Metrodoros, Marcionite presbyter and martyr of Smyrna
Saint ID
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Lesser clergy
ID | Title | E00014 | Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Ecclesiastical History (4.15), mentions as his source-texts martyrdom accounts of the martyrs of Smyrna, including *Polykarpos/Polycarp (bishop and martyr, S00004), *Metrodoros (Marcionite priest and martyr, S00047), and *Pionios (presbyter and martyr, S00031), and of the martyrs of Pergamon, *Karpos, Papylos and Agathonike (S00051); all in western Asia Minor. He also mentions a collection of martyrdom accounts (now lost) that he himself had compiled. Written in Greek in Palestine, 311/325. | E00145 | Τhe Greek Martyrdom of *Pionios (presbyter and martyr of Smyrna, S00031) recounts how the Marcionite presbyter *Metrodoros (S00047) was martyred together with Pionios in Smyrna (western Asia Minor) in 250. Written presumably in Smyrna, in the 3rd c. |