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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Fragmentary Latin inscription referring to relics of the Apostles *Peter and *Paul (S00036 and S00008), found in Carthage (central North Africa), probably mid-4th/late 5th c.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Inscriptions - Formal inscriptions (stone, mosaic, etc.)

quias Pet-
ri et Pauli


'Relics of Peter and Paul. Amen.
Crement... (?)'

Text: Duval 1982, no. 1.
Translation: S. Adamiak.

Non Liturgical Activity

Burial ad sanctos


Unspecified relic

Cult Related Objects



A limestone slab, broken at the bottom and at the top left, currently measuring 48 cm high by 41 cm wide; letters between 4,5 and 5 cm. The first part of the inscription, in four lines, is surrounded by a summarily rendered garland.

It is dated by Duval to the period between the mid-4th and the late 5th century.

Recorded by Duval as in the Museum of Carthage.


The word 'reliquias' is a Vulgar latin form of 'reliquiae'.

It is unclear what the second part of the inscription refers to. According to Duval, it cannot be an ex-voto, because it indicates the deposition of the relics. Therefore, it may be:
1. the name of the donor of the inscription;
2. the name of the person who deposited the relics;
3. the beginning of a separate epitaph of someone who was buried 'ad sanctos'; this is the least likely possibility.


Edition and discussion:
Duval, Y., Loca sanctorum Africae: Le culte des martyrs en Afrique du IVe au VIIe siècle (Rome: École Française de Rome, 1982), vol. 1, 5-6, no. 1.


From Duval 1982, no. 1

Record Created By

Stanisław Adamiak

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00008Paul, the ApostlePaulusCertain
S00036Peter, the ApostlePeterCertain

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Stanisław Adamiak, Cult of Saints, E07369 -