Theoktistos, hermit and follower of Euthymios the Great, 5th c.
Saint ID
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E03738 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 13 May *Epiphanios (bishop of Salamis, S00215), *Theoktistos (hermit and follower of Euthymios the Great, 5th c., S01622), and *Methodios of Olympus, theologian, bishop and martyr, ob. 311, S01694). | E03742 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 17 May the burning of Jerusalem, and patriarchs of Jerusalem from *James ('brother of the Lord', S00058) to *Modestos (bishop of Jerusalem, ob. 630, S01371), also *Theoktistos (hermit and follower of Euthymios the Great, 5th c., S01622) and *Helladios (unidentified hieromartyr, S01762). | E03854 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 3 September *Aaron (Old Testament prophet, S01427), *Eleazar (Old Testament priest, son of Aaron, S01489) and *Phineas (Old Testament priest, grandson of Aaron, S01490), the ascension of *Elijah/Elias (Old Testament prophet, S00217), *Theoktistos (hermit and follower of Euthymios the Great, S01622), and *Joshua (Old Testament leader of the Israelites, S00258), and *Anthimos (bishop and martyr of Nicomedia, S00124). | E06468 | Cyril of Scythopolis composes the Life of *Euthymios (monastic founder in Palestine, οb. 472, S01352), recounting his life as a miracle-working ascetic, adding a set of posthumous miracle stories, and including references to the cult of several other saints. Written in Greek at the New Laura in Palestine, in 555/557. Overview entry | E06677 | Cyril of Scythopolis composes the Life of *Sabas (‘the Sanctified’, monastic founder in Palestine, ob. 532, S00910), recounting his life as a miracle working ascetic and founder of numerous monasteries, adding a set of posthumous miracle stories, and including references to cults of several other saints. Written in Greek at the New Laura in Palestine, 555/557. Overview entry |