TheLatin Life of *Caprasius (monk of Lérins, ob. c. 434, S00582) is written in Gaul; often considered to be 7th-century in date, but probably 9th century or later.
Literary - Hagiographical - Lives
Literary - Sermons/Homilies
Life of Caprasius (BHL 1559, CPL 2092)
The Life of Caprasius is a short text which narrates the life of one of the founding monks at the monastery of Lérins in the early 5th century.
Brief summary:
(1.) Let us recall the merits of Caprasius on today his feast day (1 June).
(2-3.) Caprasius' early life.
(4.) Caprasius meets *Honoratus (S00438) and his brother Venantius and becomes their mentor.
(5.) He travels with them to the East and on their return to Gaul helps Honoratus to found the community at Lérins.
(6.) Caprasius' holiness.
(7.) Praise of Caprasius from the works of Hilary of Arles and Eucherius of Lyon.
(8.) Caprasius' death. He has a vision of the Archangel Michael on his deathbed.
(9.) Let us imitate Caprasius and seek his intercession. Caprasius died at Lérins around the year 430 (circa annos humanæ redemptionis triginta super quadringentos) and was buried there.
Text: AASS, Iun. I, 75-77.
Summary: David Lambert.
Composing and translating saint-related texts
MiraclesMiracle during lifetime
Apparition, vision, dream, revelation
Protagonists in Cult and NarrativesEcclesiastics - monks/nuns/hermits
Caprasius is well-attested in 5th century texts as a leading figure among the first generation of ascetics at the monastery of Lérins (south-east Gaul). However, with the exception of this Life, whose date is uncertain, there is no evidence that he received cult as a saint before the 9th century, when he begins to be included in martyrologies (e.g. that of Florus of Lyon, c. 830).The Life of Caprasius is usually dated to the 7th century (with occasional expressions of uncertainty): see Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed., no. 2092; Heinzelmann 2010, 58, expressing some doubt: 'pas avant le VIIe, voire le VIIIe siècle'. However, the fact that the conclusion of the Life (§ 9) gives the date of Caprasius' death according to the anno domini dating system suggests that it is unlikely to have been written before the 9th century, when A.D. dates came into common use in Gaul/Francia (Declercq 2000, 169-188, esp. 184).
Editions:Acta Sanctorum, Iun. I (Antwerp, 1695), 75-77.
Further reading:
Dekkers, E., and Gaar, E., Clavis Patrum Latinorum, 3rd ed. (Turnhout, 1995).
Heinzelmann, M., "L'hagiographie mérovingienne. Panorama des documents potentiels," in: M. Goullet, M. Heinzelmann, and C. Veyrard-Cosme (eds.), L'hagiographie mérovingienne à travers ses réécritures (Beihefte der Francia 71; Ostfildern, 2010), 27-82.
David Lambert
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00181 | Michael, the Archangel | Michael | Certain | S00438 | Honoratus, founder of Lérins and bishop of Arles, ob. 429/30 | Honoratus | Certain | S00582 | Caprasius, monk at Lérins, ob. c. 434 | Caprasius | Certain |
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