Athenogenes, bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHG 197, 197b; BHO 118
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Ascetics/monks/nuns, Miracle-workers in lifetime, Bishops
ID | Title | E00102 | Agathangelos' History of Armenia, also known as the History and Life of St Gregory, tells the story, set in the early 4th c., of *Gregory the Illuminator (converter of Armenia, S00251) establishing, with the help of relics, the commemoration in Armenia of *John the Baptist (S00020) and *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065), to replace the feasts of pagan deities. Written in Armenian in the middle of the 5th c. | E01103 | Basil of Caesarea, in his treatise On the Holy Spirit, refers to the life and miracles of *Gregory the Miracle-Worker (bishop of Neocaesarea, S00687) and to a hymn associated with *Athenogenes (martyr and bishop of Pedachthoe, S00065). Written in Greek at Kaisareia/Caesarea of Cappadocia (central Asia Minor) in c. 375. | E01304 | Gregory of Nyssa, in his Letter 1 of the 380s or 390s, mentions festivals of a certain *Petros (bishop of Sebasteia, S01124 or S01125) and unnamed martyrs (perhaps *Athenogenes of Pedachthoe, S00065) at Sebasteia/Sebaste (eastern Asia Minor), and a festival of martyrs in the village of Andaëmona in Cappadocia (central Asia Minor). Probably written in Greek at Nyssa (central Asia Minor). | E02993 | The Greek Life and Martyrdom of *Athenogenes (martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065) recounts the miracles and martyrdom of a bishop of the village of Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor), reportedly based on an earlier document, reworked by a certain Anysios; it includes an account of several other martyrdoms. Written at Pedachthoe in the 4th/5th c. Overview entry | E02996 | The Greek Life and Martyrdom of Athenogenes (martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065), of the 4th/5th c., mentions the martyrdom of *Theophrastos, Maximinos, Hesychios, Theophilos, and Kleonikos (S01388) under Diocletian, for whom *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065) built an octagonal shrine and underground tomb at the village of Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor), where he himself was laid to rest after his martyrdom. Written in Pedachthoe. | E02998 | The Greek Life and Martyrdom of *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedchthoe, S00065), of the 4th/5th c., mentions that the saint was burned at Sebasteia on the same site as an earlier martyr, the bishop of Sebasteia, *Petros (S01124). It reports that there is a church on the site and that Petros rests at a place called Bizaza. Written in Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor). | E02999 | The Greek Life and Martyrdom of *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065), of the 4th/5th c., reports that on the saint’s feast (17 July) a deer offers its fawn to be consumed by the faithful, butcheries are free of flies, meat bought on the day keeps fresh, and water is miraculously provided in preparations for the festival. Athenogenes has power against the effects of ill-omened dreams. Written in Pedachthoe (Pontus, northern Anatolia). | E03080 | The early seventh-century Georgian version of the Lectionary of Jerusalem commemorates on the Sunday after Pentacost *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065) | E03171 | The Greek Martyrdom of *Athenogenes of Pedachthoe (bishop and martyr, S00065), of the 6th/8th c., recounts in an abridged and significantly altered way the story of the saint known from his more extensive and probably earlier martyrdom account (E02993). It describes his shrine as a monastery. Probably written at Pedachthoe (northern Asia Minor). | E03803 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 17 July *Longinos (centurion at the Crucifixion, S00926) and his companions in martyrdom and *Athenogenes (bishop and martyr of Pedachthoe, S00065). |