The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 31 December.
Liturgical texts - Calendars and martyrologies
Martyrologium Hieronymianum
The Martyrologium Hieronymianum is preserved in a number of early manuscripts which share much in common, but also diverge, making it impossible to reconstruct from them a single authoritative text. Below, we therefore offer separate English translations of each important early manuscript. By clicking 'Latin Text' (above), you can view these different versions in their original Latin, set side-by-side for ease of comparison, with also the editions and interpretations of the text suggested by the scholars Quentin and Delehaye. For a full discussion of the Martyrologium, click 'Discussion/Bibliography.'
The Martyrologium Hieronymianum commemorates on 31 December the following feasts:
*Seven virgin martyrs of Rome, buried on the via Salaria, (S02719),
The burial of *Silvester, bishop of Rome, ob. 336, (S00397),
*Hermes and Gaius/Gagus, martyrs of Bononia and Ratiaria, (S00824),
Perhaps *Agatha, (virgin and martyr of Catania, S00794),
Possibly *Agnes, virgin and martyr of Rome (S00097),
*Stephanus, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00205),
*Pontianus, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00169),
Probably *Anteros, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00170),
*Fabianus, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00147),
*Cornelius, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00172),
*Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome, (S00201),
Possibly *Agnes, virgin and martyr of Rome (S00097),
*Columba, virgin and martyr of Sens, (S01862),
*Other saints, on 31 December in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum: in Carthage and Sicily (S02736).
BnF 10837:
'Before the Kalends of January, in Rome, [the feast of] Donata, Paulina, Rusticiana, Nominanda, Serotina, Saturnina, Hilaria; and in the cemetery of Priscilla, the burial of bishop Silvester.
In Carthage, [the feast of] Donatus, Caelestinus, Saturninus.
In Rome, [the feast of] Rogata, Dominanda, Hilarina.
In Retiaria, [the feast of] Hermes.
In Sicily, in the city of Catana, [the feast of] Stefanus, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornelus, Sextus, Floridus, Cotta, Quintianus, Minervianus, Simphorianus, Ammonus, Furtunatus, Sanctus, Sequens, Apio, Kalendinus, Evelpistus, Exuperatus, Saturninus, Agnes.
In Sens, the passion of the virgin Columba.'
Bern 289:
'Before the Kalends of January, in Carthage, [the feast of] Donatus, Caelestinus, Saturninus.
And the departure from the prison of the body of our brother, the deacon Grimoldus. Here we beg clemency of the just and pious Judge, that He might grant him remission of his sins.
In Bononia, [the feast of] Gagus.
And in Rome, [the feast of] Donata, Paulus, Rogata, Dominanda, Hilarina, and the burial of bishop Silvester.
In the province of Sicily, the city of Catana, [the feast of] Stephanus, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornilus, Sixtus, Floridus, Quotta, Quintianus, Menervinus, Simforianus, Ammonus, Furtunatus, Equens, Appio, Calendio, Cuelpistus, Exsuperantus, Saturninus, Agnetus, Paulina, Nominanda, Donata, Rogata.
In Sens (Gaul), the passion of Columba, martyr and virgin.'
Weissenburg 81:
'Before the Kalends of January, in Carthage, [the feast of] Donatus, Caelestinus, Saturninus.
In Bononia, [the feast of] Gagus.
And in Rome, [the feast of] Donatus, Paulus, Rogata, Dominanda, Hilarina, and the burial of bishop Silvester.
In Ritiaria, [the feast of] Hermes exorcist.
In the province of Sicily, the city of Catana, the feast of Stephanus, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornilus, Sixtus, Floredus, Cotta, Quintianus, Menervinus, Sinfurianus, Ammonus, Furtunatus, Sequens, Apio, Kalendio, Evelpistus, Exuperantus, Saturninus, Agnes, Paulina, Nominanda, Donata, Rogata.
In Sens (Gaul), the passion of the virgin Columba.'
BAV 238:
'Before the Kalends of January, in Carthage, [the feast of] Donatus, Caelestinus, Saturninus.
In Bononia, [the feast of] Gagus.
In Rome, on the via Salaria, in the cemetery of the Jordani, [the feast of] Donata, Paulus, Rogatia, Dominanda, Hilarina; the burial of bishop Silvester.
In Retiaria, [the feast of] Hermes exorcist.
In the province of Sicily, Catana, [the feast of] Pontianus, Stephanus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornelus, Syxtus, Floridus, Gotha, Quintianus, Menervinus, Simphorianus, Ammonus, Furtunatus, Sequens, Apio, Kalendio, Evelpistus, Exuperantus, Saturninus, Agnes, Paulina, Nominanda, Donata, Rogata.
In Sens (Gaul), the passion of the virgin Columba.'
Quentin for the most part follows the manuscripts.
Delehaye suggests several emendations.
Translation and comments: M. Vukovic.
Saint’s feast
Cult PlacesBurial site of a saint - unspecified
The Martyrologium Hieronymianum ('Martyrology of Jerome'), is the oldest extensive martyrology of the Latin West, listing the feast days of the saints for the entire calendar year, generally also specifying where their feasts are held (which is normally their place of burial). It derives its name from prefatory letters copied at the start of the martyrology, which attribute the text to the Church Father, Jerome of Stridon (ob. 420). These letters are present in all the earliest manuscripts, but it is uncertain when they were first attached to the text. The Hieronymianum is the primary source of all later martyrologies of the Latin world.It is universally accepted that the attribution to Jerome, intended to give the text greater authority, is false, and the predominant scholarly view is that the first version of the martyrology was compiled in northern Italy during the 5th century (probably in Aquileia), though no manuscript of this Aquileian redaction has survived. The text was then evidently revised and added to in Gaul, probably in Burgundy, around AD 600. The north Italian origin of the text, and its Gallic revision, are deduced from the presence in the martyrology of saints from northern Italy, and then of saints from Frankish Gaul. This Gallic version (sometimes referred to as the recensio gallica), just like its north Italian predecessor, does not survive in its original form in any manuscript (Lifshitz 2006, 14).
At some point in the 7th century, and no later than the early 8th, the Martyrologium reached Northumbria (in northern Britain), where it underwent some further revision and additions (Lapidge 2005, 45-46). From Northumbria, the text returned to the continent in the 8th century, and it is here that the earliest surviving manuscript copies were made, as listed below (Lapidge 2005, 73).
Some of the sources that were used by the compilers of the Martyrologium in northern Italy, and subsequently in Gaul, can be identified: the so-called Chronography of 354, a mid-4th-century list from Rome of saintly commemorations, primarily of local martyrs (E010151 and E01052); a lost Greek martyrology compiled at Nicomedia around 360 (drawn basically from Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History and Martyrs of Palestine), which was also a prime source for the Syriac Martyrology of 411 (E00465); the African Calendar of Carthage of 505/535 (E02195 - E02205); and early local calendars from Aquileia and Auxerre (Lifshitz 2006, 20).
The four earliest manuscripts of the Martyrologium Hieronymianum (three of them complete, one a fragment), on which all editions, including our own, are based, are all from eastern Francia and were copied in the eighth and early ninth centuries. They are as follows:
Ms Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), lat. 10837
Written in the abbey of Echternach (in present-day Luxembourg) by a single scribe, Laurentius, between 703 and 710 (Lifshitz 2006, 32). The Catalogue of the BnF, which publishes BnF lat. 10837 on-line, also provides brief information about the dating: (click Information). The text of the Hieronymianum is at fol. 2r-32v.
Ms Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Weissenburg 81
From the abbey of Weissenburg in Alsace. Dated to around 800 by the Wolfenbüttel on-line catalogue: Lifshitz argues that the manuscript dates from around 772, and was written in the Carolingian royal sphere, in or around Maastrict (Lifshitz 2006, 4). The text of the Hieronymianum is at fol. 7r-103r.
Ms Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Bongars 289
From the abbey of Saint-Avold, near Metz. De Rossi and Duchesne, in the introduction to their edition, argue that Bern 289 must have been written after 766. The text of the Hieronymianum is at fol. 53v-129v. This manuscript is not yet available on line, but we have been able to check it through a microfilm.
Ms Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 238
From the abbey of Lorsch, near Worms. The manuscript contains only a fragment (five pages) of the Hieronymianum, covering 25 December to 3 January, and 27 January to 31 January, written in Lorsch in the first half of the 9th century: The fragment is at fol. 74-75, 1-2.
The standard edition of 1894, by G. B. de Rossi and L. Duchesne, published these four manuscripts in parallel columns. In 1931, H. Quentin produced a new edition, with a commentary by H. Delehaye, which attempted to collate the different manuscript readings into a single text.
Even though all the early manuscripts are believed to descend from the same redaction, they are by no means identical. In particular, BnF lat. 10837, the earliest of all, often contains a text which differs markedly from Bern 289 and Weissenburg 81, which are much closer to each other. Because the text varies between manuscripts, in content as well as spelling, it is now universally agreed that it will never be possible to create an 'authoritative' single text of the Martyrologium Hieronymianum. De Rossi and Duchesne in 1894, facing the same problem, decided to print for each day of the year the text of all four early manuscripts, in four columns, and we have followed their lead. Our edition is essentially based on their edition, though we have checked their readings against the manuscripts, and corrected or removed some letters, words, diacritical marks, and comments introduced by the editors that do not exist in the manuscripts. We have then added three more columns: for Quentin’s text for the feast day, which sometimes comes in one version, sometimes in two, and for Delehaye’s reconstruction of much of the text, drawn from his Commentary. Delehaye's erudition was, and remains, unmatched, and we have leaned heavily on his commentary (which is in Latin), but it should be noted that his reconstructed text often departs markedly from the manuscripts. Using his extraordinary knowledge of the saints and their hagiography, he felt able to combine different parts of the Hieronymianum's text, and to correct garbled versions of names, to produce a more coherent 'original'. We consider each of his principal suggestions in our Discussion (below), and attempt a judgment as to how plausible they are. In Delehaye's extensive notes there are also other, more tentative, suggestions, which we have not discussed systematically.
The reason the Martyrologium Hieronymianum is such a difficult text is because it consists primarily of long lists of names (with no punctuation and no consistency in the use of capital letters), which were often unfamiliar to copyists and so easily garbled. Generally, we cannot get behind these garbled variants, but occasionally we can, allowing us to shed light on how the text evolved into its current, often confused, state. For instance, an entry for 9 March (E04711) probably originally read something like 'In Armenia minore Sebastia milit(um) XL', 'In Lesser Armenia, at Sebasteia, [the feast of] the Forty Soldiers' - in other words a commemoration of the 'Forty Martyrs of Sebaste' (S00103), prominent saints in the East, but less well-known in the Latin West. In one of our manuscripts (Weissenburg 81) this has become 'In arminia minore sabastiani et milia XL', 'In Lesser Armenia, [the feast of] Sebastianus and the forty-thousand'; somewhere in the process of transmission, the city of Sebasteia has become the martyr Sebastianus, and the 'soldiers' (militum) have become 'thousands' (milia).
Manuscript BnF 10837 of the Hieronymianum opens its entry for 31 December with commemoration in Rome of seven female martyrs – Donata, Paulina, Rusticiana, Nominanda, Serotina, Saturnina and Hilaria – followed by the burial (specified as in the cemetery of Priscilla) of Bishop Silvester. The same BnF 10837 later returns to Rome, recording commemoration of Rogata, Dominanda and Hilarina; but these are evident duplications of Donata, Nominanda and Hilaria mentioned above. The three other early manuscripts, also somewhat later in their entries, all also record the burial of Bishop Silvester (though without specifying the cemetery), and, with slightly variant names (in two cases veering into the masculine), five of BnF 10837's seven female martyrs: Donata/Donatus, Paulus, Rogata, Dominanda and Hilarina. BAV 238 alone adds that they are buried on the via Salaria, in the cemetery of the Jordani.Silvester is certainly *Silvester, (bishop of Rome, ob. 336, S00397), whose burial in the cemetery of Priscilla on 31 December is recorded in the Depositio Episcoporum of 354 (E010510), and noted in many later sources. The seven female martyrs of BnF 10837 (reduced to five in the other manuscripts) can also be identified: they are *Seven virgin martyrs of Rome, (buried on the via Salaria, S02719), whose graves are recorded in two of the seventh-century pilgrim itineraries (see E06912 and E01051), and there named as Saturnina, Hilaria/Hilarina, Dominanda, Serotina, Paulina, Donata and Rogatina/Rogantina. Their graves were evidently venerated in Late Antiquity, but they are otherwise obscure.
All four early manuscripts of the Hieronymianum record commemoration in Carthage (North Africa) of three martyrs – Donatus, Caelestinus and Saturninus – who are otherwise unknown.
Bern 289 then alone has what is clearly a late interpolation: a prayer on behalf of a certain Grimoald, deacon.
All four early manuscripts then record commemoration in Ritiaria/Retiaria of a martyr Hermes, who is described as an exorcist in all the manuscripts except BnF 10837. Slightly lower down in their entries, three of the manuscripts (but not BnF 10837) then record commemoration in Bononia of a martyr Gagus. *Hermes and Gagus are two closely connected martyrs of Ratiaria and Bononia (S00824), neighbouring towns on the lower Danube. Hermes is first recorded, as a martyr of Bononia with commemoration on the preceding day (30 December), in the Syriac Martyrology of the early fifth century (E01399), and both saints again feature in the Hieronymianum, connected to either Bononia or Ratiaria, on 1 January (E05071) and 4 January (E04584).
All four early manuscripts then record a long list of martyrs commemorated in Catania in eastern Sicily: Stefanus/Stephanus, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornelus/Cornilus, Sixtus/Sextus, Floridus, Gotha/Cotta/Quotta, Quintianus, Minervianus/Menervinus, Simphorianus/Sinfurianus/Simforianus, Ammonus, Furtunatus, Sanctus (only in BnF 10837), Sequens/Equens, Apio/Appio, Kalendinus/Kalendio/Calendio, Evelpistus/Cuelpistus, Exuperatus/Exuperantus/Exsuperantus,Saturninus, and Agnes. Bern 289, Weissenburg 81 and BAV 238 all end their lists with four further names: Paulina, Nominanda, Donata and Rogata. These are readily identifiable as four of the *Seven virgin martyrs of Rome (S02719) discussed above; their names have presumably strayed in error onto the end of the list of saints of Catania.
Delehaye, following a suggestion made by Lanzoni, argues that, amongst these saints of Catania, 'Gotha/Cotta/Quotta' is a distortion of 'Agotha/Acotta/Aquotta', and is actually *Agatha, the famous virgin and martyr of Catania (S00794), although her principal feast day was, and remains, 5 February (see, for instance, E04669). Delehaye suggests she has been introduced here because, with its commemoration of the seven virgin martyrs of Rome, this was a suitable day to celebrate another virgin martyr. For the same reason, he argues that Agnes, at the end of the Sicilian list is *Agnes, Rome's best-known virgin and martyr (S00097). These interpretations are possible, but necessarily uncertain.
Delehaye also suggests that the first named martyrs of Catania – Stefanus/Stephanus, Pontianus, Attalus, Fabianus, Cornelus/Cornilus and Sixtus/Sextus – are all third-century bishops and martyrs of Rome: *Stephanus, (S00205), *Pontianus(S00169), *Anteros (S00170), *Fabianus (S00147), *Cornelius (S00172) and *Xystus/Sixtus II (S00201). The Hieronymianum's list is indeed extremely close to the list of popes of the 230s to 250s, who succeeded each other in the following order: Pontianus, Anterus, Fabianus, Cornelius, Lucius, Stephanus and Sixtus/Xystus. The only differences between the two lists are that Lucius is omitted in the Hieronymianum and Anteros rendered as 'Attalus', while Stephanus is placed in the wrong order. This identification is surely correct, though neither Delehaye nor we have any idea how or why these popes are listed here!
The other saints commemorated in Catania are otherwise unknown.
Finally, all the manuscripts record on this date the passion of *Columba, (virgin and martyr of Sens, northern Gaul, S01862).
All unidentified saints are listed by us among *Other saints, on 31 December in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum: in Carthage and Sicily (S02736).
Editions:De Rossi, G. B., and Duchesne, L., Martyrologium Hieronymianum ad finem codicum adiectis prolegomenis. Acta Sanctorum Nov.II.1 (Brussels, 1894).
Quentin, H. and Delehaye, H., Acta Sanctorum Nov.II.2 (Brussels, 1931).
On the Martyrologium Hieronymianum:
Duchesne, L., "A propos du martyrologe hiéronymien," Analecta Bollandiana 17 (1898), 421-447.
Lapidge, M., The Roman Martyrs. Introduction, Translations, and Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
Lapidge, M., "Acca of Hexham and the Origin of the Old English Martyrology," Analecta Bollandiana 123 (2005), 29-78.
Lifshitz, F., The Name of the Saint. The Martyrology of Jerome and Access to the Sacred in Francia, 627-827 (Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006).
Ó Riain, P., "A Northumbrian Phase in the Formation of the Hieronymian Martyrology. The Evidence of the Martyrology of Tallaght," Analecta Bollandiana 120 (2002), 311-363.
On the manuscripts of the Martyrologium Hieronymianum:
Butzmann, H., Die Weissenburger Handschriften (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1964), 242-243.
Muller, J. C., "Trois manuscrits liturgiques de l'abbaye d'Echternach à Paris," in Abteistadt Echternach, éd. P. Schritz, A. Hoffmann (Luxembourg, 1981), 202-206.
Ó Cróinín, D., "Rath Melsigi, Willibrord, and the Earliest Echternach Manuscripts," Peritia 3 (1984), 17-49.
Libaert, P., "Notice sur 43 manuscrits d'Echternach conservés à la bibliothèque nationale de Paris," Hémecht 1 (1985), 53-73.
McKitterick, R., Books, Scribes and Learning in the Frankish Kingdoms, Sixth-Ninth Centuries (Aldershot: Variorum, 1994).
On saints and calendars:
Farmer, D. H., Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978).
Nilles, N., Kalendarium Manuale utriusque Ecclesiae Orientalis et Occidentalis I-II (Farnborough: Gregg International Publishers Ltd, 1971).
Watkins, B., The Book of Saints: A Comprehensive Biographical Dictionary (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2015).
Datum Table
BnF 10837 | Bern 289 | Weissenburg 81 | BAV 238 | Other Mss | Quentin | Quentin | Delehaye |
Pridie kl iañ rom̃ donatae paulinae rusticianae nominandae serotinae saturninae hilariae et in cym̃ priscillae depos̃ sc̃i silvestri ep̃i | -------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | Romae Donatae Paulinae Rusticianae Nominandae Serotinae Saturninae Hilariae. et in cymiterio Priscillae depositio sancti Silvestri episcopi. | Romae via Salaria in cimiterio Iordanorum Donatae, Paulinae, Rogatae, Dominandae, Serotinae, Saturninae, Hilariae. 〈item Romae〉 in cimiterio Priscillae depositio sancti Silvestri episcopi. | ||
kartag̃ donati caelestini saturnini | PRID. KL. IAN. Cartagine. donati. caelestini. saturnini. | PRID KL. IAN.Cartagine donati caelestini saturnini | Pridie KL. Januar Cartagine Donati Caelestini Saturnini | Kartagine Donati Caelestini Saturnini | Kartagine Donati Caelestini Saturnini Bononia Gagi. | ---------------- | |
--------------- | Et transmigratio fratris nostri Grimoldi levitæ ex ergastulo sui corporis hinc precamur pietatem iusti et pii iudicis quatenus ei ab illo remissio delictorum concedatur. | ---------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | ---------------- | |
---------------- | Bononia. gagi. | bononia gagi. | Bononia Gagi | --------------- | Bononia Gagi. | ||
rom̃ rogatae dominandae hilarinae | et rom̃. donatae. pauli. rogatae. dominandȩ. hilarinȩ. et depõs. sc̃i siluestri. ep̃i. | et rom̃ donati pauli rogatae dominandȩ hilarinae et dep̃ sc̃i silvestri ep̃i | Rom via Salaria in cimiter Iordanorū Donatae Pauli Rogatiae Dominandae Hilarinae depos. sc̃i Silvestri ep̃i | et Romae Rogatae Dominandae Hilarinae. | et Romae via Salaria in cimiterio Iordanorum Donatae Pauli Rogatae Dominandae Hilarinae. et depositio sancti Silvestri episcopi. Retiaria Hermetis exorcistae. | ||
retiaria hermetis | ritiaria. hermetis exhorcistae. | Ritiaria hermetis exorcist. | Retiaria Hermetis exorcistae | Retiaria Hermetis exorcistae. | Retiaria Hermetis exorcistae. | ||
sicilia in civĩ athinensium stefani pontiani attali fabiani corneli sexti floridi cottae quintiani minerviani simphoriani ammoni furtunati sancti sequentis apionis kalendini evelpisti exuperati saturnini agnetis | In provintia. sicilia. ciuit̃. cathenas. stephañ. pontiani. attali. fabiani. cornili. sixti. floridi. quottae. quintiani. meneruini. simforiani. ammoni. furtunati. sc̃i equentis. appionis. calendionis Cuelpisti. exsuperanti saturnini. agneti. paulinae. nominandȩ donatae. rogate. | In provincia siciliȩ civit̃ caten ñ. stephani pontiani attali fabiani. cornili sixti floredi cottae quintiani menervini sinfuriani ammoni furtunati sc̃i sequentis apionis kalendionis evelpisti exuperanti saturnini agnetis paulinae nominandȩ donatae rogatae | In Prov Siciliae, Caten Pontiani Stephani Attali Fabiani Corneli Syxti Floridi Gothe Quintiani Menervini Simphoriani Ammoni Fortunati Sc̃i Sequentis Appionis Calendionis Evelpisti Exsuperanti Saturnini Agnetis Pauline Nominandae Donatae Rogatae | in provincia Sicilia civitate Cathiniensium Stephani Pontiani Attali Fabiani Corneli Sixti Floridi Cottae Quintiani Minerviani Simphoriani Ammoni Furtunati Sancti Sequentis Apionis Kalendionis Evelpisti Exuperanti Saturnini Agnetis | in provincia Sicilia civitate Cathiniensium Stephani Pontiani Attali Fabiani Corneli Sixti Floridi Cottae Quintiani Minerviani Simphoriani Ammoni Furtunati Sancti Sequentis Apionis Kalendionis Evelpisti Exuperanti Saturnini Agnetis Paulinae Nominandae Donatae Rogatae. | in provincia Siciliae civitate Cathiniensium Agathae. 〈Romae Petri,〉 Pauli, Cleti, Stephani, Pontiani, Anteri, Fabiani, Cornelii, Sixti. 〈item Romae〉 Agnetis. | |
senonas pas̃ sc̃ae columbae virginis | senones passio sc̃ae columbae martyris et uirginis. | senonis pas̃ sc̃ae columbae virg̃. | Senonas pas̃ sc̃ae Columbae virgiñ. | Senonas passio sanctae Columbae virginis. | Senonas passio sanctae Columbae virginis. | Senonas passio sanctae Columbae virginis. |
Marijana Vukovic
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00097 | Agnes, virgin and martyr of Rome | Agnes/Agnetus | Uncertain | S00147 | Fabianus, bishop and martyr of Rome | Fabianus | Certain | S00169 | Pontianus, bishop and martyr of Rome | Pontianus | Certain | S00170 | Anteros, bishop and martyr of Rome | Attalus | Uncertain | S00172 | Cornelius, bishop and martyr of Rome, and companion martyrs | Cornelus/Cornilus | Certain | S00201 | Xystus/Sixtus II, bishop and martyr of Rome | Sextus/Sixtus | Certain | S00205 | Stephanus, bishop and martyr of Rome, with many companions | Stefanus/Stephanus | Certain | S00397 | Silvester, bishop of Rome, ob. 336 | Silvester | Certain | S00794 | Agatha, virgin and martyr of Catania | Cotta/Quotta | Uncertain | S00824 | Hermes, exorcist, and Gaius/Gagus, martyrs of Bononia and Ratiaria | Hermes; Gagus | Certain | S01862 | Columba, virgin and martyr of Sens | Columba | Certain | S02719 | Seven virgin martyrs of Rome, buried on the via Salaria | Donata/Donatus; Paulina/Paulus; Rusticiana; Nominanda/Dominanda; Serotina; Saturnina; Hilaria/Hilarina; Rogata | Certain | S02736 | Other saints, on 31 December in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum: in Carthage and Sicily | Donatus; Caelestinus; Saturninus; Floridus/Floredus; Quintianus; Minervianus/Menervinus; Simphorianus/Sinfurianus/Simforianus; Ammonus; Furtunatus; Sequens/Equens; Apio/Appio; Kalendinus/Kalendio/Calendio; Evelpistus/Cuelpistus; Exuperatus/Exuperantus/Exsuperantus; Saturninus/Turninus | Certain |
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