Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (10.31), records that Iniuriosus, the fifteenth bishop of Tours (bishop 529-546), completed the church of *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033) in Tours, and that in his time the church of *Germanus (bishop of Auxerre, ob. 448, S00455) at Saint-Germain-sur-Vienne in the Touraine was constructed. Injuriosus was buried in the church of *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050) in Tours. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 591/594.
Evidence ID
Type of Evidence
Literary - Other narrative texts (including Histories)
Major author/Major anonymous work
Gregory of Tours
Gregory of Tours, Histories (Historiae) 10.31
Iniuriosus peraedificavit ecclesiam sanctae Mariae infra muros urbis Turonicae. Huius tempore et basilica sancti Germani aedificata est.
'Iniuriosus finished building Saint Mary’s church within the walls of Tours. It was also in his time that the church of Saint Germanus was built.'
Obiitque et sepultus est in basilica sancti Martini.
'When he died he was buried in Saint Martin’s church.'
Text: Krusch and Levison 1951, 533.
Translation: Thorpe 1974, 599.
Record Created By
Katarzyna Wojtalik
Date of Entry
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity |
S00033 | Mary, Mother of Christ | Maria | Certain |
S00050 | Martin, ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397 | Martinus | Certain |
S00455 | Germanus, bishop of Auxerre, ob. c. 448 | Germanus | Certain |
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