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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Greek account, from the Arsinoites (Fayum), concerning payments made by a church of *Phoibammon (probably the soldier and martyr of Assiut, S00080); datable to the 7th/8th century.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Documentary texts - Fiscal document

Documentary texts - List

Late antique original manuscripts - Papyrus sheet

CPR 22 60

This long list of money payments made and received for various items and people mentions the church of Phoibammon in lines 36 and 37 as follows:

r,FrB,2, 36:

ὑπομνηστικώ(ν) τῶ(ν) δημο(σίων) (καὶ) ἐκφορ(ίων) [ -ca.?- ][ (FrA)]  ̣  ̣ τῆ(ς) ἐκκλη(σίας) τοῦ ἁγίου Φοιβ(άμμωνος) πηλ(  ) τοῦ κυροῦ †

'Memorandum of the public taxes and rents […] . . . of the church of the lord St Phoibammon Pel(…?) '

v,FrB, 37:

† ἐστὶ τὸ κ(α)θ(ὲν) τῶν δημο(σίων) μέ̣ρου(ς) ἐκκλη(σίας) τοῦ ἀγίου Φοιβ(άμμωνος) πηλ(  ) τοῦ κυροῦ

'This is the breakdown of the taxes of the part of the church of the lord St Phoibammon Pel(…?)'

Text and Italian translation: F. Morelli
English translation: G. Schenke

A complete record of the text, with images, can be found at:;22;60

Cult Places

Cult building - independent (church)


The papyrus document P.Vindob. G 25952 is housed at the papyrus collection in Vienna and has been dated on palaeographical grounds.


The term Pel-() appears to be an epithet to Phoibammon, possibly Pelusium, a Fayum locality, but has so far not been attested elsewhere.


Morelli, F., Documenti greci per la fiscalità e la amministrazione dell'Egitto arabo, Corpus Papyrorum Raineri vol. XXII, Griechische Texte XV (Vienna, 2001), 277–296.

Record Created By

Gesa Schenke

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00080Phoibammon, soldier and martyr of AssiutΦοιβ(αμμων)Uncertain

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