Spyridon, bishop of Trimythous (Cyprus), ob. 348
Saint ID
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
"Confessors", Monastic founders, Miracle-workers in lifetime, Bishops , Peasants and labourers
ID | Title | E01327 | Greek inscriptions from the present-day monastic church of St Spyridon at Trimythous (central-east Cyprus) with references to a Sphyridon 'of holy memory', just possibly Spyridon (bishop of Trimythous, ob. 348, S00790), and *Matthew the Evangelist (S00791). A room dedicated to unnamed holy (hagioi) bishops is also mentioned. Probably 4th c. and later. | E03954 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 10 December *Jonah (the Old Testament prophet, S01237), *Amphilochos (theologian and bishop of Iconium, ob. c. 400, S01805) and *Spyridon (bishop of Trimythous (Cyprus), ob. 348, S00790). | E03956 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 12 December *Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480), the deposition of the relics of *Euphemia (martyr of Chalcedon, S00017), *Spyridon (bishop of Trimythous, Cyprus, ob. 348, S00790) and *Sabas the Sanctified (founder of the Mar Saba Monastery in Palestine, ob. 532, S00910). | E03992 | Socrates, in his Ecclesiastical History (1.11-13), refers to miracle-working bishops and holy men flourishing under Constantine. These are *Paphnoutios (Egyptian saint, precise identity uncertain, S00882), *Spyridon (ascetic of Trimythous on Cyprus, S00790), and the Novatian ascetic *Eutychianos of Bithynia (S01543). Written in Greek at Constantinople, 439/446. | E07147 | The Greek Life of *Spyridon (bishop of Trimithous in Cyprus, ob. 348, S00790) by Theodore, bishop of Paphos, paraphrases a biography of the saint by Triphyllios, which was written in verse in the late 4th century (now lost). Theodore augments Triphyllios’ poem with a miracle account derived from a version of the saint’s life, reportedly found in Egypt, and five miracle stories collected by the author himself. Written around AD 656 and read at the saint's festival in Trimithous. | E07148 | The Greek Life of *Spyridon (bishop of Trimithous in Cyprus, ob. 348, S00790) by Theodore, bishop of Paphos, reports a miracle of the saint, which was depicted in a painting in his church at Trimithous, but not understood until identified from an account of the saint’s life found in Egypt which was read at the saint’s feast in 656. Written in c. 656 in Paphos or Trimithous. |