Porphyrios, bishop of Gaza, ob. 420
Saint ID
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E03034 | The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on 23 February *Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368). | E03037 | The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on 26 February *Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368). | E03653 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 23 February *Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368) and *Polycarp/Polykarpos (bishop and martyr of Smyrna, S00004). | E03655 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 25 February *Alexandros (martyr of Dryzipera, S00070) and *Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368), and, as a later addition, Tarsios, bishop of Constantinople (784-806). | E03656 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 26 February *Porphyry (bishop of Gaza, S01368) and *Makarios (bishop of Jerusalem, ob. 335, S01428). | E03667 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 3 March*Eutropios and Kleonikos, and *Basiliskos (martyrs of Pontus, S01152 and S00388), *Adrianos and Natalia (martyr of Nicomedia and his pious wife, S01342), *Agapios (probably the martyr of Caesarea of Palestine, S00188), *Gerasimos (anchorite, founder of a monastery in the Judean desert, S01507), and *Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368). | E08566 | The Greek Life of Porphyrios (bishop of Gaza, ob. 420, S01368), attributed to Mark the Deacon, is written, telling how pagan Gaza was converted to Christianity and how the great temple of Marnas was destroyed and replaced by a church. Written probably in Gaza, in the 2nd half of the 5th c., or first half of the 6th. |