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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world


Rebecca, Old Testament wife of Isaac

Saint ID


Type of Saint
Old Testament saints
Related Evidence Records
E06087Adomnán, in his On the Holy Places, reports the recent visit of the Franco-Gallic bishop Arculf to the tombs at Hebron (Palestine) of the Old Testament patriarchs *Abraham (S00275), *Isaac (S00276), *Jacob (S00280), with their wives, *Sarah (S00278), *Rebecca (S02281) and *Leah (S02282), and of *Adam (the first man, S00772). Written in Latin at Iona (north-west Britain), possibly 683/689.
E06104The Itinerary of the so-called Pilgrim of Bordeaux mentions a number of tombs in the Holy Land of biblical figures, almost all from the Old Testament; Constantine's new church at Mamre, where Abraham (Old Testament patriarch, S00275) conversed with angels; and the spring near Jericho miraculously purified by the Elisha (Old Testament prophet, S00239). Written in Latin, probably in Bordeaux (south-west Gaul), shortly after 333.