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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Eustathios, his wife Theopiste, and their sons Agapios and Theopistos, martyrs of Rome

Saint ID


Reported Death Not Before


Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Martyrs, Converts, Soldiers, Mothers and fathers, Children
Related Evidence Records
E03871The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 20 September *Luke (Apostle and Evangelist, S00442), and *Eustathios, his wife Theopiste, and their son Agapios (martyrs of Rome under Trajan, S01804).
E03875The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 24 September the deposition of the relics of *Konon, (probably the martyr of Iconium in Lycaonia, central Asia Minor, S00429) and *Papas (martyr of Lycaonia under Maximian, S01825), and the death of *Thekla (follower of the Apostle Paul, S00092) and priest *Hesychios (saint with church in Jerusalem mentioned c. 570, priest in 5th c Jerusalem? S00261), and *Eustathios with his family (martyrs of Rome, S01804).
E03921The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 9 November *Eustathios, his wife and their sons (martyrs of Rome, S01804), the *Archangels (S00191), and *Barlaam/Barlāhā (martyr of Antioch, S00417).
E05115Coptic Life and Martyrdom of *Eustathios, a general of the emperor Trajan, his wife Theopiste and their two sons Agapios and Theopistos (martyrs of Rome, S01804), relating their tumultuous life after converting to Christianity, their martyrdom and miraculous bodily incorruptibility, as well as the building of a martyr shrine for them in which they were regularly celebrated; written probably in the 4th c., translated into Coptic presumably in the 6th/7th c.
E06800The Greek Martyrdom of *Eustathios, his wife Theopiste, and their sons Agapius and Theopistus (martyrs of Rome, S01804). Skeleton entry