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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Alexandros, bishop and martyr of Jerusalem

Saint ID


Reported Death Not Before


Reported Death Not After


Type of Saint
Martyrs, Bishops
Related Evidence Records
E00273Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Ecclesiastical History (6.11.1-2), recounts that, in the 210s, *Alexandros (bishop and martyr of Jerusalem, S00149) was miraculously designated in dream visions to serve as assistant bishop to *Narkissos (bishop of Jerusalem, S00148). Written in Greek in Palestine, 311/325.
E00276Eusebius of Caesarea, in his Ecclesiastical History (6.39.1-4), mentions the martyrdoms of *Fabianus (bishop and martyr of Rome, S00147), *Alexandros (bishop and martyr of Jerusalem, S00149), and *Babylas (bishop and martyr of Antioch, S00061), during the Decian persecution (250/251). Written in Greek in Palestine, 311/325.
E02486The Latin Martyrdom of *Calocerus, Parthenius, *Victoria, Anatolia and Audax (martyrs of Rome and of Picenum, S00679 and S01406), probably originally a single text though later fragmented in the manuscripts, narrates the trial and death in Rome of Calocerus and Parthenius, and their burial next to the tomb of *Sixtus (bishop and martyr of Rome, S00201); the vow in Rome of Victoria and Anatolia to keep their virginity; their enforced and separate travel to different cities of Picenum (central Italy), where both effect miracles and conversions, including that of Audax who is then martyred; their death and burial in the same region. Written presumably in Picenum, at an uncertain date, probably before the late 7th c.
E03116The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on 21 April *Alexandros (bishop and martyr of Jerusalem, S00149).
E03716The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 21 April *Alexandros (bishop and martyr of Jerusalem, S00149) and *Theodoros (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480).
E07907Jerome in several of the brief biographical notes in his On illustrious men, mentions the deaths as martyrs of Christian authors. Written in Latin in Bethlehem (Palestine), 392/393.