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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Genesius, martyr of Thiers, near Clermont

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHL 3327

Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Related Evidence Records
E00367Gregory of Tours writes the Glory of the Martyrs (Liber in Gloria Martyrum), in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. Overview entry.
E00476Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (22), records relics of *Genesius (notary and martyr of Arles, S00263) housed in the church of Narbonne (south-west Gaul). Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594.
E00479Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (66), tells of the apparition of *Genesius (martyr of Thiers, S00265) to a peasant in the territory of Clermont (central Gaul), leading to the discovery of his tomb; he also records the building of his church, institution of his feast and deposition there of relics of another *Genesius (notary and martyr of Arles, S00263), all by Avitus, bishop of Clermont, in 571/593. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594.