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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Polychronius, bishop of Babylonia, and companion martyrs in Persia under Decius

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHL 6884 and BHL 6

Reported Death Not Before


Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Martyrs, Bishops , Lesser clergy , Aristocrats
Related Evidence Records
E02504The Latin Martyrdom of *Polychronius, Sixtus/Xystus, Laurence, Hippolytus and Others narrates the martyrdom and burial, with references to feast days and burial places, of a number of Persian and Roman saints, notably incorporating an augmented and rewritten version of the Martyrdom of Sixtus, Laurence and Hippolytus (E02513). Written presumably in Rome, possibly in the early 6th c., certainly before the early 8th c.
E05528Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 17 February in Babylon (Persia) of *Polychronius (bishop and martyr of Babylon, S01391). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731.
E05541Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 15 April at Cordula (Persia) of *Olympiades and Maximus (companion martyrs of Polychronius, bishop of Babylonia, S02144). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731.
E05543Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 22 April at 'Cordula' (Persia) of *Parmenius, Helymas, Chrysothelus, Lucus and Mucus (companion martyrs of Polychronius, bishop of Babylonia, S02144). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731.