancte domine omnipotens, quem Cornilius et Cyprianus triumphali sanguine confitendo uenerabiles extiterunt, praesta, quaesomus, ut uterque nobis iugiter suffragentur. Per.
405. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Sanctus Cornilius et Cyprianus suffragia nos, domine, consueta et pari semper intercessione nos foueant. Per dominum.
406. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Beatorum martyrum pariterque pontificum Cornili et Cypriani nos, quaesomus, festa tueantur, eorum nos tibi, domine, commendet oratio, ut caris nostris, qui in Christo dormiunt, refrigeria aeterna concedas. Per.
407. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Praetende nobis misericordiam tuam et esto populi tui defensor et custus, et sanctorum tuorum Cornili et Cypriani ueneranda sollemnia securo possunt frequentare conuentu. Per.
408. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum est semper et ubique tibi gratias agere, omnipotens aeterne deus, teque in sanctorum martyrum praedicare uirtute, quos discretis terrarum partibus greges sacros pascentes, una eademque fide de diuersis licet temporibus consonante parique nominis tui confessione coronasti. Per dominum nostrum. Per quem.
'Mass for the Feast of the Holy Martyrs Cornelius and Cyprian
404. Holy and mighty Lord, whom Cornelius and Cyprian have confessed with their victorious blood and thereby have become venerable, grant, so we ask, that they both help us continually.
405. Collect follows. May the holy Cornelius and Cyprian bestow on us their customary help, O Lord, and support us with ever equal intercession. Through the Lord.
406. Collect after the names. May the festivities of the blessed martyrs and also bishops Cornelius and Cyprian protect us, so we ask, may their prayer commend us to you, O Lord, that you grant eternal consolation to our beloved who rest in Christ. Through.
407. Collect at the kiss of peace. Extend to us your mercy and be a defender and custodian of your people, that they can celebrate the venerable feast of your saints Cornelius and Cyprian in the certain gathering of the assembly. Through.
408. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just that we always and everywhere bring thanks to you, almighty and everlasting God, and that we praise you in the virtue of your holy martyrs. For you have crowned those who feed the holy flock in different parts of the earth, on the grounds of one and the same faith, even if in different times, with the uniform and equal confession of your name. Through our Lord, through whom [...]'
Text: Rose 2005, 504-5.
Translation: Rose 2017, 270-71.
Service for the saint
Eucharist associated with cult
Liturgical invocation
Chant and religious singing
Other liturgical acts and ceremonies
FestivalsSaint’s feast
Non Liturgical ActivityPrayer/supplication/invocation
Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts
Protagonists in Cult and NarrativesEcclesiastics - bishops
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum) is the standard editorial name used for Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 317, a liturgical manuscript (sacramentary) compiled in Burgundy at the turn of the eighth century. It provides an exceptionally rare witness to late antique liturgical practice in Gaul. The inclusion of an entry for the late Merovingian political martyr Leudegar of Autun (eastern Gaul) (ob. 677/9) gives both an earliest possible date for the manuscript's compilation, and, since it appears alongside an entry for the earlier Autun martyr Symphorianus, an indication of the community for which the codex might have been made. On palaeographical grounds, E.A. Lowe located the Missal's production to the scriptorium of Luxeuil (c. 130 miles northeast of Autun), at a date no later than c. 710.The full manuscript is now available to view online: https://spotlight.vatlib.it/it/latin-paleography/catalog/Reg_lat_317
The codex as it survives includes entries for nine biblical saints and nine from the city of Rome (plus Cyprian of Carthage, commemorated with Pope Cornelius), alongside six Gallic feast days and one from Spain (Saturninus, Eulalia, Ferreolus and Ferrucio, Symphorianus, Maurice and the Theban Legion, Leudegar, and Martin). The Missal covers most feasts in roughly chronological order, beginning after Christmas with the feast of Stephen (usually 26 Dec.). The manuscript does not, however, provide any dates for the celebration of these feasts: presumably, its users would have also had a separate liturgical calendar at hand.For an overview of the contents of the Gothic Missal, see E08222.
This unusually short entry for Cornelius and Cyprian in the Gothic Missal is the only known service for these saints in the Gallic liturgy (Rose 2005, 288-9).
Edition and study:Missale Gothicum e codice Vaticano Reginensi latino 317 editum, ed. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2005).
The Gothic Missal, trans. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2017).
Further reading:
Lowe, E.A., Codices latini antiquiores, 11 vols (Oxford, 1937-71), i. 32.
Benjamin Savill
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00172 | Cornelius, bishop and martyr of Rome, and companion martyrs | Cornilius | Certain | S00411 | Cyprian, bishop and martyr of Carthage | Cyprianus | Certain |
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
Benjamin Savill, Cult of Saints, E08245 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E08245