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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Ioannes/John Kalybites, ascetic in Constantinople

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHG 868-869c

Reported Death Not Before


Type of Saint
Ascetics/monks/nuns, Children, Aristocrats, Holy fools
Related Evidence Records
E05120Coptic Life of *John, the monk (ascetic from Rome, S01944), relating his escape as a young man from his rich home in Rome to join a monastery where he was torturing and destroying his body through severe asceticism, returning to Rome years later to live as a beggar at the gateway of his parents’ house. When he died they built him a shrine (martyrion) at that spot; written most likely during the 6th century.
E07145The Greek Life of *Ioannes/John Kalybites (ascetic in 5th or 6th century Constantinople, S02745) recounts the life of a child ascetic associated with the Sleepless Monks of Constantinople. It tells the edifying story of the son of a rich family, who returns and lives as an ascetic at his family home, recognised only just before his death. Written in Constantinople in the late 5th century or later.