Job, Old Testament patriarch
Saint ID
Type of Saint
Old Testament saints
ID | Title | E02227 | Coptic private letter from Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), sent from a monk to a comes with intent to console him in his illness, contemplating the sufferings of the saints and their ability to heal on account of their purity, as well as on Job whose suffering was rewarded; datable to the 7th century. | E02237 | Greek inscription commemorating the construction of a church (eukterios oikos) of *Job (Old Testament Patriarch, S01191) from a donation by Justinian and Theodora. Found at Bostra (Roman province of Arabia). Datable 527-548. | E02238 | Greek building inscription for a church (naos) dedicated to *Job (Old Testament Patriarch, S01191). Found at Bostra (Roman province of Arabia). Probably 6th c. | E02299 | John Chrysostom, in his Homily 5 to the People of Antioch, refers to a pilgrimage site in Arabia associated with the suffering of *Job (Old Testament Patriarch, S01191). Written in Greek at Antioch (Syria), 387. | E03731 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 6 May *Job (Old Testament patriarch, S01191), *Pachomiοs (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352), *Theodore the Sanctified (ascetic and follower of Pachomios, ob. 368, S01362) and *Hilarion (probably the anchorite in Palestine and Cyprus, ob. 371, S00099). | E03733 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 8 May *John (Apostle and Evangelist, S00042), and *Job (Old Testament patriarch, S01191), *Arsenios the Great (ascetic of Sketis and Turah, ob. c. 445, S01693). | E04171 | Greek inscription praising the virtues of seven Old Testament figures (*Abraham, S00275; *Isaac, S00276; *Jacob, S00280; *Moses, S00241; *David, S00269; *Solomon, S00270; *Job, S01191), and probably encouraging the reader to imitate them. Found at Shivta (ancient Sobata) in the Negev desert (Roman province of Palaestina III). Probably late antique. | E05115 | Coptic Life and Martyrdom of *Eustathios, a general of the emperor Trajan, his wife Theopiste and their two sons Agapios and Theopistos (martyrs of Rome, S01804), relating their tumultuous life after converting to Christianity, their martyrdom and miraculous bodily incorruptibility, as well as the building of a martyr shrine for them in which they were regularly celebrated; written probably in the 4th c., translated into Coptic presumably in the 6th/7th c. | E05221 | The pilgrim Egeria, in her Itinerary, tells the story of the discovery of the grave of *Job (Old Testament patriarch, S01191) at Carneas/Karnaia (Palestine), and visits the altar and unfinished church built over it. Written in Latin during Egeria's journey to the East, probably in 381-384. | E06104 | The Itinerary of the so-called Pilgrim of Bordeaux mentions a number of tombs in the Holy Land of biblical figures, almost all from the Old Testament; Constantine's new church at Mamre, where Abraham (Old Testament patriarch, S00275) conversed with angels; and the spring near Jericho miraculously purified by the Elisha (Old Testament prophet, S00239). Written in Latin, probably in Bordeaux (south-west Gaul), shortly after 333. |