Hatre, Egyptian martyr with a shrine in the village of Psahrshebbe
Saint ID
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E00240 | Coptic Wonders and Miracles of Apa *Phoibammon (soldier and martyr of Assiut, §S00080), recounted by 'Kolouthos, the Stylite' from Hermopolis, presenting Phoibammon as a great miracle worker at his established shrines at Touho (Middle Egypt) and Assiut (Upper Egypt), but also at a local cult site at Thone (Middle Egypt) as well as further afield, including Constantinople. Possibly written in the 6th c., presumably at Hermopolis (Middle Egypt). | E04258 | Coptic document of unknown Egyptian provenance addressing a bishop and mentioning a topos of Apa *Hatre (possibly S00133); datable to the 6th/7th century. | E05698 | Coptic ostracon from the area of Hermonthis (Upper Egypt) with a letter mentioning the monastery (topos) of Apa *Hatre (Egyptian martyr, S00133); datable to the 8th century. |