Honoratus, founder and abbot of Fondi, earlier 6th c.
Saint ID
Number in BH
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Monastic founders, Ascetics/monks/nuns, Miracle-workers in lifetime
ID | Title | E04383 | Gregory the Great writes the Dialogues, recounting miraculous stories with various local saints as their subject. Written in Latin in Rome, c. 593. Overview entry. | E04384 | Gregory the Great, in his Dialogues (1.1), describes two miracles effected by *Honoratus (founder and abbot of Fondi, earlier 6th c., S01662) in Fondi, central Italy. Written in Latin in Rome, c. 593. | E04428 | Gregory the Great, in his Dialogues (1.2), describes three miracles effected by *Libertinus (abbot of Fondi, mid 6th c., S01708) in Funda/Fondi, southern Italy; one of these, the raising from the dead of a boy, was aided by a sandal of *Honoratus (founder and abbot of Fondi, earlier 6th c., S01662), which Libertinus carried with him. Written in Latin in Rome, c. 593. | E04457 | Gregory the Great, in his Dialogues, recounts a number of miraculous stories, and considers the nature of miracles. Written in Latin in Rome, c. 593. |