Basilides and Companions, martyrs of the via Aurelia near Rome
Saint ID
Number in BH
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Officials and professionals, Groups and pairs of saints
ID | Title | E02484 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Basilides and Companions (martyrs of the via Aurelia near Rome, S01227), survives in two early related versions. The first version narrates that Basilides, with his brothers Tripodes and Mandalis, reached the eighth milestone from Rome to 'Aurelia', with the help of angels and of Jesus Christ himself, then died and were buried by clerics and other Christians, where a basilica was built. The second version narrates that Basilides travelled alone to Aurelia, where he was tortured and killed, then buried by Christians. Written by the 9th c. at the latest. | E04845 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 8 June. | E04847 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 10 June. | E04849 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 12 June. | E04872 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 5 July. | E07896 | The Itinerarium Malmesburiense, a guide to saints' graves around and within Rome, lists those outside porta Aurelia (now called saint Pancratius' gate) on the via Aurelia, west of the city. Written in Latin in Rome, 642/683. | E08077 | Six relic labels at the monastery of Saint-Maurice d'Agaune (south-east Gaul), datable by their script to the 2nd half of the 7th c., for relics of various saints. Written in Latin, either where the relics originated, or at Saint-Maurice d'Agaune. |