Vincentius/Vincent, deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia
Saint ID
Number in BH
BHL 8627-8655
Reported Death Not Before
Reported Death Not After
Type of Saint
Martyrs, Lesser clergy
ID | Title | E00367 | Gregory of Tours writes the Glory of the Martyrs (Liber in Gloria Martyrum), in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. Overview entry. | E00503 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (30), tells of relics of *Andrew (the Apostle, S00288) and *Saturninus (bishop and martyr of Toulouse, S00289), which shortly after 524 were saved from fire in a town in Burgundy and translated to Neuvy-le-Roi (near Tours, north-west Gaul); they were then transferred to a new church, and replaced in the old one by a relic of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. | E00629 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (88), tells of the sarcophagus of a wicked man miraculously thrown out of the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) in Toulouse (south-west Gaul). Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. | E00639 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Martyrs (89), recounts three miracles effected in western and north-western Gaul by relics of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290): in a church with his relics at Bessay in the territory of Poitiers, the inhabitants celebrated his feast a day early, but were put right by a possessed man who, with others, was then cured; at Céré-la-Ronde near Tours, relics being carried by travellers brought about cures; at Orbigny (also in the Touraine), relics were stolen and sold to an abbot of Bourges, but, after two visions, were solemnly returned, with an accompanying miracle. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 580/594. | E00799 | Prudentius writes Crowns of the Martyrs IV, a poem on the martyrdom of the *Eighteen Martyrs of Zaragoza (S00485); it also mentions other saints connected to Zaragoza (north-east Hispania): *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), *Encratis (confessor of Zaragoza, S00512), and *Gaius and Crementius (confessors of Zaragoza, S00513). Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. Overview of Peristephanon IV. | E00813 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs IV) on the *Eighteen Martyrs of Zaragoza (S00485), tells of the upbringing of *Vincentius/Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, E00290) in Zaragoza (north-east Hispania). Even though his tomb is at Sagunto (near Valencia in eastern Hispania), some of his blood is kept in Zaragoza and this city too treats him as its own saint. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00858 | Prudentius writes Crowns of the Martyrs V, a poem on the martyrdom of *Vincentius/Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), with details about Vincent's suffering, death and cult, both during his lifetime and after death. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. Overview of Peristephanon V. | E00860 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), asks the saint to favour the day of his feast. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00881 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), recounts how the martyr was venerated by the people during his recovery from torture; some of them soaked up his blood with cloths, to then use them as protection for their families. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00882 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), tells of saints accompanying Vincent on his way to heaven; among them he explicitly mentions *John the Baptist (S00020), as a fellow sufferer in prison. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00883 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), tells of attempts to prevent the posthumous veneration of the body of the saint. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00884 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), describes the grave, altar and church built around the body of the martyr on the shore of Sagunto near Valencia (eastern Hispania) and refers to him as being in heaven in the company of the *Maccabean Martyrs (pre-Christian Jewish martyrs of Antioch, S00303) and the martyred *Isaiah (Old Testament prophet, S00282). Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E00885 | Prudentius, in his poem (Crowns of the Martyrs V) on *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), exhorts the veneration of the relics of the saint on the day of his festival. Written in Latin in Calahorra (northern Hispania), c. 400. | E01948 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon at the feast of *Vincent (almost certainly the deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Sermon 4, delivered in Latin, possibly in Hippo Regius (Numidia, central North Africa), early in the 5th c. | E02064 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (3.29), tells how, in c. 542, the citizens of Zaragoza (western Hispania) processed around the walls of the city with the tunic of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), thereby successfully seeking protection during a Frankish siege. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 575/594. | E02098 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (4.20), records the burial in 558 of King Childebert I in the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) in Paris, which he had built. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 575/594. | E02190 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (6.46), mentions the burial in 584 of King Chilperic, in the Parisian church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 584/594. | E02204 | Calendar of the Church of Carthage (central North Africa) lists saints whose liturgical commemorations were celebrated in January. Written in Latin in Carthage, probably between 505 and 535. | E02247 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon on the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), probably after the public reading of his Martyrdom. Sermon 274, delivered in Latin, possibly at Hippo Regius (Numidia, North Africa) in c. 410. | E02255 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon on the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), after the public reading of his Martyrdom. Sermon 275, delivered in Latin, probably at Hippo Regius (Numidia, North Africa), possibly in 411. | E02256 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon on the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), after the public reading of his Martyrdom. Sermon 276, delivered in Latin, probably at Hippo Regius (Numidia, North Africa), possibly in 412. | E02262 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon on the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), probably after the public reading of his Martyrdom. Sermon 277, delivered in Latin, in Hippo Regius (Numidia, North Africa), possibly in 413. | E02269 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (8.10), records the burial in 585 of the Frankish princes Merovech and Clovis in the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) in Paris. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 585/594. | E02271 | Augustine of Hippo preaches a sermon on the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), after the public reading of his Martyrdom. Sermon 277A, delivered in Latin, probably at Hippo Regius (Numidia, North Africa), possibly in 410/412. | E02321 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (8.33), records a great fire in Paris in 585. A woman has a vision, in which the fire starts by the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), but nobody believes her. Three nights later the conflagration begins. *Germanus (bishop of Paris, ob. 576, S01166) appears to prisoners in gaol, frees them, and saves them from the flames; they flee to the church of Vincent, where Germanus' tomb is situated. An oratory of *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050), built where the saint during his lifetime had cured a leper, is miraculously spared the flames, along with its builder, his wife, and their property. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 585/594. | E02332 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (9.6), recounts how a false holy man, claiming to have relics from Spain of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) and *Felix (martyr of Gerona, S00408), had appeared in Tours in around 580. After behaving with extreme arrogance towards Gregory, he left for Paris, where he attracted a following until imprisoned by Bishop Ragnemod, who destroyed his false relics. Escaping, he entered the Parisian church of *Julian (martyr of Brioude, S00035). Gregory mentions the existence of other such false saints, who attracted followings. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 587/594. | E02418 | Gregory of Tours, in his Histories (10.31), recounts how Eufronius, the eighteenth bishop of Tours (bishop 555-573), restored the church of *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050) in Tours, which had been burnt after Willichar sought sanctuary there. In Eufronius' time the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) was built in Tours, and on his death he was buried in Martin's church. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 591/594. | E02722 | Gregory of Tours, in his Glory of the Confessors (88), recounts how at the grave of *Germanus (bishop of Paris, ob. 576, S01166), in the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) in Paris, the paralysed and the blind are cured. Written in Latin in Tours (north-west Gaul), 587/588. | E02890 | The Church Calendar of Ioane Zosime, compiled in Georgian in the 10th century, based however on 5th-7th c. prototypes from Jerusalem, commemorates on 24 January *Clemens/Clement (bishop of Rome, martyr of the Crimea, S00111), *Vincent (deacon and martyr in Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), *Kyriakos (a monk of St Sabas, S01358), and all the deceased monks of St Sabas. | E04548 | Augustine of Hippo, in a sermon preached in Carthage (central North Africa), tells how Bishop Aurelius has ended the old ways of celebrating vigils when even at the memorial shrine of Cyprian (bishop and martyr of Carthage, S00411) men mixed with women and immodest songs were sung. Sermon Dolbeau 2, delivered in Latin, the day after the feast of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), probably in 404. | E04606 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 11 January. | E04616 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 20 January. | E04617 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 21 January. | E04618 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 22 January. | E04767 | Paulinus of Nola, in many of his fourteen poems (the Natalicia) written in honour of *Felix (priest and confessor of Nola, S00000), identifies Felix as the special protector (patronus) of Nola (southern Italy); the similar role of other saints, in other regions, is detailed in Natalicium 11. Written in Latin, in Spain and later Nola, between 395 and 408. | E04925 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 20 August. | E04926 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 21 August. | E05004 | The 6th/7th c. recension of the Latin Martyrologium Hieronymianum, as transmitted in 8th c. manuscripts, records the feasts of a number of saints on 31 October. | E05169 | The Latin Calendar of Sinai records the feasts of saints through the year, followed by a list of the apostles to various regions of Christianity. Written possibly in North Africa, possibly in the 7th/8th c.; preserved in a manuscript, probably of the 9th c., in St Catherine's monastery, Sinai. Basic Entry. | E05253 | Latin Orationale of the Old Hispanic Liturgy of the 7th c. (Orationale Visigothicum), with prayers used on the feasts of saints in January and February: *Iulianus/Ioulianos and Basilissa (martyrs of Antinoopolis, S01341), the *Innocents (children killed on the orders of Herod, S00268), *Fructuosus, Auguris and Eulogius (bishop and his two deacons, martyrs of Tarragona, S00496), *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valentia, S00290), the Chair of *Peter the Apostle (S00036). | E05611 | Venantius Fortunatus, in a poem (1.9) on a church of *Vincentius (probably the martyr of Agen, S00432), built at 'Vernemetis' by Leontius, bishop of Bordeaux, in 542/571, also mentions miracles occurring at the site; presumably within the diocese of Bordeaux. Written in Latin in Gaul, 565/576. | E05937 | The Chronicle of Fredegar (4.56) states that when he died in 629, King Chlothar II was buried in the church of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) at Paris. Written in Latin in Gaul/Francia, 659/700. | E05965 | The will of Desiderius, bishop of Cahors (ob. c. 655), summarised in the Latin Life of Desiderius (E08220), leaves property to churches or monasteries in and around Cahors (south-west Gaul), dedicated to fourteen named saints or pairs of saints. Summary written in Cahors, c. 670/700. | E06027 | Mosaics in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna (northern Italy) depicting the Apostles and an unlabelled figure, probably either *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) or *Laurence (deacon and martyr of Rome, S01229); created 425/450. | E06046 | Mosaics in the nave of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna (northern Italy) depicting twenty-two female saints, preceded by the three Magi, processing towards the Virgin and Child, and twenty-six male saints, probably originally preceded by *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030), processing towards Christ; created under Bishop Agnellus, 557/564. | E06095 | The will of Bertram/Bertrand, bishop of Le Mans, of 27 March 616, establishes as the bishop's heirs two churches at Le Mans (north-west Gaul), one dedicated to *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033), the other to the Apostles *Peter and *Paul (S00036 and S00008), which Bertram himself had built; and makes provisions concerning numerous properties across Gaul, including churches associated with various saints, mostly in or around Le Mans. Written in Latin at Le Mans. | E06245 | Venantius Fortunatus, in a poem on virginity (8.3), when describing the court of heaven lists numerous saints with the cities of their resting-place. Written in Latin in Gaul, probably in the early 570s. | E06545 | A wandering monk named Mauricius writes to a Spanish bishop named Agapius defending his wandering lifestyle, and declares his intention of visiting the shrines of 'the holy martyrs of God Martin and Vincent', a reference to *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), and probably to *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050), but just possibly to *Martin (bishop of Braga, ob. 580, S01176). Letter written in Latin in Spain, early 7th c. | E07091 | Avitus of Vienne in his Letter 79, written to Sigismund, king of the Burgundians, sends greetings for the feast of Vincent, probably *Vincent/Vincentius (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Written in Latin in Vienne (south-east Gaul), 500/518. | E07370 | Monogram on a column capital found at Carthage (central North Africa), probably commemorating a 'Vincentius', just possibly *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Probably 6th/7th c. | E07378 | Two Lombard charters record a grant of privileges by Bishop Felix of Lucca to a monastery in Lucca (central Italy) dedicated to *Frigdianus (bishop of Lucca, ob. 588, S01732), and its subsequent confirmation by King Cunipert, who further mentions the monastery's co-dedication to *Vincentius (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Written in Latin in Lucca and Pavia, 685-688. | E07397 | Latin inscription recording the consecration of three churches: of Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030) by Bishop Paul of Acci in 594; of *John the Baptist (S00020) at an unspecified date; and of *Vincent/Vincentius (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) by Bishop Lilliolus of Acci in 607. The church of Stephen, and probably also the other two, were in 'Nativola', an unidentified place, presumably in the diocese of Acci (modern Guadix, southern Hispania). Said to have been found in Granada. | E07508 | Fragmentary Latin inscription mentioning saints, possibly *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) and *Theodore (soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480). Found at Dougga (Africa Proconsularis, central North Africa). Possibly 5th c. | E07659 | Latin epitaph on a large marble plaque for Pantagathus, buried in a place protected by *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), and the saint's companions; found at Vaison-la-Romaine (south-east Gaul), possibly dated 515. | E07796 | Will of Hadoind, bishop of Le Mans, of 643, leaving property to the cathedral at Le Mans, dedicated to *Mary (Mother of Christ, S00033) and *Gervasius and Protasius (brothers and martyrs of Milan, S00313), and to the churches at Le Mans of *Victorius (bishop of Le Mans, ob. c. 490), of the apostles *Peter and Paul (S00036 and S00008), and of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza, S00290); also to the church of Mary at Évron (in the territory of Le Mans) Written in Latin at Le Mans (north-west Gaul). | E08255 | Latin inscription over a postern gate, saying it is defended by the martyrs *Clemens/Clement (probably the bishop of Rome and martyr of the Crimea, S00111) and *Vincentius (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), built by the patricius Solomon as part of the fortifications of Calama (Numidia, central North Africa), 539/544. | E08256 | Latin inscription recording the presence of relics of *Peter (the Apostle, S00036), *Felix (possibly the martyr of Gerona, S00408), and *Vincentius (probably the martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290). Found near Calama (Numidia, central North Africa). Probably 6th/7th c. | E08263 | Latin inscription recording the deposition of relics of *Maxima, Donatilla and Secunda (virgins and martyrs of Thuburbo, S01812), and the presence of relics of *Vincentius (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) and *Crispina (of Thagora, martyred at Theveste, S00905); with invocation of the Archangels *Michael (S00181) and *Gabriel (S00192). Found near Theveste (Numidia, central North Africa). Probably 6th c. | E08315 | 35 relic labels at Sens (northern Gaul), datable by their script to the 7th or 8th c., for relics of a great diversity of saints. Written in Latin, perhaps at Sens, or at an earlier stage in their transmission. | E08327 | Domnolus, bishop of Le Mans, grants property to a basilica of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) in Le Mans (north-west Gaul), and tells how he had brought relics of the saint to the city. Charter written in Latin in Le Mans, dated 6 March 572. | E08328 | Domnolus, bishop of Le Mans, grants property to the basilica of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) and *Laurence (deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037), which he had built in Le Mans (north-west Gaul), and also mentions the shrine and personal patronage of *Victorius (bishop of Le Mans, 4th c., S02952). Charter written in Latin in Le Mans, dated 4 September 581. | E08333 | Latin inscription on a bronze bowl with a dedication to *Vincentius/Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), discovered in Cordoba (southern Hispania), probably 7th century. | E08337 | The heirs of a certain Bethta, in 684 or 732, come to an agreement over property, with the monastery of *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) at Le Mans (north-west Gaul). Charter written in Latin in the territory of Le Mans. | E08363 | Seven relic labels from Cantù (north-west Italy), datable by their script to c. 700, for relics of various saints. Written in Latin, perhaps at Cantù, or possibly Rome or Milan. | E08406 | A charter issued by Wademer and his wife Ercamberta grants properties to churches dedicated to diverse saints in Paris and elsewhere in northern Gaul, including one dedicated to *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, S00050) at Précy, where they wish to be buried. Written in Latin, probably at Chambly (northern Gaul), 690/91. | E08407 | A charter issued by the 'illustrious man' Wademer and his wife Ercamberta records grants of property previously made to the monastic church dedicated to *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) and *Germanus (bishop of Paris, ob. 576, S1166) in Paris, which remain in the possession of the pair until their deaths; whereafter they will revert to the church, with a further annual monetary gift on Germanus' feast day. Written in Latin, probably at Pressagny (northern Gaul), 20 August 682. | E08408 | The will of Ermentrude/Erminethrudis outlines the arrangements for numerous bequests of possessions, properties and slaves; among the beneficiaries are churches dedicated to various saints in or near Paris (northern Gaul). Written in Latin at Paris, 6th or 7th c, perhaps c. 630, or after c. 650. | E08428 | A charter/royal diploma issued by Reccared, king of the Visigoths, records his gift of fiscal properties to the monastery at Asán (north-east Hispania) dedicated to the Apostles *Peter and *Paul (S00036 and S00008), *Stephen (the First Martyr, S00030), *Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290), *Eulalia (virgin and martyr of Mérida, S00407), and *Martin (ascetic and bishop of Tours, ob. 397, S00050). Written in Latin at Toledo (central Hispania), 13 December 586. | E08554 | The Latin Martyrdom of *Vincentius/Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) recounts the trial in Valencia of Vincentius, deacon of Zaragoza, together with his bishop Valerius, and the torture and death in prison of Vincentius, followed by an unsuccessful attempts to destroy his body by casting it into the depths of the sea, from which it is miraculously brought to shore, discovered by the faithful and given honourable burial. Written, probably in Hispania in the 6th century. | E08555 | Latin funerary inscription of Bishop Justinianus of Valencia (died after 546) in Hispania that says that the bishop make *Vincentius/Vincent (deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290) his heir. |