Columba, virgin and martyr of Sens
Saint ID
Number in BH
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Virgins
ID | Title | E04660 | Hymn in honour of *Columba (virgin and martyr of Sens, S01862) composed in Latin in Hispania, possibly in the 7th c. | E05070 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 31 December. | E05172 | Latin Orationale of the Old Hispanic Liturgy of the 7th c. (Orationale Visigothicum), with prayers used on the feasts of saints in December: *Leocadia (virgin and confessor of Toledo, S01367), *Eulalia (virgin and martyr of Mérida, S00407), *Mary, Mother of Christ (S00033), *Stephen, the First Martyr (S00030), *Eugenia (virgin and martyr of Rome, S00401), *John the Apostle and Evangelist (S00042), *Columba (virgin and martyr of Sens, 01862). | E05691 | Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 31 December at Sens (northern Gaul) of *Columba (virgin and martyr of Sens, S01862). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731. | E05912 | The will of Desiderius, bishop of Auxerre (ob. 614/627), includes donations to churches and monasteries in and around Auxerre, Sens, Cahors, and Toulouse (in northern and south-west Gaul), dedicated to 16 named saints or pairs of saints. Written in Latin at Auxerre (central Gaul), 605/627. | E06246 | Ten episcopal charters of debated authenticity, granting privileges of immunity to monasteries, record various dedications to saints at monastic churches in Gaul. Some of the charters note among their precedents the special privileges already enjoyed by the church at Chalon-sur-Saône dedicated to *Marcellus (martyr of Chalon-sur-Saône, S00323) and 'the place of the saints of Agaune' (north-east Gaul), i.e. its monastery dedicated to *The Theban Legion (martyrs of Agaune, S00339). Written in Latin in Gaul, 637-92. | E06285 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Columba (virgin and martyr of Sens, S01862) recounts how she was arrested and interrogated by the emperor Aurelian, how a bear protected her and her virginity, and how she was eventually executed by the sword. Written, probably at Sens (northern Gaul), in the 6th or 7th c. Full text, and full English translation. | E06301 | Audoin's Life of *Eligius (bishop of Noyon, ob. 660, S02032) records across two books the saint's lay and then episcopal career, his posthumous cult, and many miracles. It provides further evidence for many other cults in 7th-century Gaul. Written in Latin in Gaul, possibly in 660/86, with later additions and emendations. | E06972 | A probably partly authentic papal letter of privilege issued by Pope John IV in 640/2 grants special rights to a now-unidentifiable women's monastery in Gaul, possibly at or near Sens (northern Gaul), dedicated to *Mary (mother of Christ, S00033), *Columba (virgin and martyr of Sens, S01862), *Agatha (virgin and martyr of Catania, S00794), and other unnamed martyrs. Written in Latin at Rome. |