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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

The Latin Martyrdom of *Praeiectus (bishop and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676, S02425) records the saint's life, martyrdom (alongside his companion *Amarinus, abbot and martyr of Clermont, S03021) and miracles. Written probably at or near Clermont (central Gaul), c. 680/700.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Literary - Hagiographical - Lives

Literary - Hagiographical - Accounts of martyrdom

Martyrdom of Saint Praeiectus, Bishop and Martyr (Passio sancti Preiecti episcopi et martyris, BHL 6915-16, CPL 2133)


(Prologue) The author sets out to begin the task, citing as exemplars the works of Eusebius of Caesarea (see e.g. E00139) and Rufinus (see e.g. E04544); Athanasius' Life of Antony (E00631); Jerome's Life of Paul of Thebes (E00750) and Life of Hilarion (E00694); the works on Martin of Postumianus, (Suplicius) Severus and Gallus (i.e.E00692 and E00845); the Dialogues of Gregory the Great (E04383); and Jonas' Life of Columbanus and his Disciples (E07615).

(1) On Praeiectus' background: how he was born 'of Roman stock' in the Auvergne, and how his father Gundolenus and mother Eligia 'traced their lineage through a long line of Catholic men most worthy of their Christian faith, through whom the Lord has manifested many miracles' (originem duxere ex longinqua prosapia, catholicis viris, religionem christianae dignissimis, per quos etiam Dominus multa miracula declaravit). How before his birth his mother had a vision of him emerging from her side, followed by a surge of blood (per latera... egredi, quem post unda sanguinis subsecuta perfunderet), which her brother Peladius, an archpresbyter, interpreted as a sign of her son's future martyrdom. (2) On his childhood: his education at the church of Issoire; (3) how he was unharmed by a deacon's ferocious dogs; (4) how he was brought up by Genesius, archdeacon and later bishop; and how as a boy he was able to sing a difficult musical note by calling upon the aid of *Julian (martyr of Brioude, S00035).

(5) How Genesius gave Praeiectus control over the church of Issoire, and his good deeds there: (6) such as his miraculous distribution of alms, in which the only two coins he had were multiplied; (7) the miraculous catching of fish for his guests. (8) How those who mocked penitents at a feast he had prepared fell through the floorboards as they reclined to dine. (9) How, when still a deacon, he composed a book (libellum) on *Cassius (martyr of Clermont, S01157), *Victorinus (martyr of Clermont, S01194), and *Antolianus (martyr of Clermont, S00347) and their companions; and another work on the deeds (gesta) of *Austremonius (bishop and martyr of Clermont, S01255) (= E07613), whose grave lies outside (sepulchrum constat fore) Issoire.

(10) How bishop Felix made Praeiectus abbot of the monastery of Chantoin. (11) How, during his abbacy, his tears saved the life of a man crushed by a collapsed wall at the nearby basilica of *Adiutor (saint venerated in Clermont, S02823).

(12) How, after the death of Bishop Felix, Praeiectus buried him, and then revealed to all the people (universe plebi) the vision his mother had had before his birth; how he was rebuffed and told that he would need 'much in the metals of gold and silver... to be able to take on that job' (i.e. that of bishop) (tantum pecuniam auri argentique metalli habere, unde hoc opus queat subire); and how he stated that, if it were God's intention, he would not have to hand over any money, just as canon law stated (nulla pecuniarum iuxta auctoritatem canonicam). (13) How, before Bishop Felix's death, a document had been drawn up by the archdeacon Garivald, Praeiectus, the priests Arivald and Aginus, and the deacon Stephen agreeing that Genesius would succeed to the bishopric; how, when Praeiectus began telling people about his mother's vision after Felix's death, Genesius had the document displayed and read out in church; and how the other signatories to the document now changed their mind, although Genesius won over the laity with gold and silver anyway, and was raised to the bishopric. How he only held the see for 40 days before his death.

(14) How Praeiectus was elected bishop of Clermont, 'once savage and supreme, now much richer from the blood of the martyrs' (urbs inmansuita olim prepotens, nunc martyrum sanguine ditior); how at first King Childeric of 'Germany' (Germania) had sent edicts to elect Count Genesius, who turned down the see. (15) How Praeiectus persuaded Genesius to found a suburbican monastery of holy virgins, following the 'rule of... the holy men (regula... virorum sanctorum), that is, Saint *Benedict (monk of Nursia, ob. 547, S01727), Saint *Caesarius (bishop of Arles, ob. 542, S00491), and Saint *Columbanus (monk and missionary, ob. 615).' (16) On another women's monastery he founded, and the xenodochium 'he built in 'the eastern manner' (orientalium secutus) on his own land, at a place called Columbarius.

(17) On Praeiectus' failed attempt to build a monastery for the Clermont martyrs Cassius, Victorinus and Antolianus: 'obstacles of this earth prevented him (humanis prepreditus obstaculis), so he began the work but it was left unfinished.' How he nevertheless planned to translate these 'comrades' (socii) to 'honourable settings' (honesta loca) if they could be recovered (repperisset): 'Accordingly at the places of the saints he had night vigils held by abbots and clergy so that from their relics he might quickly find out the truth of the matter' (Sed cum vigilias per abbates vel clerum per loca sanctorum instituisset, ut in promptu ex eorum videlicet reliquias rei veritate inveniret). How, when he grabbed the 'iron' (=spade?) (ferrum) and ordered the ground where the saints were buried to be opened (rura, in qua sancta corpora tumulata fuerant, aperire iussisset), a man who had been debilitated for twelve years was healed: the author attributes this miracle to Praeiectus himself. How these saints were later 'wondrously translated' (mirifice... translata) by Praeiectus's successor papa Avitus.

(18) On further miracles Praeiectus performed: how he cured a deacon, sent to visit him by Bishop Chrodbert of Tours, of an epileptic attack; (19) how, after a vision, he found a stolen silver vessel; (20-21) and how he healed Abbot Amarinus, when visiting his monastery in the Vosges, on his way to the royal palace. (22) How, at the palace, he received on request a document of privilege (privilegium) for his church, with the approval of the mayor and king.

(23) How Praeiectus' came into a property dispute with Hector, patricius of Marseilles, and how *Leudegar (bishop and martyr of Autun, S02098) joined Hector 'in his crime' (in scelere) and helped him take his case to the king: 'afterwards this became a kind of stumbling block in [Leudegar's] achievement of martyrdom' (postea in eiusdem martyrium perficiende fomis scandali fuit). (24-25) How Praeiectus was summoned to the palace (at Autun), where he refused to plead since it was Easter; how Hector and Leudegar fled Autun after the former saw the reverence held for Praeiectus, and how sanctus Leudegar was 'evilly punished' (male multatum) - the author likens this to an episode in the Acts of Silvester (E03229). (26) How Hector was later killed, and Leudegar 'grasped the palm of martyrdom, and now he is very strong in the performance of holy miracles' (palmam martyrii adeptus est sacrisque nunc virtutibus pollet).

(27-8) On Praeiectus' return to Clermont, where he was joined by Abbot Amarinus. (29) How the 'enemy of mankind' incited Agricius to 'whip up' some of 'the more prominent people of Auvergne' (viros industrios Arvernorum populos... incitaret), who then ambushed Praeiectus and Amarinus at the villa of Volvic. (30) How the executioners quickly killed Amarinus, but held off from Praeiectus, who lay in tearful prayer: eventually he was killed by a Saxon called Radbert.

(31) How the senators Bodo and Placidus, who had joined the conspiracy against Praeiectus, saw three stars shine over the house where he was killed, a vision they still talk about to this day (usque hodie): 'This miracle, we believe, both shows forth their glory and serves to call such men back to repentance' (Quem miraculum et illorum credimus demonstrare gloriam et istos revocare ad poenitentiam) - the author compares them to *Longinus (centurion at the Crucifixion, S00926), 'who afterwards converted and deservedly earned the crown of martyrdom.' How Radbert was struck down by divine vengeance. (32) How Gundilina, an abbess, and Bishop Avitus, Praeiectus' successor, sent clergy to recover and bury the bodies. (33) On Godo and Eligius, two 'equally related' (proprinquitate... pares) advisors of Praeiectus: the former also 'became a martyr' (martyrio consummatus), and the latter fled to (Saint-Maurice d')Agaune.

(34) On the miracles reported at the 'house of the saints' (sanctorum limina), which many now hurried to visit. How Bishop Avitus heard of this, and having summoned 'Abbot' Godo back from Agaune, began to plan a monastery at Volvic, where he established monks and conferred many gifts. (35) How a sick man made a vow to visit the place if he ever recovered, and how when he did make the journey, an empty vessel was miraculously filled outside the church. (36) On a town bench (scamnum) where the bishop used to lie, at which a miracle was revealed, and which was moved into the basilica of *Symphorianus (martyr of Autun, S00322), where more miracles occurred. (37) How Bishop Avitus ordered Venerianus to make an inventory (descriptio) of the monastery at the 'house of the saints', for which he received divine aid in a vision. (38) How Ursio, one of the conspirators (auctores necis) against Praeiectus, fell from his horse, and asked his wife to bring back oil from Praeiectus' tomb, with which he was healed: 'When the others who had been at hand in that persecution heard this, they each began to donate gold or other riches to adorn the tomb.' (39) On Ursio's vigil at Praeiectus' bedchamber at Vesedon, where the saint had grown up, and the miracle of the inexistinguishable oil lamp that took place there; how comparable miracles took place 'in the other churches which he had founded in his honour' (alia basilica quam in suprascripti honore condiderat).

Text: Krusch 1910, 225-48.
Translation: Fouracre and Geberding 1996, 271-300.
Summary: B. Savill.

Cult Places

Cult building - independent (church)
Burial site of a saint - tomb/grave
Cult building - monastic
Place of martyrdom of a saint
Place associated with saint's life

Places Named after Saint


Rejection, Condemnation, Sceptisism

Uncertainty/scepticism/rejection of a saint

Non Liturgical Activity

Composing and translating saint-related texts
Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts
Bequests, donations, gifts and offerings
Construction of cult buildings
Visiting graves and shrines


Miracle during lifetime
Miracle after death
Miracles experienced by the saint
Power over objects
Healing diseases and disabilities
Apparition, vision, dream, revelation
Finding of lost objects, animals, etc.
Miraculous appointment to office
Revelation of hidden knowledge (past, present and future)


Bodily relic - entire body
Transfer, translation and deposition of relics
Contact relic - oil
Raising of relics
Other activities with relics

Protagonists in Cult and Narratives

Ecclesiastics - bishops
Ecclesiastics - lesser clergy
Ecclesiastics - abbots
Ecclesiastics - monks/nuns/hermits
Foreigners (including Barbarians)
Relatives of the saint
Monarchs and their family


The Merovingian Martyrdom of Praeiectus survives in full in a tenth- or eleventh-century manuscript discovered at Rouen in 1893. It appears to have been composed within only a few years of the saint's death (note the still-living witnesses in ch. 31), and may be the work of a monk or nun of Clermont or the surrounding Auvergne region (Fouracre and Geberding, 255-60).


Besides its evidence for Praeiectus' own cult, this Martyrdom has a particular value for its depiction of the saint as himself a hagiographer (ch. 9), and as an apparently failed promoter of local martyr cults (ch. 17). Its depiction of Praiectus' contemporary, Leudegar, as a contentious figure who was an accessory to crime (scelus) and faced scandala on his path to martyrdom (chs. 23-6), complements the arguably overly defensive tone found in the earliest Martyrdom of Leudegar (E06463).

The work should be seen alongside a group of 'political martyrdoms' composed in later seventh-century Merovingian Gaul (cf. the
Martyrdom of Leudegar and Acts of Aunemund, E07616).



Passio Praeiecti episcopi et martyris Arverni, ed. B. Krusch, MGH Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum, V (1910), 225-48.

Translation and commentary

P. Fouracre and R.A. Gerberding, Late Merovingian France: History and Hagiography, 640-720 (Manchester, 1996), 254-300.

Record Created By

Benjamin Savill

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00035Julian, martyr of Brioude (southern Gaul)IulianusUncertain
S00322Symphorianus, martyr of AutunSymphorianusCertain
S00347Antolianus, martyr of ClermontAntulianusCertain
S00491Caesarius, bishop of Arles, ob. 542CesariusCertain
S00926Longinos/Longinus, centurion at the CrucifixionLonginusCertain
S01157Cassius, martyr of ClermontCassiusCertain
S01194Victorinus, martyr of ClermontVictorinusCertain
S01255Austremonius/Stremonius, martyr and first bishop of ClermontAstremoniusCertain
S01727Benedict of Nursia, monastic founder, ob. 547BenedictusCertain
S01983Columbanus, monk and missionary in Ireland, Gaul and Italy, ob. 615ColumbanusCertain
S02098Leudegar, bishop and martyr of Autun, ob. 677/9LeodegariusCertain
S02425Praeiectus, bishop and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676PreiectusCertain
S02823Adiutor, saint venerated in ClermontAdiutorCertain
S03021Amarinus, abbot and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676AmarinusCertain

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