Pachomiοs, Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346.
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHG 1396-1401; BHL 6410
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Monastic founders, Ascetics/monks/nuns
ID | Title | E00602 | Fragmentary Sahidic Coptic Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352), presumably written at his monastery in Tabennese (Upper Egypt) during the second half of the 4th c., includes accounts of miraculous healing activity and visions, of Pachomios’ death, and of his body being secretly buried to avoid the construction of a cult building (martyrion) over it. | E00610 | Fragmentary Bohairic Coptic Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352),based to a large extent on the Sahidic Life (E00602); includes miraculous healing activity and visions, a description of Pachomios’ death, and a transfer of his body to a secret location; written in the 9th c. | E00611 | Greek Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352), written at an uncertain date, and based largely on the Sahidic Coptic Life (E00602); includes miraculous healing activity and visions, a description of Pachomios’ death, and a transfer of his body to a secret location. | E00612 | The Greek Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352), of uncertain date, contains an account of an investigation in the church of Latopolis (Upper Egypt) into Pachomios’ powers of clairvoyance. | E01732 | A Coptic list of holy books belonging to the monastery of Apa *Elijah/Elias (probably the Old Testament prophet, S00217) 'on the mountain', presumably at Aphroditopolis/Atfih (Middle Egypt), lists a papyrus manuscript containing the Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352); list datable to the 7th/8th c. | E03176 | Palladius of Helenopolis writes the Lausiac History, a collection of short narratives and teachings of male and female ascetics in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Asia Minor, and Italy, commissioned by the patrician Lausos. Written in Greek at Aspuna or Ankyra (both Galatia, central Asia Minor), 419/420. Overview entry | E03323 | Palladius of Helenopolis, in his Lausiac History (32), describes the monastic community of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352) at Tabennesis (Upper Egypt), mentioning that his monastic rule had been revealed to him by an angel on a bronze table. Written in Greek at Aspuna or Ankyra (both Galatia, central Asia Minor), 419/420. | E03731 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 6 May *Job (Old Testament patriarch, S01191), *Pachomiοs (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352), *Theodore the Sanctified (ascetic and follower of Pachomios, ob. 368, S01362) and *Hilarion (probably the anchorite in Palestine and Cyprus, ob. 371, S00099). | E03735 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th c., based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Palestine, commemorates on 10 May *Philemon (martyr of Antinoopolis, S00386) and *Akakios (soldier and martyr of Byzantion, S00468), *Pachomiοs (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352),*Epimachius (martyr of Rome, S00295), all the martyrs whose relics have been deposed under the altar of the church of St Saba Monastery, and *Simon Kananaios (the Zealot, apostle of Christ, S00835). | E05549 | Bede, in his Martyrology, records the feast on 14 May of *Pachomius (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352). Written in Latin at Wearmouth-Jarrow (north-east Britain), 725/731. | E06066 | Gennadius of Marseille, in his De viris illustribus ('On distinguished men'), claims that *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352) wrote his monastic rule at the dictation of an angel, and that *Theodore the Sanctified (ascetic and follower of Pachomius, ob. 368, S01362), learned facts about the life and teaching of Pachomius from an angel. Written in Latin at Marseille (southern Gaul), c. 468. | E06985 | The Greek Life of *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346, S00352) is translated into Latin by Dionysius Exiguus at Rome in the early 6th c. | E07044 | Coptic Encomion/Homily on *Pachomios (Egyptian monastic founder, ob. 346., S00352) of unknown Egyptian provenance; presumably written sometime during the later 4th century. Skeleton entry |