Kodratos and his companions (Anektos, Paulos, Dionysios, Kyprianos and Kreskes), martyrs of Corinth
Saint ID
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Physicians, Groups and pairs of saints
ID | Title | E06318 | Fragmentary Greek inscription, from Sikyon (near Corinth), with a calendar of saints' feast days, such as that of *Afra (martyr of Augsburg, S01797), *Apphianos (martyr of Caesarea of Palestine, S00159), *Andrew (the Apostle, S00288), *Antipas (presumably the bishop and martyr of Pergamon, S01816), *Antoninus (martyr of Alexandria, S00327), *Christophoros (martyr of Pamphylia, S00616), *Demetrios and four companions (unspecified, S02464), *Epimachus (martyr of Rome, S00295), *Glykeria (martyr of Perinthus-Heraclea in Thrace, S00018), *Gordiοs (presumably the soldier and martyr of Caesarea of Cappadocia, S00114), *Kodratos and his companions (Anectus, Paulus, Dionysius, Cyprianus and Crescens, martyrs of Corinth, S02368), *Laurence/Laurentius (deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037), *Pionios (presbyter and martyr of Smyrna, $S00031), *Theodosia from Tyre (martyr of Palestine, $S00161), *Victor or Victorinus (martyr of Corinth, $S01927) and other saints or martyrs whose names are lost. Found at Sikyon near Corinth (north-eastern Peloponnese). Probably 5th c. | E07511 | The Greek Martyrdom of *Kodratos, Kyprianos, Dionysios, Anektos, Paulos, and Kreskes (martyrs of Corinth under Decius, S02368). Skeleton entry |