A charter issued by Pippin (II, mayor of the palace) and his wife Plectrude records their grant of land to the basilica dedicated to the *apostles (S00084) at Metz (north-east Gaul), where 'our grandfather' *Arnulf (bishop of Metz, ob. 640, S02013) is also buried. Written in Latin, probably at 'Nielsio' or Metz, 20 February 687.
Documentary texts - Charter or diploma
Documentary texts - Donation document
MGH DD Arnulf. 2 (excerpts)
Proinde ego iterum Pipinus et uxor mea Plectrudis cogitantes de salute nostra ut a Domino pro paruis magna et celestia pro terrenis recipere possemus, donauimus pro remedio anime nostre seu pro eterna requie acquirenda ac solide tradidimus ad basilicam sanctorum apostolorum iuxta urbem Maettis constructam ubi dominus et auus noster Arnulphus in corpore requiescit, uillam proprietatis nostre uocabulo ut supradictum est Nugaredum [...] Quod si quidpiam de heredibus nostris seu quelibet alia persona uel potestas contra hanc donationem nostram uenire aut aliquatenus infringere temptauerit in primis iram et ultionem Dei et sanctorum eius incurrat, et quod repetit non ualeat euindicare. Actum in uilla Nielsio publice sub die .X. .kl. marcii. Anno .XIIo. regni domini nostri Theoderici regis.
'Therefore again I, Pippin, and my wife Plectrude, mindful of our salvation, so that we might receive from the Lord great celestial gifts in exchange for small earthly ones, donate and firmly hand over to the basilica of the holy apostles which is constructed at Metz, where our lord and uncle Arnulf rests in body, for the remedy of our souls and in order to obtain eternal rest, a villa from our property called Norroy... And if any of our heirs or any other person or power should attempt in any way to come forward and infringe this, our donation, then let them above all else incur the wrath and vengeance of God and his saints, against whom they will not prevail. Enacted publicly in the villa Nielsio, on the day of the 10 Kalends of March, in the 12th year of the reign of our lord King Theuderic (III).'
Text: Heidrich 2011, 7-8.
Translation: B. Savill.
Cult building - independent (church)
Burial site of a saint - unspecified
Non Liturgical ActivityBequests, donations, gifts and offerings
RelicsBodily relic - unspecified
Protagonists in Cult and NarrativesWomen
Relatives of the saint
This charter survives only in copies of the late thirteenth century onwards; its most recent editor has judged it to be authentic.Discussion
Although this charter is not explicit about Arnulf's status as a saint, the donation must have followed his ceremonial translation from Remiremont to Metz (see chs. 22-6 of the Life of Arnulf, probably also composed before this charter: E05910), and so this donation almost certainly took place against a cultic backdrop. One major role of the gift may have been to advertise Pippin's connection to this 'family saint.'Bibliography
EditionI. Heidrich, Die Urkunden der Arnulfinger (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Diplomata; Hannover, 2011).
Benjamin Savill
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00084 | Apostles, unnamed or name lost | apostoli | Certain | S02103 | Arnulf, bishop of Metz, ob. c. 640 | Arnulphus | Certain |
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
Benjamin Savill, Cult of Saints, E08399 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E08399