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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

A 5th/6th-century parchment folio from Akhmin/Panopolis (Upper Egypt) contains a fragment of a version of the Greek Martyrdom of *Ioulianos (martyr of Cilicia, buried at Antioch or in Egypt, S00305).

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Literary - Hagiographical - Accounts of martyrdom

Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment codex

Martyrdom of Ioulianos of Cilicia, fragment (BHG 965)

10759 (binding)

Only one leaf, i.e. two pages, remain of this parchment manuscript. The text preserves a fragment of the martyrdom account of Ioulianos of Cilicia, with recognisable phrases of the dialogue between the martyr and his persecutor, Markianos. [For the full Martyrdom of Ioulianos, see E02549.]

Non Liturgical Activity

Composing and translating saint-related texts
Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts


The text is written on a Greek parchment leaf which was found in the binding of the famous Berlin Codex, a 5th/6th-century manuscript of Coptic Biblical apocrypha. The codex was deposited in a tomb and buried with its owner. The parchment leaf is now housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, CG 10759 (binding). The codex itself contained 33 leaves, i.e. 66 pages of different text, such as the Gospel of Peter, the Apocalypse of Peter, and parts of the book of Enoch. The manuscript has been dated on palaeographical grounds.


This hagiography of the Cilician martyr Ioulianos (on the story, see E02549 and E02544) is one of the few Greek hagiographic texts preserved in a late antique manuscript. The discovery of the manuscript in Akhmin confirms that the martyr's story was known in the Thebaid in the fifth century. The story of Ioulianos of Cilicia influenced the emergence of the story of Ioulianos of Antinoopolis, a martyr whose cult developed in the capital of the Thebaid.


Van den Gheyn, J. ‘Un fragment des Actes de S. Julien d’Anazarbe.’
Analecta Bollandiana 15 (1896), 73-76.

On the manuscript:
Grenfell, B. P. and Hunt, A. S., Catalogue général des antiquités égpytiennes du Musée du Caire, No. 10001–10869, Greek Papyri, Oxford 1903, 93.

Record Created By

Efthymios Rizos

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00305Ioulianos, martyr of Cilicia, buried at Antioch or in EgyptἸουλιανόςCertain

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