Grigoris, katholikos and martyr of Caucasian Albania, ob. early 4th century.
Saint ID
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E00131 | The History of the Albanians (1.14) recounts the martyrdom of a certain 'lad of Čiłb' and the priest *Daniel (martyr and priest in Caucasian Albania, S00595) during the reign of King Vačē of Albania. Their relics were taken to Syria and a monastery was constructed over their grave. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th c. or 7th c. | E00134 | The History of the Albanians (1.19) recounts the discovery of the relics of *Zechariah (father of John the Baptist, S00597) and *Pantaleon (martyr of Nicomedia, S00596), and how king Vačagan was always accompanied by them and was granted a son by the intercession of the saints. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th or 7th c. | E00135 | The History of the Albanians (1.20) recounts the desire of king Vachagan III to discover the relics of Katholikos *Grigoris (katholikos and martyr of Caucasian Albania, S00062), founder of the Albanian church. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th c. or 7th c. | E00149 | The Epic Histories (3.6), traditionally attributed to P'awstos, recount the martyrdom, burial, and establishment of the annual feast of *Grigoris (katholikos and martyr of Caucasian Albania, S00062) at Amaras in Caucasian Albania. Written in Armenian in the second half of the 5th c. | E00861 | The History of the Albanians (1.23) recounts the discovery of the relics of Katholikos *Grigoris (S00062), the founder of the Albanian Church, involving a miraculous dream, the help of the relics of other saints, the theft and recovery of some of the new relics, the punishment of a doubter, the distribution of some of the relics, and the ceremonial deposition of their greater part. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th c. or 7th c. | E00888 | The History of the Albanians (1.21) recounts the miraculous discovery of the relics of *Grigoris (katholikos and martyr in Caucasian Albania, ob. early 4th c., S00062), grandson of Gregory the Illuminator, by the Albanian King Vačagan III, involving an elaborate procession with the relics of saints *Zechariah (father of John the Baptist, S00597), *Pantaleon (martyr of Nicomedia, S00596), *Gregory the Illuminator (converter of Armenia, S00251) and *Hripsimē (Armenian virgin and martyr of Roman origin, S00071) and *Gayanē (Armenian martyr and companion of Hripsimē, S00026), an intervention by Grigoris himself, and a vision of the king. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th c. or 7th c. | E00889 | The History of the Albanians (1.22) recounts the miracles that took place on the spot of the burial of *Grigoris (katholikos and martyr in Caucasian Albania, ob. early 4th c., S00062), the founder of the Albanian Church. Written in Armenian, probably in Caucasian Albania, possibly in the 6th c. or 7th c. |