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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Petros, bishop of Sebasteia in Armenia, ob. early 4th c.

Saint ID


Type of Saint
Related Evidence Records
E01303The Greek Martyrdom of the *Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (S00103) recounts the martyrdom of forty Christian soldiers in a lake outside Sebasteia/Sebaste (eastern Asia Minor), including miracles and visions happening during and after their death. After a revelation, the bishop collects their relics. Probably written in Sebasteia, in the late 4th to 6th c.
E01304Gregory of Nyssa, in his Letter 1 of the 380s or 390s, mentions festivals of a certain *Petros (bishop of Sebasteia, S01124 or S01125) and unnamed martyrs (perhaps *Athenogenes of Pedachthoe, S00065) at Sebasteia/Sebaste (eastern Asia Minor), and a festival of martyrs in the village of Andaëmona in Cappadocia (central Asia Minor). Probably written in Greek at Nyssa (central Asia Minor).
E02993The Greek Life and Martyrdom of *Athenogenes (martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065) recounts the miracles and martyrdom of a bishop of the village of Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor), reportedly based on an earlier document, reworked by a certain Anysios; it includes an account of several other martyrdoms. Written at Pedachthoe in the 4th/5th c. Overview entry
E02998The Greek Life and Martyrdom of *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedchthoe, S00065), of the 4th/5th c., mentions that the saint was burned at Sebasteia on the same site as an earlier martyr, the bishop of Sebasteia, *Petros (S01124). It reports that there is a church on the site and that Petros rests at a place called Bizaza. Written in Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor).