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The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity

from its origins to circa AD 700, across the entire Christian world

Latin inscription recording the presence of relics of *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), *Felix (possibly the martyr of Gerona, S00408), and *Vincentius (probably the martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Found near Calama (Numidia, central North Africa). Probably 6th/7th c.

Evidence ID


Type of Evidence

Inscriptions - Inscribed objects

+ Hic reliquiae
beati Petri apost(o)l(i),
et s(an)c(t)orum Felicis
et Vincenti martyr(um)

'+ Here are relics of the blessed Peter the Apostle, and of the holy martyrs Felix and Vincentius'.

Text: Duval 1982, no. 87.


Bodily relic - unspecified


Block of white marble found in 1896 three kilometres from Calama. Now in the Louvre (inv. no. 3343). Dimensions: H. 40; W. 62; Th. 23. Letters 4 cm high.

The block is by all probability the lid for a pink marble chest which was found nearby.

S. Gsell suggested a date for the inscription to the Byzantine period, because of the form of the initial cross. The letter-forms also suggest a late date.


A Felix and a Vincentius feature amongst the many *Martyrs of Abitina (see E07672). But there is no reason why these two (with Vincentius only a minor character in the story) would be singled out here. It is more likely that the martyrs mentioned in our inscription, whose relics were being kept with relics of the Apostle Peter, were two Spanish saints: Vincentius, deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, and Felix, martyr of Gerona. In the case of Vincentius we can be confident of the identification, as there is good evidence of his veneration in Africa (particularly in the sermons of Augustine). The identification of Felix is less certain; and it is possible that our martyr was not Felix of Gerona, but one of the several Felixes who were martyrs of Italy.


Edition and commentary:
Duval, Y., Loca sanctorum Africae: Le culte des martyrs en Afrique du IVe au VIIe siècle (Rome: École Française de Rome, 1982), vol. 1, 179-180, no. 87.


From Y. Duval 1982, no. 87

Record Created By

Stanisłąw Adamiak

Date of Entry


Related Saint Records
IDNameName in SourceIdentity
S00000Felix, priest and confessor of NolaFelixUncertain
S00036Peter, the ApostlePetrus apostolusCertain
S00290Vincentius/Vincent, deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and ValenciaVincentiusUncertain
S00408Felix, martyr of GeronaFelixUncertain
S00609Nabor and Felix, brothers, soldiers and martyrs, buried in MilanFelixUncertain
S01164Felix and Fortunatus, brothers, martyrs of Aquileia and VicenzaFelixUncertain
S02529Martyrs of Abitina, killed in CarthageFelix, VincentiusUncertain

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