Evidence ID
Type of Evidence
Inscriptions - Formal inscriptions (stone, mosaic, etc.)
The inscription is on a fragment of a lintel (H. 0.33 m; W. 0.92 m) that was found near a ruined building situated about 300 yards northwest of the village, probably a church (later converted to a mosque), close to another inscription dated AD 469/470 (see: IGLS 4, no. 1922). The text of our inscription reads: Ἰωάνο(υ) ΧΜ[Γ - - -] | ἔτου[ς - - -ʹ], which William Prentice translated as '(The church?) of Ioannes (John). ΧΜΓ. In the year [- - -]'. As the fragment was very poorly preserved, René Mouterde was rightly sceptical about this interpretation.
Cult Places
Cult building - independent (church)
Non Liturgical ActivityConstruction of cult buildings
Edition:Jalabert, L., Mouterde, R., Mondésert, Cl., Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, vol. 4: Laodicée, Apamène (BAH 61, Paris: Librairie orientalise Paul Geuthner, 1955), no. 1923.
Prentice, W.K. (ed.), Publications of the Princeton University of archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909, Division III: Greek and Latin Inscriptions, Section B: Northern Syria (Leyden: E.J. Brill, 1922), 21, no. 853.
Record Created By
Paweł Nowakowski
Date of Entry
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00020 | John the Baptist | Uncertain | S00042 | John, the Apostle and Evangelist | Uncertain |
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
Paweł Nowakowski, Cult of Saints, E01965 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E01965