Liturgical texts - Sacramentaries
Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment codex
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum)
374. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, qui hunc diem beatissimorum apostulorum Petri et Pauli martyrio consecrasti, da eclesiae tuae toto terrarum orbe diffusa eorum semper magisterio gubernari, per quos sumpsit relegionis exordium. Per dominum nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum.
375. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Exaudi, quaesomus, domine, populum tuum cum sanctorum apostolorum tuorum Petri et Pauli patrocinio supplicantem, ut tuo auxilio seruati secura tibi possit deuotione seruire. Per Iesum.
376. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Apostulorum tuorum, domine, beatorum Petri et Pauli desiderata sollemnia recensemus. Prasta, quaesomus, ut honona gloria passionis sicut illis magnificentiam tribuit sempiternam, ita nobis ueniam largiatur optatam, et nomina eorum, quae recitata sunt, in libro uitae censeas deputare. Per eum, qui tecum uiuit.
377. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Deus, pacis conditor, deus caritatis indultor, da nobis placidus pacem tuam, et prasta ut dum sanctorum tuorum apostulorum Petri et Pauli festa celebramur, per eorum intercessione pacis securitatem cum peccatorum ueniam consequi mereamur. Per dominum nostrum Iesum.
378. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Vere dignum er iustum est nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere, domine, sancte pater, omnipotens aeterne deus, praecipue hodie in honorem beatissimorum apostolorum et martyrum tuorum Petri et Pauli, quos ita electio tua sibi consecrare dignata est, ut beati Petri saecularem piscandi artem in diuinum dogma conuerteret, quatinus humanum genus hac de profundo istius mundi praeceptorum tuorum retibus liberares. Nam cumapostolum eius Paulum mentem cum nomine commutasti, et quem prius persecutorem metuebat eclesia, nun caelestium mandatorum laetatur se habere doctorem. Paulus caecatus est ut uideret, Petrus negauit ut crederet, huius claues caelestis imperii tradedisti, illum ad euocandas gentes diuinae legis scientiam contulisti. Nam ille introducit, hic aperit, ambo igitur uirtutes aeternae praemia sunt adepti. Hunc dextera tua gradientem in elemento liquido, ne mergetur, erexit, illum autem tertio naufragantem profunda pelagi fecit uitare discrimina. Hic portas inferni, ille mortis uicit aculeum. Paulus capite plectitur, quia gentibus caput fidei conprobatur, Petrus autem praemissis in cruce uestigiis caput omnium nostrum secutus est Christum. Cui merito omnes.
379. BENEDICTIO POPVLI IN NATALE APOSTVLORVM PETRI ET PAULI. Deus, qui membris eclesiae uelut gemellum lumen, quo caueantur tenebrae, fecisti Petri lacrimas, Pauli litteras coruscare. AMEN. Hanc plebem placitus inspice, qui caelos facis aperire Petro in claue, Paulo in dogmate. AMEN. Vt praeuiantur ducibus illic grex possit accedere, quo peruenerunt pariter tam ille pastor suspendio, quam iste doctor per gladium in congresso. Per dominum nostrum.
'Mass for Saint Peter and Saint Paul
374. Almighty and everlasting God, who has consecrated this day with the martyrdom of the most blessed apostles Peter and Paul, grant to your Church, spread throughout all the world, that it is always guided by the teaching of those through whom the beginning of faith came about. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son.
375. Collect follows. Hear your people, so we ask, O Lord, who pray to your under the protection of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, that, saved by your help, they can serve you with a secure devotion.
376. Collect after the names. We celebrate, O Lord, the long awaited solemn feast of your blessed apostles Peter and Paul. Grant, so we ask, that the honourable glory of the passion, as it has given them perpetual splendour, may bestow on us the desired forgiveness, and that you consider the names of those that have been recited worthy to be counted in the Book of Life. Through him, who lives with you [...]
377. Collect at the kiss of peace. God, Creator of peace, God, Giver of love, mercifully grant us your peace, and grant that while we celebrate the feast of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, through their intercession we are considered worthy to obtain the security of peace and the forgiveness of sins. Through our Lord Jesus.
378. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just that we always and everywhere bring thanks to you, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God, especially today in honour of your most blessed apostles and martyrs Peter and Paul, whom your election has deigned to consecrate to you, such that blessed Peter's worldly art of fishing was converted into a divine doctrine, in order that you would free the human race from the depths of this world with the nets of your teaching. For you changed the heart and name of his fellow apostle Paul (cf. Act. 13, 9), and the Church rejoices that he who first was feared as a persecutor (cf. I Tim. 1, 13) is now for her a teacher of holy commands. Paul was made blind that we might see, Peter denied that he might believe, you handed over to the one the keys of the heavenly kingdom and you gave to the other the knowledge of divine law in order to call the gentiles. For the latter teaches, the former opens, both have therefore received the reward of eternal strength. Your right hand raised up the one when he walked on the water, lest he would drown, while you helped the other, who was shipwrecked three times (II Cor. 11, 25), to withstand the dangers of the deep sea. The one vanquished the gates of hell (Matth. 16, 18), the other the sting of death (I Cor. 15, 56). Paul was beheaded because he was established by the gentiles as head of the faith, and Peter followed Christ as head of us all while the steps to the cross were laid out beforehand. To whom all [angels] rightly [sing: Holy, holy, holy...]
379. Blessing of the people on the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. God, who made the tears of Peter and the letters of Paul shine as a twin-born light for the members of the Church, by which they are protected against darkness. AMEN. Look mercifully on this people, you who made that Peter with his key and Paul with his doctrine open up the heavens. AMEN. So that while the leaders show the way, the flock can approach where both equally, the shepherd through the crucifixion and the teacher through the sword, have reached the gathering [of the saints.] Through our Lord.'
Text: Rose 2005, 494-6.
Translation: Rose 2017, 261-63.
Service for the saint
Eucharist associated with cult
Liturgical invocation
Chant and religious singing
Other liturgical acts and ceremonies
FestivalsSaint’s feast
Non Liturgical ActivityPrayer/supplication/invocation
Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts
MiraclesMiracle during lifetime
Power over elements (fire, earthquakes, floods, weather)
Miracles experienced by the saint
Protagonists in Cult and NarrativesPagans
Theorising on SanctityConsiderations about the hierarchy of saints
The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum) is the standard editorial name used for Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 317, a liturgical manuscript (sacramentary) compiled in Burgundy at the turn of the eighth century. It provides an exceptionally rare witness to late antique liturgical practice in Gaul. The inclusion of an entry for the late Merovingian political martyr Leudegar of Autun (eastern Gaul) (ob. 677/9) gives both an earliest possible date for the manuscript's compilation, and, since it appears alongside an entry for the earlier Autun martyr Symphorianus, an indication of the community for which the codex might have been made. On palaeographical grounds, E.A. Lowe located the Missal's production to the scriptorium of Luxeuil (c. 130 miles northeast of Autun), at a date no later than c. 710.The full manuscript is now available to view online: https://spotlight.vatlib.it/it/latin-paleography/catalog/Reg_lat_317
The codex as it survives includes entries for nine biblical saints and nine from the city of Rome (plus Cyprian of Carthage, commemorated with Pope Cornelius), alongside six Gallic feast days and one from Spain (Saturninus, Eulalia, Ferreolus and Ferrucio, Symphorianus, Maurice and the Theban Legion, Leudegar, and Martin). The Missal covers most feasts in roughly chronological order, beginning after Christmas with the feast of Stephen (usually 26 Dec.). The manuscript does not, however, provide any dates for the celebration of these feasts: presumably, its users would have also had a separate liturgical calendar at hand.For an overview of the contents of the Gothic Missal, see E08222.
This entry for the shared feast of Peter and Paul is (perhaps unsurprisingly) largely composed of prayers derived from the liturgy of the city of Rome (Rose 2005, 244-51). Nevertheless, this Gothic Missal entry makes no mention of Rome itself, thus giving its praise of the two apostles a universal quality, rather than one primarily associated with their patronage of that city.
Edition and study:Missale Gothicum e codice Vaticano Reginensi latino 317 editum, ed. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2005).
The Gothic Missal, trans. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2017).
Further reading:
Lowe, E.A., Codices latini antiquiores, 11 vols (Oxford, 1937-71), i. 32.
Benjamin Savill
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00008 | Paul, the Apostle | Paulus | Certain | S00036 | Peter, the Apostle | Petrus | Certain |
Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
Benjamin Savill, Cult of Saints, E08239 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E08239