Arsenios the Great, ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445
Saint ID
Number in BHBHG 168-169
BHG 168-169
BHL 715
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
ID | Title | E03733 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 8 May *John (Apostle and Evangelist, S00042), and *Job (Old Testament patriarch, S01191), *Arsenios the Great (ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445, S01693). | E05582 | Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 19 July of *Arsenius (the Great, ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445, S01693). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731. | E06468 | Cyril of Scythopolis composes the Life of *Euthymios (monastic founder in Palestine, οb. 472, S01352), recounting his life as a miracle-working ascetic, adding a set of posthumous miracle stories, and including references to the cult of several other saints. Written in Greek at the New Laura in Palestine, in 555/557. Overview entry | E07036 | The Greek Life of *Arsenios (ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445, S01693) recounts the life and ascetic virtues of its hero. He instructed his disciples not to distribute alms or a memorial meal (agape) for his soul, and not to let anyone take his remains. Written presumably in Egypt, some time during Late Antiquity. | E08008 | The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (AM 5895) mentions the ascetic career and miracles of *Arsenios the Great (ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445, S01693). Chronicle compiled in the Byzantine Empire in the early 9th c., using extracts from earlier Greek texts. |