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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Greek order from Oxyrhynchos (Middle Egypt) for the supply of wine to widows of the church 'of Ptoleminos', almost certainly named after the founder of the institution; datable to the 5th/6th century.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Documentary texts - Other private document

P.Oxy. 67 4621

Βίκτορι οἰνοπράτῃ.
δὸς ταῖς χήρ(αις) ἐκκλ(ησίας) Πτολεμίνου
οἴν(ου) δι(πλᾶ) ε μ(όνα). Μεσορὴ ιϛ, ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) ε
ἀρχ(ῇ) ϛ.

'To Victor, wine-merchant. Give to the widows of the church of Ptoleminos 5 double jars of wine only. Mesore 16, indiction 5, beginning of the 6th.’

Text and translation: N. Gonis

A full record of this document, complete with image is available at:;67;4621

Cult Places

Cult building - independent (church)

Non Liturgical Activity

Distribution of alms

Protagonists in Cult and Narratives



The papyrus P.Oxy. 67 4621 is located at Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms, 31B.79/F(1–3)a. The document is dated on palaeographical grounds.


Very similar documents are E02310, E02311 and E02312, all written by the same scribe and on the same day as our document, and addressed to the same wine-merchant (and E02126, by the same scribe and to the same wine-merchant, but on a different day), all ordering wines for charitable distribution to the widows of individual churches.

The name Ptoleminos is well attested in Oxyrhynchos, but so far not associated with a saint. The lack of the term
hagios prior to the name suggests that Ptoleminos was not a saint, but the founder of the church. We have included this document in our database, because it is so clearly part of a set (the others of which were associated with saints); and as a reminder that not all late antique churches were named after saints.


Gonis, N., "P.Oxy. 67 4621. Order to Supply Wine," in: R.A. Coles (ed.), The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, vol. LXVII (London, 2001), 253–254.

Record Created By

Gesa Schenke

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00518Saints, unnamedCertain

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