Markos, bishop of Arethousa and confessor, ob. 4th c.
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHG 2248-2249
Reported Death Not Before
Type of Saint
"Confessors", Bishops
ID | Title | E04103 | Sozomen, in his Ecclesiastical History (5.7-11), lists martyrs and confessors who suffered under Julian the Apostate (r. 361-363), probably using hagiographies about them. These are *Georgios (Arian bishop of Alexandria, S01145), Theodoros/Theodoretos (martyr of Antioch, S01382), the brothers *Eusebios, Nestavos and Zenon, and Nestor (martyrs of Gaza in Palestine, S01653), *Hilarion (anchorite in Palestine and Cyprus, ob. 371, S00099), *Virgin Martyrs of Heliopolis-Baalbek (S01564), *Markos (bishop and confessor of Arethousa in Syria, S01563), *Makedonios, Theodoulos and Tatianos (martyrs of Meros in Phrygia, west central Asia Minor,S01566), *Bousiris the Encratite (confessor of Ancyra, central Asia Minor, S01567), the presbyter *Basileios of Ancyra (martyr, S01565), and *Eupsychios (martyr of Kaisareia in Cappadocia, central Asia Minor, S00470). Written in Greek at Constantinople, 439/450. | E04153 | Theodoret of Cyrrhus in his Ecclesiastical History (Book 3) recounts the persecutions of Julian the Apostate (r. 361-363), mentioning the *Martyrs of Askalon in Palestine (S01853), *Kyrillos (deacon and martyr of Heliopolis-Baalbek in Syria, S01851), *Aimilianos (martyr of Durostorum on the Lower Danube, S01589), *Ioventinos and Maximinos (soldiers and martyrs of Syrian Antioch, S00053), *Artemios (dux of Egypt and martyr in Antioch, S01128), and the confessor *Markos (bishop of Arethousa in Syria, S01563). Written in Greek at Cyrrhus (northern Syria), 444/450. | E04421 | Greek inscription commemorating the consecration of a church dedicated to *Markos (probably *Mark the Evangelist, S00293). Found at Jueîzeh, near Quneitra and Paneas/Caesarea Philippi, in the Golan Heights, to the north-east of the Sea of Galilee (Roman province of Phoenicia Paralias). Probably 5th-6th c. |