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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Auxentios, ascetic and monastic founder in Bithynia, ob. c. 470.

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHG 199

Reported Death Not Before


Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Monastic founders, Ascetics/monks/nuns
Related Evidence Records
E03025The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on 14 February *Georgios (possibly the monk of Choziba, ob. after 614, S01522) and *Auxentios (monastic founder in Bithynia, ob. 473, S01523).
E03644The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 14 February *Georgios (possibly the monk of Choziba, ob. after 614, S01522) and *Auxentios (hermit in Bythinia, S01523), and, as a later addition 'patriarch Solomon', probably the 9th c. bishop of Jerusalem.
E07025The Greek Life of *Auxentios (ascetic and monastic founder in Bithynia, ob. c. 470, S01523) recounts the life and miracles of its hero as an ascetic on mount Oxia, near Chalcedon (north-west Asia Minor, near Constantinople), and founder of a nunnery at Gyrita near Chalcedon. It mentions shrines near Chalcedon. Written in Constantinople, probably in the mid 6th century.