Fragment of a marble slab with a short Greek inscription referring to unnamed martyrs. Found in Prusa ad Olympum (Bithynia, north-wset Asia Minor). Probably late antique.
Evidence ID
Type of Evidence
Inscriptions - Formal inscriptions (stone, mosaic, etc.)
Inscriptions - Funerary inscriptions
On a fragment of a slab:
'Of the martyrs.'
Text: I. Prusa ad Olympum, no. 225.
Cult PlacesCult building - unspecified
Cult building - unspecified
Burial site of a saint - unspecified
A fragment of a slab, found on the acropolis. Now lost.Discussion
Thomas Corsten, the editor of Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum, interprets the monument as a commemorative inscription in honour of unnamed martyrs. It may come from a church dedicated to some martyrs or mark a tomb of local martyrs.Bibliography
Edition:Die Inschriften von Prusa ad Olympum, no. 225.
LBW 1118.
Further reading:
Destephen, S., "Martyrs locaux et cultes civiques en Asie Mineure", in: J.C. Caillet, S. Destephen, B. Dumézil, H. Inglebert, Des dieux civiques aux saints patrons (IVe-VIIe siècle) (Paris: éditions A. & J. Picard, 2015), 98.
Record Created By
Pawel Nowakowski
Date of Entry
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00060 | Martyrs, unnamed or name lost | μάρτυρες | Certain |
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