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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Karpos, Papylos and Agathonike, martyrs of Pergamon

Saint ID


Number in BH

BHG 293-295

Reported Death Not Before


Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Martyrs, Bishops , Lesser clergy
Related Evidence Records
E00014Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Ecclesiastical History (4.15), mentions as his source-texts martyrdom accounts of the martyrs of Smyrna, including *Polykarpos/Polycarp (bishop and martyr, S00004), *Metrodoros (Marcionite priest and martyr, S00047), and *Pionios (presbyter and martyr, S00031), and of the martyrs of Pergamon, *Karpos, Papylos and Agathonike (S00051); all in western Asia Minor. He also mentions a collection of martyrdom accounts (now lost) that he himself had compiled. Written in Greek in Palestine, 311/325.
E00139Eusebius of Caesarea, in various passages in his Ecclesiastical History, refers to a collection of early martyrdom accounts he compiled, probably in the 290s or 300s; with references to *Pionios (martyr of Smyrna, S00031), *Karpos, Papylos, and Agathonike (martyrs of Pergamon, S00051), the *Martyrs of Lyon (S00316), and *Apollonios (martyr of Rome, S00106). Written in Greek in Palestine, in 311/325.
E00352The Greek version of the Martyrdom of *Karpos, Papylos and Agathonike (martyrs of Pergamon, S00051) recounts the interrogation and martyrdom of three Christians in Pergamon (western Asia Minor). The text mentions a miraculous vision and the collection of the saints’ relics in its last part, which seems to have been altered in a secondary phase. Probably written in Pergamon, in the 2nd/3rd c.
E00353The Latin Martyrdom of Carpus, Pamfilus and Agathonice recounts the interrogation and martyrdom in Pergamon (western Asia Minor) of *Karpos, Papylos, and Agathonike (martyrs of Pergamon, S00051), and gives 13 April as the feast day of the saints. Text in Latin, probably translated from Greek of the 2nd/3rd c.
E01475The early 5th c. Syriac Martyrology commemorates on 13 April the martyrdom 'in the city of Pergamos' of 'the bishop *Kyrillos, and Agathonike and Paulos' (probably Karpos, Papylos and Agathonike, martyrs of Pergamon, S00051). Preserved in a manuscript written in Edessa (northern Mesopotamia) in 411.