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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

The Gothic Missal includes a number of formulaic prayers, which could be adapted for the celebration of mass on the feast days of various *apostles (S00084), *martyrs (S00060) and *confessors (S00184). Written in Latin in Gaul, perhaps at Luxeuil for the Christian community of Autun, c. 680/710.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Liturgical texts - Sacramentaries

Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment codex

The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum)


Domine deus, omnium sanctorum splendor mirabilis, qui hunc diem beati apostuli tui illius martyrio consecrasti, da eclesiae tuae digne de tanto gaudere apostulo, ut aput misericordiam tuam et exemplum eius iuuemur et meritis. Per dominum nostrum filium tuum.

381. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Maiestatem tuam, domine, suppliciter exoramus ut sicut eclesiae tuae beatus ille apostolos praedicator et doctor extetit, ita sit pro nobis perpetuus suffrgator. Per dominum nostrum Iesum.

382. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Laetificat nos, quaesomus, domine, munus oblatum, ut sicut in apostulo tuo te mirabilem praedicamus, sic per illum praesumamus indulgentiae largitatem. Praesta nobis eius desiderata commercia ut cuius perpetuam dignitatem sacrosancto misterio frequentamus in terris et praesentia nobis subsidia postulet et aeterna. Per dominum nostrum.

383. CONTESTATIO. Vere dignum et iustum est te laudare, omnipotens deus, praecipue in beati apostuli tui illius festiuitate, in qua gloriosus ius sanguis pro Christo effusus est, cuius uenerabilis annuae recursionis sollempnitas et perpetua semper et noua est, quia et in conspectu tuae maiestatis permanet mors tuorum praeciosa iustorum et restaurantur incrementa laetitiae cum felicitatis aeternae recoluntur exordia. Supplices te rogamus, omnipotens deus, ut nobis donare digneris apostolum tuum illum pro peccatis nostris intercessorem, necessitatibus patronum, ut qui pro ueritate sacrum sanguinem fudit, ipse ante conpectu maiestatis tuae uota nostra suscipiat, et ita ei obsequiorum nostrorum officiositate placeamus, ut dum nos ei supplicamus in terris, ille nos commendare dignetur in caelis domino Iesu Christo. Cui merito omnes angeli.

'Mass for the Feast of One Apostle and Martyr

Lord God, wondrous splendour of all the saints, who consecrated this day by the martyrdom of your blessed apostle N, grant to your Church to rejoice worthily in such a great apostle, that with your mercy we are helped by both his example and his merits. Through our Lord your Son.

381. Collect follows. We humbly pray to your majesty, O Lord, that as this blessed apostle N was a preacher and a teacher for your Church, he is also an eternal mediator for us. Through our Lord Jesus.

382. Collect after the names. Let the offered gift gladden us, so we ask, O Lord, that, as we praise you in your apostle as wondrous, through him also we receive the abundance of forgiveness. Grant us the exchange of gifts which he so desired, that he, whose perpetual merit we celebrate on earth through the most holy mystery, requests for us earthly and eternal help. Through our Lord.

383. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just that [we] praise you, almighty God, especially on the feast of this your blessed apostle N, on which his glorious blood was shed for Christ, whose venerable and annually recurring solemn celebration is ever perpetual and new. For in the sight of your majesty the death of your righteous remains (Ps. 116, 15), and the increase of joy is restored when the beginning of eternal happiness is celebrated anew. We humbly ask you, almighty God, that you deign to give us your apostle N as intercessor for our sins and as patron of our needs, that he who shed his holy blood on behalf of truth himself receives our prayers in the sight of your majesty, and that we so please him through the gift of our worship, that when we plea to him on earth he deigns to commend us in heaven to the Lord Jesus Christ. To whom the angels rightly sing [Holy...]'



Sancti martyris tui illius, quaesomus, domine, nos oratio sancta conciliet, quae sacris uirtutibus ueneranda refulget. Per.

433. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Beatus ille martyr, quaesomus, domine, pia nos intercessione commendet et tibi placito fulti suffragio, quam non meremur, indulgentiam consequiamur. Per dominum nostrum.

434. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Adesto, domine, supplicationibus nostris et intercessione beatissimi martyris tui illius perpetuam nobis misericordiam benignus inpende et munera superinposita dignanter adsume, ut defuctis ad refrigerium, uiutetibus proficiat ad salutem. Per.

435. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Deus, pacis conditor, deus caritatis indultor, da nobis placidus pacem tuam et praesta ut dum sancti martyris tui illius passionem celebramus, per eius intercessionem pacis securitatem cum peccatorum ueniam consequi mereamur. Per.

436. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum est, uere dignum et iustum est nos tibi agere gratias, domine, sancte pater, omnipotens aeterne deus. Tibi enim festa sollemnitas agitur, tibi dies sacrata celebratur, quam beatissimi martyris tui illius sanguis in ueritatis tuae testificatione profusus magnifico nominis tui honore signauit. Per Christum dominum nostrum, per quem.

'Mass for a Single Martyr [I]

May this holy prayer of your holy martyr N, so we ask, O Lord, which venerably shines through holy virtues, reconcile us.

433. Collect follows. May the blessed martyr N commend us through his faithful intercession, so we ask, O Lord, so that we, strengthened by the support that pleases you, acquire the forgiveness we do not deserve. Through our Lord.

434. Collect after the names. Hear, O Lord, our supplications. Mercifully grant us perpetual mercy through the intercession of your most blessed martyr N and graciously accept the gathered gifts, that they contribute to the consolation of the deceased and the salvation of the living. Through.

435. Collect at the kiss of peace. God, Creator of peace, God, Giver of love, mercifully grant that while we celebrate the passion of your martyr N, through his intercession we are considered worthy to obtain the security of peace and forgiveness of sins. Through.

436. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, truly worthy and just that we bring thanks to you, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God. For you [this] solemn feast is held, for you [this] holy day is celebrated, which the blood of your blessed martyr N, shed as a testimony to your truth, has marked with the magnificent honour of your name. Through Christ our Lord, through whom.'



Sancti martyris tui, domine, nos, quaesomus, interuentio gloriosa commendet, ut quod nostris actibus non uale, eius praecibus consequamur. Per.

438. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Tuus sanctus martir ille nos, quaesomus, domine, unique laetificet, ut eius dum merita in praesenti festiuitate recolimus, patrocinia in augmentum uirtutum sentiamus. Per.

439. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Interueniat pro nobis, domine, pertimus, sanctus tuus martyr ille, qui sanguinem suum pro tuo nomine groriosum fudit, et ipso interueniente nomina, quae recitata sunt, nostrorum carorum in caelesti pagina iubeas intimare. Per.

440. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Sancti martyris tui, domine, illius nos, quaesomus, praecatio sancta tueatur, et quod nostra conscientia non praesumit, eius nobis, qui tibi placuit, oratione donetur, et praesentia munera ita serena pietate intuere, ut sancti spiritus perfundatur benedictione et in nostris cordibus eam dilectionem ualidam infundant, per quam sanctus martyr ille omnia corporis tormenta deuicit. Per.

441. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum st, uere dignum et iustum est, omnipotens et misericors deus, te semper in laude martyrum honorare et in praesenti festiuitate sancti martyris tui te confitenti gratias agere, cui dedisti caelestis palman triumphi. Nobis quoque eo suffragante emundationem ac ueniam concide peccatis, ut in te etiam exultemus in misericordia, in quo ille laetatur in gloria. Per.

'Likewise a Mass for a Single Martyr [II]

May the glorious intervention of your holy martyr commend us, so we ask, O Lord, so that what we cannot attain through our deeds we may obtain through his prayers. Through.

438. Collect follows. May your holy martyr N gladden us everywhere, so we ask, O Lord, so that while we remember his merits at today's feast we experience his protection in the growth of virtue. Through.

439. Collect after the names. May your holy martyr N intercede for us, so we ask, O Lord, who shed his blood for your glorious name, and may you command that through his intercession the names of our beloved that have been recited are announced in the heavenly Book. Through.

440. Collect at the kiss of peace. Let the holy prayer of your holy martyr N protect us, so we ask, O Lord, and may that for which our conscience does not presume to hope be given to us through the prayer of him who pleased you. And look with serene love upon the gifts present here, that they may be imbued with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, and pour into our hearts that strong love which the holy martyr N entirely overcame all bodily torments. Through.

441. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, truly worthy and just, almighty and merciful God, that [we] always honour you through the praise of the martyrs and that [we] bring thanks on the present feast of your holy martyr who confessed you, to whom you have given the palm of heavenly victory. Grant also to us, through his help, the cleansing and forgiveness of sins, that we too through [your] mercy exult in you in whom he rejoices in glory. Through.'



Da, quaesomus, domine, ut sancti martyris tui illius annua sollemnitate laetemur, ut tantae fidei proficiamus exemplo. Per.

443. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Exaudi, domine, praeces nostras, quaesomus, et interueniente sancto martyre tuo illo eas ante conspectum maiestatis tuae placatus admitte. Per.

444. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Inpetret, domine, quaesomus, fidelibus tuis auxilium oratio iusta sancti martyris illius, ut in cuius sumus celebritate deuoti, simus eius sorte participes. Proficiant haec, quae offerimus, pro incolomitate uiuentium et pro requie defunctorum. Per.

445. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Suscipe, domine, propitius orationem nostram cum oblationibus hostiarum superinpositis et martyris eui illius depraecatione pietate tuae perfice benignus acceptas, et illa, quae in eo flagrauit fortis dilectio, in nobis adpsira benignus. Per.

446. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Vere dignum et iustum est, omnipotens aeterne deus, te in omnium martyrum triumphis laudare, quoniam tuis donis atque muneribus beati martyris tui illius passionem hodierna sollemnitate ueneramur, qui pro confessione Iesu Christi filii tui diuersa supplicia sustenuit, et ea deuincens meruit coronam perpetuitatis. Per Christum dominum nostrum, cui merito omnes.

'Likewise a Mass for a Single Martyr [III]

Grant, O Lord, so we ask, that we are gladdened by the annual solemn ceremony of your holy martyr N, so that we make progress through such an example of such great faith. Through.

443. Collect follows. Hear our prayers, O Lord, so we ask, and through the intercession of your blessed martyr N mercifully admit them before the countenance of your majesty. Through.

444. Collect follows. May the righteous prayer (cf. Iac. 5, 16) of your holy martyr N accomplish help for your faithful, so we ask, O Lord, so that we are partakers of the lot of him to whose feast we are devoted. Let what we offer benefit the welfare of the living and the repose of the deceased. Through.

445. Collect at the kiss of peace. Mercifully receive, O Lord, our prayers with the gifts of sacrifice place upon [your altar]. Graciously make them acceptable to your love for the sake of the supplication of your martyr N, and mercifully instil in us that steadfast love that burned in him. Through.

446. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just, almighty and everlasting God, that [we] praise you in the triumph of the martyrs, for through your gifts and presents we venerate with today's solemn celebration the passion of your blessed martyr N, who for the sake of the confession of Jesus Christ your Son endured various torments, and since he decisively defeated them he deserved the crown of eternity. Through Christ our Lord, to whom rightly all [angels sing: Holy...]'



Deus, qui sanctam nobis huius die sollempnitatem pro commemorationem beatissimorum martyrum tuorum illius et illius passionem fecisti, adesto familiae tuae praecibus, et da ut quorum hodie festa celebramus, eorum meritis et intercessionibus adiuuemur. Per dominum.

448. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Annue nobis, quaesomus domine, sanctorum martyrum tuorum illius et illius <...> ut opem nobis tuae dipraecationis impendant et iram tuam, quam nostris prauitatibus meremur, et interuenientibus euadamus. Per.

449. POST NOMINA. Munera quae deferimus, domine, benignus adsume, et quia de nostris impediuntur offensis, sanctorum tuorum martyrum illorum praecibus adiuuemur.

450. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Propiciare, domine, supplicationibus nostris et his populi tui oblationibus intercidentes martyres tuos illum et illum praesentiam tuae uirtutis inlustra, et celebrantibus tuorum memoriam eam dilectionem infunde, per quam illi cuncta inlata corporis tormenta deuicerunt. Per eum.

451. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum est, omnipotens sempiterne deus, te uictorem mortis et triumphatorem martyrum conlaudare et in festiuitate praesenti, in qua martyrum tuorum illius et illius memoriam frequentamus, quorum nos dilectat et certaminis recordare constantiam et uicturiae contemplare praemia, et ideo te petimus ut beatis istis martyribus illo et illo fieri nos imitatores concedas, ut uel ultimos in remuneratione eorum participando constituas, qui illis pro certaminis constantiam beatitudinem tribuisti sempiternam. Per Christum dominum nostrum, cui merito omnes.

'Mass for Several Martyrs [I]

God, who sanctified for us today's solemn ceremony in commemoration of your most blessed martyrs N and N, hear the prayers of your people, and grant that we are helped through the merits and intercessions of those whose feast we celebrate today. Through the Lord.

448. Collect follows. Grant, so we ask, O Lord, [through the intercession] of your holy martyrs N and N, that they devote the help of their prayers to us, and through their intercession we evade your anger, which we deserve by reason of our errors. Through.

449. After the names. Kindly accept the gifts we offer, O Lord, that we who are impeded by our offences are helped through the prayers of your holy martyrs NN.

450. Collect at the kiss of peace. Be favourable, O Lord, to our prayers, and illuminate these oblations of your people with your presence and of your strength through the intercession of your martyrs N and N. And to those who celebrate the memory of your [martyrs], give that love through which they decisively defeated all torments inflicted upon the body. Through him.

451. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, almighty and everlasting God, that [we] praise you as victor over death and conqueror in martyrdom, also on today's feast, on which we celebrate the memory of your martyrs N and N, of whom we gladly commemorate their steadfastness in combat and consider the reward of victory. And we therefore ask you that you grant us to become the followers of your blessed martyrs N and N, and that you, who gave them eternal beatitude for their steadfastness in combat, decide to allow even those far remote to participate in thair reward. Through Christ our Lord, to whom rightly all [angels sing: Holy...]'



Adesto, domine, praecibus nostris, quas in sanctorum tuorum martyrum illius et illius commomoratione deferimus, ut qui nostrae fidutiam non habemus, eorum, qui tibi placuerunt, meritis adiuuemur. Per dominum nostrum filium tuum.

453. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Propiciare, domine, supplicationibus nostris et exemplo sanctorum martyrum tuorum illius et illius flammam in nobis tuae caritatis accende, ut quorum nos feceris imitatores, iubeas esse consortes. Per.

454. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Sanctorum martyrum tuorum illius et illius, quaesomus, domine, praecibus adiuuemur, ut quod nostra possibilitas non obtenit, eorum, qui ante te iusti inuenti sunt, nobis oratione donetur, et quorum nomina ante altare sanctum sunt recitata, eos quies aeterna suscipiat. Per dominum nostrum.

455. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, qui in sanctorum cordibus flammam tuae dilectionis accendis, sa mentibus eandem fidem caritatisque uirtutem, ut quorum gaudemus triumphis proficiamur exemplis. Per.

456. IMOLATIO MISSAE. Vere dignum et iustum est nos tibi gratias agere, omnipotens aeterne deus, per Christum dominum nostrum, qui glorificaris in concilio sanctorum tuorum martyrum, magnus et terrebiles super omnes qui in circuitu tuo sunt. Tibi enim seruiunt omnes creaturae tuae, quia te solum auctorem et domnum recognuscunt, et in omni factura eorum te conlaudant et benedicunt omnes sancti ui, qui magnum illud unigeniti tui nomen, quod est super omne nomen, coram regibus et potestatibus saeculi huius uoce libera confitentes, de persecutoribus tuis et diabulo triumpharunt et praeciosum tibi sanguinem gloriosa morte fuderunt. Vnde benedicimus te, domine, in operibus tuis teque in sanctorum tuorum martyrum illius et illius commemoratione laudamus cum angelis et archangelis, thronis et dominationibus, cherubin, quoque et seraphin, qui gloriam tuam non cessant clamare dicentes: SANCTVS, SANCTVS, SANCTVS.

'Likewise a Mass for Several Martyrs [II]

Hear our prayers, O Lord, which we offer in commemoration of your holy martyrs N and N, that we who ave no trust in our [own] righteousness are helped by the merits of those who have pleased you. Through our Lord your Son.

453. Collect follows. Be favourable, O Lord, to our prayers, and through the example of your holy martyrs N and N let the flame of your love be kindled in us, that on your command we are partakers of those of whom you have made us followers. Through.

454. Collect after the names. May we be helped through the prayers of your holy martyrs N and N, so we ask, O Lord, so that what our ability [can]not obtain is given through the prayer of those who are considered righteous before your countenance. And may eternal rest embrace those whose names have been recited before the holy altar. Through our Lord.

455. Collect at the kiss of peace. Almighty and everlasting God, who ignites the flame of your love in the hearts of the saints, grant to [our] hearts that same faith and power of love, so that we may benefit from the examples of those in whose triumphs we rejoice. Through.

456. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just that we bring thanks to you, almighty and everlasting God, through Christ our Lord, you who are glorified in the assembly of your holy martyrs, great and awe-inspiring above all that are around you (Ps. 89, 7). Indeed all your creatures serve you, for they recognise only you as Author and Lord, and in all their work all your saints praise and bless you: they who by confessing with a free voice the great name of your Only-begotten, that is above every name (Phil. 2, 9) in the presence of kings (PS. 119, 46) and powers of this world, triumphed over their persecutors and over the devil, and through a glorious death shed their precious blood for you. We therefore bless you, O Lord, in your works, and through the commemoration of your holy martyrs N and N we praise you with the angels and archangels, thrones and dominions (Col. 1, 16), and with cherubim and seraphim, who unceasingly cry out your name, saying: HOLY, HOLY HOLY.'



Deus, qui nos sanctorum martyrum tuorum temporale tribues commemoratione guadare, praesta, quesomus, ut in ea numeremur sorte saluati, in qua illi sunt confessione tui nominis gloriosi. Per.

458. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Deus, in cuius conspectu mors est praeciosa sanctorum, tribue ut nobis fidelibus uita conferat, quicquid illis mors deuota concessit.

459. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Exaudi domine, offerentium praeces, uota suscipe, peccata demitte. Tribue quoque tuorum intercessione sanctorum martyrum caris nostris, qui in Christo dormiunt, refrigerium in regione uiuorum. Per dominum nostrum.

460. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Omnipotens sempiterne deus, tribue nobis famulis tuis ut sicut martyres tui ad bradium supernae uocationis tetenderunt, ita nos superato hoste uicturiam consequamur, et pacem, quam in labiis oris exsequimur, inmaculatis cordibus teneamus. Per dominum.

461. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Dignum et iustum est, omnipotens sempiterne deus, quoniam a te constantiam fides, a te uirtutem sumit infirmitas, et quicquid in persecutionibus saeuum, quicquid in morte terribile est, nominis tui facis confessione superare. Vnde benedicimus te, domine, in operibus tuis teque in sanctorum martyrum illius et illius glorificatione laudamus, obsecrantes ut interuenire pro se excolentibus iubeas, quos perpetua remuneratione exaltas. Per Christum dominum nostrum, per quem.

'Likewise a Mass for Several Martyrs [III]

God, you who give that we rejoice in the temporary commemoration of your holy martyrs, grant, so we ask, that we are counted saved among that part in which they abide, glorious by reason of the confession of your name. Through.

458. Collect follows. God, before whose countenance the death of your saints is precious (Ps. 116, 15), grant that what gave them a devoted death brings life to us, the faithful.

459. Collect after the names. Hear, O Lord, the prayers of those who offer, accept their gifts, forgive their sins. And through the intercession of your holy martyrs, grant to our beloved who rest in Christ consolation in the land of the king (Ps. 116, 9). Through our Lord.

460. Collect at the kiss of peace. Almighty and everlasting God, grant to us your servants that, as your martyrs strove for the prize of the heavenly calling (cf. Phil. 3, 14), so we also gain the victory after the enemy has been conquered, and that we preserve with unstained hearts the peace which we pursue with the lips of the mouth. Through the Lord.

461. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, almighty and everlasting God, [that we bring thanks to you], for faith derives steadfastness from you, weakness derives strength, and all that is cruel in the persecutionsm all that is terrible in death, you make to be conquered by the confession of your name. We therefore bless you, O Lord, in your works, and praise you through the glorification of your holy martyrs N and N, imploring that you command them to intercede for [the faithful] who venerate those whom you elevate through the perpetual reward. Through Christ our Lord, Through whom [...]'



Deus, fidelium remunerator animarum, praesta ut celebritate praesenti sancti confessoris tui et episcopi illius sit nobis ueneranda sollempnitas et placitorum tibi praecibus indulgentiam consequamur. Per dominum nostrum.

463. COLLECTIO SEQVITVR. Exaudi, domine, praeces nostras, quas in sancti confessoris tui illius commoratione deferimus, ut in conspectu tuo et qui tibi digne meruit famulari clarus semper exsistat et supplicatio nos adiuuet tibi grata iustorum. Per.

464. COLLECTIO POST NOMINA. Laetificet nos, quaesomus, domine, sancti confessoris tui et episcopi illius annua deuotione repetita sollemnitas, ut per haec pie oblationis officia et illum retributio beata cometetur et nobis sacrae tributatur sufficientia seruitutis. Per.

465. COLLECTIO AD PACEM. Per studium caritatis non fictae et intercessione beatissimi confessoris tui et episcopi illius tuere, quaesomus, domine, familiam tuam, et per dilectionis uinculum spiritalibus instrue disciplinis. Per.

466. IMMOLATIO MISSAE. Vere dignum et iustum est nos tibi semper et unique gratias agere, domine, sancte pater, omnipotens aeterne deus, qui glorificaris in confessione sanctorum, et non solum excellentioribus praemiis martyrum tuorum merita gloriosa prosequeris, sed etiam sacrum ministerium conpetentibus seruiciis exsequentes gaudiam domini sui tribues benignus intrare, ut qui in modico, hoc est in paruo uitae praesentes excurso fidelis apparuit, supra multa bona utique in sempiternum mansura beatitudine disponatur. Per Christum dominum nostrum.

'Mass for One Confessor

God, rewarder of the souls of the faithful, grant that through today's celebration of your holy confessor and bishop N the solemn ceremony is honoured by us, so that we obtain forgiveness through the prayers of those who have pleased you. Through our Lord.

463. Collect follows. Hear our prayers, O Lord, which we offer in commemoration of your holy confessor N, that before your countenance he who worthily deserved to serve you is ever resplendent, and that the prayer of the righteous (cf. Iac. 5, 16), pleasing to you, supports us. Through.

464. Collect after the names. Let the annually recurring feast of your holy confessor and bishop N gladden us with devotion, so we ask, O Lord, that through this service of devout oblation blesed reward accompanies him, and the satisfaction of holy service is given to us. Through.

465. Collect at the kiss of peace. Protect your servants, so we ask, O Lord, through the zeal of sincere love and through the intercession of your most blessed confessor and bishop N, and instruct us in spiritual teaching through the bond of love. Through.

466. Prayer of sacrifice. It is truly worthy and just that we always and everywhere bring thanks to you, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God, who is glorified by the confession of the saints. For you extol not only the glorious merits of your martyrs with distinguished rewards, but you also kindly grant that they who accomplish sacred service with suitable servility, enter [into] the joy of their Lord, so that he who has appeared trustworthy in little - in the small occurence, therefore, of the present life - is certainly appointed over many good things (cf. Matth. 25, 21) in the blessedness that remains eternally. Through Christ our Lord.'



Protege nos, quaesomus, domine, tuorum dipraecacione iustorum, ut quorum circumdatur suffragio, foueamur auxilio. Per.

468. COLLECCIO. Adsit nobis, domine, quaesomus, praecacio sancta iustorum, quae nos a terrenis effectibus incessabiliter expeditus caelestia desiderare perficiat. Per.

469. POST NOMINA. Sacrificium tibi, domine, laudis offerimus in uenerabilium commemoracione sanctorum tuorum. Da, quaesomus, domine, ut quod illis contulit ad gloria, nobis proficiat ad salutem. Per.

470. AD PACEM. Oblaciones familiae tuae, domine, quaesomus, beatissimorum sanctorum tuorum confessio beata conciliet, et quae nostris minus apta sunt meritis, fiant tibi placitae tuorum dipraecacione iustorum. Per.

471. IMMOLACIO. Dignum et iustum est, uere dignum et iustum est, qui non solum martyrum, sed etiam confessorum tuorum es uirtute mirabilis. Licet enim illi passione sint clari, qui manifeste acerua supplicia sustenuerunt tormenta, etiam isti tamen occulte proposito castigacionis afflicti, cruciati spiritali obseruanciae disciplinis illorum sunt uestigia subsecuti. Per Christum dominum.

'Mass for Several Confessors

Protect us through the prayer of your righteous ones (cf. Iac. 5, 16), so we ask, O Lord, that we are encouraged through the help of those by whose support we are surrounded. Through.

468. Collect. May the holy prayer of the righteous (cf. Iac 5, 16) sustain us, so we ask, O Lord, so that it makes us, not encumbered by earthly influences, long unceasingly for the heavenly things. Through.

469. After the names. We bring you, O Lord, a sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50, 14; Ps. 50, 23; Ps. 107, 22) in commemoration of your venerable saints. Grant, so we ask, O Lord, that what contributed to their glory serves towards our salvation. Through.

470. At the kiss of peace. May the blessed confession of your most blessed saints make the offerings of your servants agreeable, so we ask, O Lord, that those things that through our merits are less appropriate become pleasing to you through the prayer of your righteous ones (cf. Iac. 5, 16). Through.

471. Prayer of sacrifice. It is worthy and just, indeed it is truly worthy and just [that we bring thanks to you, O Lord, holy Father, almighty and everlasting God], who, not only through the strength of your martyrs but also through that of your confessors, are marvellous. For although they are famous through their martyrdom, who endured in public the bitter punishments [and] torments, likewise [famous are] those who in secret, afflicted by the prospect of punishment [and] spiritually tortured by obedience to the doctrine, have followed in their footsteps. Through Christ the Lord.'

Text: Rose 2005, 496-7, 515-26.
Translation: Rose 2017, 264-5, 281-90.

Liturgical Activities

Service for the saint
Eucharist associated with cult
Liturgical invocation
Chant and religious singing
Other liturgical acts and ceremonies


Saint’s feast

Cult Places


Non Liturgical Activity

Transmission, copying and reading saint-related texts

Protagonists in Cult and Narratives

Ecclesiastics - bishops


The Gothic Missal (Missale Gothicum) is the standard editorial name used for Vatican City, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. Lat. 317, a liturgical manuscript (sacramentary) compiled in Burgundy at the turn of the eighth century. It provides an exceptionally rare witness to late antique liturgical practice in Gaul. The inclusion of an entry for the late Merovingian political martyr Leudegar of Autun (eastern Gaul) (ob. 677/9) gives both an earliest possible date for the manuscript's compilation, and, since it appears alongside an entry for the earlier Autun martyr Symphorianus, an indication of the community for which the codex might have been made. On palaeographical grounds, E.A. Lowe located the Missal's production to the scriptorium of Luxeuil (c. 130 miles northeast of Autun), at a date no later than c. 710.

The full manuscript is now available to view online:


The codex as it survives includes entries for nine biblical saints and nine from the city of Rome (plus Cyprian of Carthage, commemorated with Pope Cornelius), alongside six Gallic feast days and one from Spain (Saturninus, Eulalia, Ferreolus and Ferrucio, Symphorianus, Maurice and the Theban Legion, Leudegar, and Martin). The Missal covers most feasts in roughly chronological order, beginning after Christmas with the feast of Stephen (usually 26 Dec.). The manuscript does not, however, provide any dates for the celebration of these feasts: presumably, its users would have also had a separate liturgical calendar at hand.

For an overview of the contents of the
Gothic Missal, see E08222.

formulaic entries for unnamed saints would have been used to provide material for celebrating the feast days of saints who were not covered by their own bespoke ("Proper") offices elsewhere in the Gothic Missal. Entries of this kind were quite normal in medieval liturgical collections: compare, for example, the roughly contemporary Bobbio Missal (E08240). However, it is worth noting that - unlike the Bobbio Missal - the Gothic Missal provides no formulaic entries for female virgin saints.


Edition and study:
Missale Gothicum e codice Vaticano Reginensi latino 317 editum, ed. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2005).

The Gothic Missal, trans. Els Rose (Turnhout, 2017).

Further reading:
Lowe, E.A., Codices latini antiquiores, 11 vols (Oxford, 1937-71), i. 32.

Record Created By

Benjamin Savill

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
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S00060Martyrs, unnamed or name lostille martyrCertain
S00084Apostles, unnamed or name lostille apostolosCertain
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Please quote this record referring to its author, database name, number, and, if possible, stable URL:
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