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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Isaac of Tiphre, martyr of the Nile Delta

Saint ID


Number in BH

O 542

Type of Saint
Martyrs, Children, Miracle-workers in lifetime
Related Evidence Records
E00696Coptic Martyrdom of *Isaak of Tiphre (martyr of Tiphre in the Nile delta, S00441), claiming to be an eyewitness account. Known through three manuscripts in the Bohairic dialect of the 9th-10th c., one seemingly copied from a manuscript giving a date for the year 399. The account includes a list of benefits promised to the saint’s devotees, including healing at his shrine, and describes the construction of the saint’s oratory.
E00732Two Greek receipts probably from the Herakleopolite nome (Middle Egypt), mentioning a presbyter and oikonomos of an institution dedicated to Apa *Isaac (perhaps Isaak of Tiphre, martyr of the Nile delta, S00441); datable to the 6th/7th c.