Isaac of Tiphre, martyr of the Nile Delta
Saint ID
Number in BH
O 542
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Children, Miracle-workers in lifetime
ID | Title | E00696 | Coptic Martyrdom of *Isaak of Tiphre (martyr of Tiphre in the Nile delta, S00441), claiming to be an eyewitness account. Known through three manuscripts in the Bohairic dialect of the 9th-10th c., one seemingly copied from a manuscript giving a date for the year 399. The account includes a list of benefits promised to the saint’s devotees, including healing at his shrine, and describes the construction of the saint’s oratory. | E00732 | Two Greek receipts probably from the Herakleopolite nome (Middle Egypt), mentioning a presbyter and oikonomos of an institution dedicated to Apa *Isaac (perhaps Isaak of Tiphre, martyr of the Nile delta, S00441); datable to the 6th/7th c. |