Man of God/Alexios, ascetic of Edessa
Saint ID
Number in BH
O 36-42
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E02324 | The Syriac Story of the *Man of God (ascetic of Edessa, S01211) tells of a young noble of Rome, who flees marriage and settles as a pauper in Edessa (northern Mesopotamia); on his death, his poverty and piety are revealed to Bishop Rabbula. Written in Edessa in the 5th c. | E03681 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 17 March Valentinian III (Roman emperor, ob. 16 March 455), *Kyrillos/Cyril (bishop of Jerusalem, ob. 386, S01669), and *Alexios (the 'Man of God', ascetic of Edessa, S01211). | E03825 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 7 August possibly *Moses (Old Testament prophet and lawgiver, S00241), 'Moses son of Ephemianos' (possibly *Alexios/the 'Man of God', ascetic of Edessa, S01211), and *Eusignios (soldier and martyr of Antioch, S01369). | E05120 | Coptic Life of *John, the monk (ascetic from Rome, S01944), relating his escape as a young man from his rich home in Rome to join a monastery where he was torturing and destroying his body through severe asceticism, returning to Rome years later to live as a beggar at the gateway of his parents’ house. When he died they built him a shrine (martyrion) at that spot; written most likely during the 6th century. | E07119 | The Greek Life of *Alexios the Man of God (ascetic of Edessa and Rome, S01211) reproduces an earlier Syriac edifying story about a disguised ascetic holy man, but places his death in Rome (not Edessa in northern Mesopotamia), and claims that he was buried at the church of *Bonifacius (martyr, buried on Rome's Aventine hill, S00523). It mentions a speaking image of *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033) in Edessa. Probably written in Rome, in the 7th century or later. | E07145 | The Greek Life of *Ioannes/John Kalybites (ascetic in 5th or 6th century Constantinople, S02745) recounts the life of a child ascetic associated with the Sleepless Monks of Constantinople. It tells the edifying story of the son of a rich family, who returns and lives as an ascetic at his family home, recognised only just before his death. Written in Constantinople in the late 5th century or later. |