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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Athanasia and her daughters: Theodota, Theoktista and Eudoxia, martyrs of Canopus in Egypt and followers of Kyros and Iōannēs

Saint ID


Type of Saint
Related Evidence Records
E03784The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 28 June probably *Habbakuk (Old testament prophet, S01268), *Kyros and Ioannes/Cyrus and John (physician and soldier, martyrs of Egypt, S00406) and their companion martyred women (S00167), and the Apostles *Peter (S00036) and Paul (S00008).