Liturgical texts - Sacramentaries
Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment codex
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum)
37. <PRAEFATIO.> Electionis dominicae praeclarum testimonium atque apostolicae congregationis admirabile ornamentum et euangelicae ueritatis caeleste praeconium sanctos dei apostulos et martyres Iacobum et Iohannem praesenti festiuitate uenerantes, fratres karissimi, domino ac deo nostro pariter supplicemus ut, qui eorum electionem uocatione sua praesciit, nostra quoque uocatione munerum sua electione confirmet, donetque nobis timoris sui perseuerantiam qui illis apostolatus gratiam uel martyrii dedit coronam. Per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium suum.
38. COLLECTIO SEQVITUR. Domine, qui beatissimis apostulis tuis Iacobo et Iohanni gloriam martyrii bibitione tui calcis praedixisti, ut et confirmaris responsionem quam fides pura protulerat et conferres uirtutem, quam caritas deuota praesumpserat, hanc eorum passionis memoriam aeclesiam tuam sollemniter celebrantem plactus intende. Prosit, quaesomus, commemoratio sanctorum beatissimorum ad obtinendum quae miserationis auditum. Prosit apostulorum titulos recolere, ut maiestatis tuae aures oratio nostra ualeat inclinare. Prosit supplicare patrociniis ut digneris exaudire suffragiis. Saluator mundi, qui cum aeterno patre et spiritu uiuis et regnas.
39. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Domine, quem uocantem sancti apostuli Iacobus et Iohannis fide integra sunt electi, ut mundi piscatores fierint qui profundi retia reliquissent, auribus percipe, quaesomus, orationem nostram et tribue ut dum apostolicos triumphos admiramur et colimus, si adsequi eorum facta non possumus, implere saltim monita contendamus. Quod ipse praestare digneris, qui cum patre et spiritu.
40. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Domine aeterne, cui ita in sanctis apostulis tuis Iacobo et Iohanne placuit archanum dispensationis implere ut glorioso passionis exemplo apostulorum chorum ille praecederet, iste praemitteret atque ita inter utrumque grex consummaretur beatus, ut omnium deuotionem ille praecederet, iste concluderet, miserere nostri et exaudi nos et praesta ut possimus praedictorum martyrum tuorum apostulorumque uel illius exemplo fidem tenere, qua coronatur uel istius magisterio caritatem discere, quam docetur. Per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecum.
41. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum est, uere aequum et iustum est nos tibi gratias agere, uota persoluere, domine, sancte pater, omnipotens aeterne deus, quoniam tibi uiuimus omnia opera tua et in factura eoru te conlaudant et bendicunt omnes dancti tui, quos praedistinasti conformes fieri imaginis filii tui, in quo exaltatum est cornum salutis eorum, qui nomen eius, quod est super omne nomen, coram regibus et potestatibus huius saeculi uoce libera confitentes ipsius domini saluatoris exemplo per patibula poenarum de persecutoribus suis et diabulo triumparunt, et corpora sua dantes hostiam deo praeciosa tibi morte caeciderunt. Ex quibus exstant beatissimi apostuli et martyres tui Iacobus et Iohannis, quorum natalem hodie celebramus, obsecrantes misericordiam tuam, piisime atque omnipotens deus, ut eorum meritis suffragantibus praeces nostras propicius exaudias. Per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui est sanctorum omnium uirtus et gloria, uicturia martyrum et corona, pastor ouium et hostia sacerdotum, redmeptio gentium et propiciatio peccatorum. Ante cuius sacratissima sede stant angeli atque archangeli et sine cessatione proclamant dicentes: SANCTVS, SANCTVS, SANCTVS.
42. COLLECTIO POST SANCTVS. Osanna in excelsis, uere sanctus, uere bendictus dominus Iesus Christus filius tuus, qui sanctus in sanctis pro morte uitam, pro poena gloriam, pro confessione uicturiam praestare dignatus est. Ipse enum, qui pridie quam pateretur.
43. BENEDICTIO POPVLI. Deus, qui tuos apostulos gentium lumina praeparasti, dum Iacobum et Iohannem ad inlustrandas animas inter uasa eclesiae candelabra fidei praetulisti. AMEN. Da plebi tuae imitare quod unus exorando, alius docendo formauit. AMEN. Fructificet in hoc populo quod seminauit iste uerbo, planatauit ille martyrio. Vt eorum interuentu haec turba illius reficiatur dulcidine, supra cuius pectus carus Iohannis accubuit. AMEN. Quod ips praestare digneris, qui in trinitate perfecta.
44. POST COMMVNIONEM. Repleti, domine, apostulorum celebritate tuorum, quaesomus ut te semper in eorum commemoratione laudemus et tuam misericordiam isdem semper depraecantibus consequamur. Per dominum.
45. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Apostulorum, quaesomus, domine, intercessione nos adiuua, pro sollemnitate laetantes sancta tua percepimus dona. Per dominum.
'Mass for the Feast of the Apostles James and John
37. [Preface.] Now that we revere with the feast of this day James and John the holy apostles and martyrs of God [in] the splendid testimony of the election by the Lord, the wonderful jewel of the company of the apostles and the heavenly proclamation of the truth of the Gospel, let us, dearest brothers, likewise pray to our Lord and God, that he knew beforehand of their election because he called them himself, may also confirm our calling through his election of the gifts. And that he who granted them the grace of apostleship and the crown of martyrdom, will give us perseverance in the fear of him. Through our Lord Jesus Christ his Son.
38. Collect follows. O Lord, who foretold to your most blessed apostles James and John the glory of martyrdom by drinking your cup, so that you not only confirmed the answer the a pure faith had openly declared, but also gave the strength that a devoted love had expected beforehand, be kindly disposed towards your Church, which solemnly celebrates this memorial of their passion. May the commemoration of the most blessed saints, so we ask, be of benefit to us in obtaining the listening ear of your compassion. May it be advantageous to celebrate anew the honour of the apostles, so that our prayer is able to incline the ears of your majesty. May it be of benefit to pray to the patrons, so that you deign to hear us through their help. Saviour of the world, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit reigns.
39. Collect after the names. Lord, whom the holy apostles James and John followed in complete faith when you called, and in pursuance of whom they were chosen by reason of their perfect love to be fishers of the world, after they relinquished the nets (Matth. 4, 20) of the sea, give ear to our prayer (Ps. 17, 1), so we pray, and grant that, while we revere and worship the triumphs of the apostles, though we are not able to follow their deeds, we at least strain to live according to their admonitions. May you yourself deign to grant this, who with the Father and the Spirit.
40. Collect at the kiss of peace. Eternal Lord, to whom it pleased to fulfil in your holy apostles James and John the secret of your divine grace, such that through the glorious example of their passion the one preceded the choir angels and the other sent it ahead, and that the blessed flock was gathered together between the two so that the one preceded the devotion of all and the other concluded it: have mercy on us and hear us, and grant that we, through the example of the first of your aforementioned martyrs and apostles, may retain the faith with which he was crowned, and through the instruction of the other may learn the love which he taught. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who with you.
41. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, truly fair and just that we bring you thanks and pay our vows, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For we live for you, all your works, and in their deeds all your faithful (Ps. 145, 10), to whom you predestined to be conformed to the image of your Son (Rom. 8, 29), praise and bless you (Ps. 145, 10). For in him is raised up a horn of salvation (Luc. 1, 69) for those who confess his name, that is above every name (Phil 2, 9), with a free voice in the presence of the kings (Ps. 119, 46) and powers of this world. And they, after the example of their Lord and Saviour, through the yoke of punishment, triumphed over their persecutors and over the devil, and by giving their bodies as a sacrifice to God, were cut down for your by a precious death. And amid them stand out your most blessed apostles and martyrs James and John, whose feast we celebrate today while we implore your mercy, most compassionate and almighty God, that you hear our prayers favourably through the merits of those who pray for us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who is the power and the glory of all the saints, the victory and crown of the martyrs, the shepherd of the sheep and the sacrifice of the priests, the redemption of the gentiles and the atonement of sins. Before whose most holy seat stand the angels and archangels and proclaim unceasingly, saying: HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.
42. Prayer after the Sanctus. Hosanna in the highest (Matth. 21, 9), truly holy, truly blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who, holy amid the holy, deigned to give life for death, glory for punishment, victory for the confession of faith. For he who on the day before his suffering [...]
43. Blessing of the people. God who has prepared your apostles to be precious lights for the peoples, by appointing James and John amid the vessels of the Church as candelabrums of the faith to illuminate the souls. AMEN. Give your people to imitate what the one has fashioned by praying and the other teaching. AMEN. May in this people bear fruit which the one sowed through his word and the other planted through his martyrdom [AMEN]. That through their mediation this crowd may be refreshed by the sweetness of him, on whose breast reclined the beloved John. AMEN. May you deign to grant this, who in the perfect Trinity...
44. After communion. Replenished, O Lord, through the feast of your apostles, we pray that we always praise you in the commemoration of them, and that we obtain your mercy because they always pray [for us]. Through the Lord.
45. Collect follows. Help us, O Lord, so we ask, through the intercession of your apostles, for joyful because of their commemoration we have received your holy gifts. Through the Lord.'
Text: Rose 2005, 364-7.
Translation: Rose 2017, 129-32.
Service for the saint
Eucharist associated with cult
Liturgical invocation
Chant and religious singing
Other liturgical acts and ceremonies
FestivalsSaint’s feast
Non Liturgical ActivityPrayer/supplication/invocation
Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts
Protagonists in Cult and NarrativesAngels
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum) is the standard editorial name used for Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 317, a liturgical manuscript (sacramentary) compiled in Burgundy at the turn of the eighth century. It provides an exceptionally rare witness to late antique liturgical practice in Gaul. The inclusion of an entry for the late Merovingian political martyr Leudegar of Autun (eastern Gaul) (ob. 677/9) gives both an earliest possible date for the manuscript's compilation, and, since it appears alongside an entry for the earlier Autun martyr Symphorianus, an indication of the community for which the codex might have been made. On palaeographical grounds, E.A. Lowe located the Missal's production to the scriptorium of Luxeuil (c. 130 miles northeast of Autun), at a date no later than c. 710.The full manuscript is now available to view online: https://spotlight.vatlib.it/it/latin-paleography/catalog/Reg_lat_317
The codex as it survives includes entries for nine biblical saints and nine from the city of Rome (plus Cyprian of Carthage, commemorated with Pope Cornelius), alongside six Gallic feast days and one from Spain (Saturninus, Eulalia, Ferreolus and Ferrucio, Symphorianus, Maurice and the Theban Legion, Leudegar, and Martin). The Missal covers most feasts in roughly chronological order, beginning after Christmas with the feast of Stephen (usually 26 Dec.). The manuscript does not, however, provide any dates for the celebration of these feasts: presumably, its users would have also had a separate liturgical calendar at hand.For an overview of the contents of the Gothic Missal, see E08222.
This mass for the Apostles James and John is inconsistent in its depiction of the two brothers as martyrs, initially placing both under this rubric, before going on to suggest that it only applies to one of the two (see no. 43). This may reflect the rival late antique traditions over whether John died as a martyr or lived into old age, and indeed eventually slept, rather than died, at Ephesus. The combination of the two feasts, while not unusual in the East, was in the western liturgy peculiar to Gaul (for full commentary, see Rose 2005, 206-10).
Edition and study:Missale Gothicum e codice Vaticano Reginensi latino 317 editum, ed. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2005).
The Gothic Missal, trans. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2017).
Further reading:
Lowe, E.A., Codices latini antiquiores, 11 vols (Oxford, 1937-71), i. 32.
Benjamin Savill
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00042 | John, the Apostle and Evangelist | Iohannes | Certain | S00108 | James, the Apostle, son of Zebedee | Iacobus | Certain |
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
Benjamin Savill, Cult of Saints, E08224 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E08224