Solomon, Old Testament king of Israel
Saint ID
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Old Testament saints, Monarchs and their family
ID | Title | E00485 | The Piacenza Pilgrim mentions, in his account of Bethlehem (Palestine), the basilica of *David (Old Testament king of Israel, S00269), with the tombs of David and his son, King *Solomon (S00270); also the tomb of the Holy *Innocents (the children killed on the orders of Herod, S00268), whose bones can be seen together in one place. Account of an anonymous pilgrim, written in Latin, probably in Placentia (northern Italy), c. 560. | E01271 | The church of Panagia Drosiani on the island of Naxos (Aegean Islands) houses labelled pre-iconoclastic paintings of saints, datable to the 7th/8th c.: *Kosmas and Damianos (brothers, physician martyrs of Syria, S00385) *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033); possibly *Solomon (Old Testament king of Israel, S00270); *John the Baptist (S00020); just possibly *Catherine (martyr of Alexandria, S00765); possibly *George (soldier and martyr, S00259); and *Ioulianos/Julianus (possibly the martyr of Cilicia, buried at Antioch or in Egypt, S00305). | E01758 | Amulets from the collection of S. Ayvaz with Greek inscriptions invoking the Archangels: *Michael (S00181), *Gabriel (S00192), *Ouriel (S00770), and depictions showing *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033), and a holy rider. Found in Syria, various locations. Probably Roman impeiral, late antique, and/or middle Byzantine. Pagan and/or Christian. | E04171 | Greek inscription praising the virtues of seven Old Testament figures (*Abraham, S00275; *Isaac, S00276; *Jacob, S00280; *Moses, S00241; *David, S00269; *Solomon, S00270; *Job, S01191), and probably encouraging the reader to imitate them. Found at Shivta (ancient Sobata) in the Negev desert (Roman province of Palaestina III). Probably late antique. | E06104 | The Itinerary of the so-called Pilgrim of Bordeaux mentions a number of tombs in the Holy Land of biblical figures, almost all from the Old Testament; Constantine's new church at Mamre, where Abraham (Old Testament patriarch, S00275) conversed with angels; and the spring near Jericho miraculously purified by the Elisha (Old Testament prophet, S00239). Written in Latin, probably in Bordeaux (south-west Gaul), shortly after 333. | E07942 | The Breviarius, a brief guide to the holy places of Jerusalem, which survives in two distinct versions, mentions a number of buildings and relics associated with saints and Old Testament figures. Written in Latin, presumably in Jerusalem, perhaps (in its two surviving states) around AD 500. |