35 relic labels at Sens (northern Gaul), datable by their script to the 7th or 8th c., for relics of a great diversity of saints. Written in Latin, perhaps at Sens, or at an earlier stage in their transmission.
Documentary texts - Relic label
Late antique original manuscripts - Parchment sheet
Chartae Latinae Antiquiores, XIX, no. 682
De presepio d(omini), de espilunca Eliae, de espilunca [ ]ae profi[ ], s(an)c(t)i Antoni[i] monaco, s(an)c(t)i Hieronim[i] s(an)c(t)i Hipoleti, s(an)c(t)i [ ]iae [ ]abbati [ ], s(an)c(t)i Simonis, s(an)c(t)i [ ], s(an)c(t)i Teodoro mart(yris).
'[Relics] of the manger of the Lord, of the cave of Elias, of the cave of [...]ae profi[...], of the monk Saint Antony, of Saint Jerome, of Saint Hippolytus, of [...]iae[...]abbati[...], of Saint Symeon, of saint [...], of the martyr Saint Theodore.'
[probably *Elias, the Old Testament prophet, S00217; *Antony, 'the Great, monk of Egypt, ob. 356, S00098; *Jerome, Church Father, ob. c. 420, S00267; *Hippolytus, martyr of Rome, S00509; *Symeon, either the elder of the temple of Jerusalem, S00285, or the Elder Stylite of Qal'at Sim'ān, ob. 459, S00343, or the Younger Stylite, near Antioch, ob. 592, S00860; Theodore, soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita, S00480]
Reli(quiae) de s(an)c(t)a cruce, de sepulchru(m) d(omi)ni, de s(an)c(t)o a(n)gelo Michahel, de s(an)c(t)o Petro apos(tolo), de s(an)c(t)o Iohanne, de s(an)c(t)o Paulo, de s(an)c(t)o Leudegario.
'Relics of the Holy Cross, of the tomb of the Lord, of the angel Saint Michael, of the Apostle Saint Peter, of Saint John, of Saint Paul, of Saint Leudegar.'
[*Michael the Archangel, S00181; *Peter the Apostle, S00036; *John the Baptist, S00020, or the Apostle, S00042; *Paul the Apostle, S00008; *Leudegar, bishop and martyr of Autun, ob. 677/9, S02098]
S(an)c(t)i Aegle, s(an)c(t)i Mariae, s(an)c(t)i Aeogeniae, s(an)c(t)i s(an)c(t)i Quintini.
'Of Saint Aegla, of Saint Mary, of Saint Eugenia, of Saint Saint (sic) Quintinus.'
[possibly *Thekla, follower of the Apostle Paul, S00092; Mary, Mother of Christ, S00033; Eugenia, virgin and martyr of Rome, S00401; Quintinus, martyr of Saint-Quentin, S00379]
S(an)c(t)o Andreae apostolo et pall [ ] d(omi)ni s[ ] Marci[
'Of the Apostle Saint Andrew, and of the garment [...] of the Lord s[...]Marci[...?] '
[*Andrew the Apostle, S00288]
De minsa apostol(orum), s(an)c(t)i Desederiae, s(an)c(t)i Memiae
'Of the table of the Apostles, of Saint Desiderius, of 'Saint Memmia.'
[Unnamed *Apostles, S00084; *Desiderius, bishop and martyr of Vienne, ob. 606/7, or the bishop of Cahors, ob. 655, S02985; possibly *Memmius, first bishop of Châlons-en-Champagne, S01285]
S(an)c(t)i Candedi.
'Of Saint Candidus.'
[possibly *Candidus, martyr of Rome, S02851, or *Candidus, member of the Theban Legion, martyrs of Agaune, S00339]
S(an)c(t)i Castoris, s(an)c(t)i Iusti, s(an)c(t)i Aeligio, s(an)c(t)i Filici.
'Of Saint Castor, of Saint Iustus, of Saint Eligius, of Saint Felix.'
[possibly *Castor, one of the Four Crowned Martyrs of Sirmium, S00685, or the martyr of Tarsus, S01972; *Iustus, bishop of Lyon, ob. c. 390, S02411; *Eligius, bishop of Noyon, ob. 660, S02032; *Felix is impossible to identify: the most likely contenders are the priest and confessor of Nola, S00000, the martyr of Gerona, S00408, the martyr of Milan, S00609, or the bishop of Bourges, ob. c. 580, S01311]
S(an)c(t)i Cessatoris reclausi, de martirebus miltriginta, s(an)c(t)i Amanti.
'Of the recluse Saint Cessator, of the One-thousand-and-thirty martyrs, of Saint Amantius/Amandus.'
[*Cessator, recluse of uncertain identity, S02998; *One-thousand-and-thirty martyrs, unspecified, S03000; either *Amantius, bishop of Rodez, late 5th c., S00026, or *Amandus, missionary, monastic founder and bishop of Maastricht, ob. c. 675, S00735]
S(an)c(t)i Cirici, de Betlem ubi natus est Chr(istu)s, s(an)c(t)o Macsencio, s(an)c(t)i Nicecio, s(an)c(t)i Marciali.
'Of Saint Cyricus, of Bethlehem where Christ was born, of Saint Maxentius, of Saint Nicetius, of Saint Martialis.'
[*Cyricus/Quiricus, martyr of Tarsus, S00007; possibly *Maxentius, abbot near Poitiers, ob. c. 534, S01144; *Nicetius, either the bishop of Lyon, ob. 573, S00049, or the bishop of Trier, ob. c. 567, S01305; *Martialis, first bishop of Limoges, S01168]
xxvi. (see Images)
Cabill(i) s(an)c(t)i Columbi
'Of the hair of Saint Columbus.'
[probably *Columbanus, monk and missionary of Ireland, Gaul and Italy, ob. 615, S01983, but perhaps *Columba, abbot of Iona, ob. 597, S02167]
De septuaginta et duos discipolis, s(an)c(t)i Siuerini, dom(ni) Basille, s(an)c(t)i Agnite, s(an)c(t)i Abrae abb(a)t(is), s(an)c(t)i Marci [ ] thria se confessoris, s(an)c(t)i [ ] domino Tolos[
'Of the Seventy-Two Disciples, of Saint Severinus, of Lord [or Lady?] Basilla, of Saint Agnes, of the abbot Saint Abra, of Saint Mark, [...] thria se[?] confessor, of Saint [...] lord [of?] Toulouse[?].'
[*Seventy-Two Disciples of the New Testament, S03014; *Severinus, either the hermit of Noricum, ob. 482, S00848, or the bishop of Bourdeaux, early 5th c., S01273, or the bishop of Cologne, early 5th c., S02870; either *Basil, bishop of Caesarea, ob. 379, S00837, or *Basilla/Basilissa, virgin and martyr of Rome, S00684; *Agnes, virgin and martyr of Rome, S00097; possibly *Abraham, abbot at Clermont, ob. 477, S00005; *Mark the Evangelist, S00420]
S(an)c(t)i Exsoperi.
'Of Saint Exsuperius.'
[possibly *Exuperius, bishop of Toulouse, early 5th c., S03015; or *Exsuperius, member of the Theban Legion, martyrs of Agaune, S00339]
S(an)c(t)i Firmini, s(an)c(t)i Pantaleon, s(an)c(t)i Fereoli, s(an)c(t)i Cusmati.
'Of Saint Firminus, of Saint Pantaleon, of Saint Ferreolus, of Saint Cosmas.'
[possibly *Firmus, martyr of Verona, S01487; *Pantaleon, martyr of Nicomedia, S00596; *Ferreolus, either the martyr of Besançon, S00348, or the martyr of Vienna, S01893; *Cosmas, physician martyr of Syria, S00385]
xxxiv. (see Images)
S(an)c(t)orum reliquias Gemenorum Experosippi et Leosippi et Mioleosippi, s(an)c(t)o Romano pr(es)b(y)t(ero), s(an)c(t)i Coprosedi ep(iscop)i, s(an)c(t)i Basillio, s(an)c(t)i Austi, s(an)c(t)i Aduenti
S(an)c(t)i Octauio, Siolutis, Siuiriani marteris, s(an)c(t)i Elisabit martiris.
'Relics of the holy triplets Speusippos, Elasippos and Melesippos, of the priest Saint Romanus, of the bishop Saint Coprosedus, of Saint Basil, of Saint Austus, of Saint Adventius.
Of the martyrs Saints Octavius, Solutor and Severianus, of the martyr Saint Elisabeth.'
[*Speusippos, Elasippos and Melesippos, triplets and martyrs of Langres, S02046; probably *Romanus, priest of Blaye, ob. c. 390, S01129; *Coprosedus, bishop of uncertain identity, S03016; probaby *Basil, bishop of Caesarea, ob. 379, S00780; possibly *Augustinus, either the bishop of Hippo, ob. 430, S00077, or the martyr of Capua, S01993; *Adventor, Octavius and Solutor, martyrs of Turin, S01116; *Severianus, possibly one of the Four Crowned Martyrs of Rome, S00587; *Elisabeth, martyr of uncertain identity, S03017]
S(an)c(t)i Genesiae, s(an)c(t)i Petri, s(an)c(t)i Pauli, s(an)c(t)i Crucis, S(an)c(t)i Policarpi, s(an)c(t)i [Be]nigne.
'Of Saint Genesius, of Saint Peter, of Saint Paul, of the Holy Cross, of Saint Polycarp, of saint Benignus.'
[*Genesius, notary and martyr of Arles, S00263; *Peter the Apostle, S00036; *Paul the Apostle, S00008; *Polycarp, bishop and martyr of Smyrna, S00004; *Benignus, martyr of Dijon, S00320]
S(an)c(t)i Gregoriae pape, s(an)c(t)i Aelariae, pallio s(an)c(t)i Mariae et s(an)c(t)i Geruasiae mart(yris), s(an)c(t)i Uicturis, s(an)c(t)i Deoteriae, s(an)c(t)i Filiciani mart(yris) et Martini mart(yris).
'Of the pope Saint Gregory, of Saint Hilary, of the garment of Saint Mary, of the martyr Saint Gervasius, of Victor, of Saint Deoteria/Deoterias, of Saint Felicianus, of the martyr Martin.'
[*Gregory 'the Great,' bishop of Rome, ob. 604, S00838; *Hilary, either the bishop of Poitiers, ob. 367, S00183, or the bishop of Arles, ob. 449, S00435; *Mary, mother of Christ, S00033; *Gervasius, martyr of Milan, S00313; *Victor, perhaps the martyr of Milan, S00312, or the martyr of Marseille, S00382, or possibly *Victorius, bishop of Le Mans, ob. c. 490, S01280; *Deoteria/Deoterias, of uncertain identity, S03018; *Felicianus, perhaps the martyr of Numenum, S00855, or the bishop and martyr of Foligno, S01976, or the martyr of Luciana, S02192, or the martyr of Damscus, S01630; *Martin, possibly the bishop of Rome, ob. 655/6, S00859]
S(an)c(t)i Iohannis et Pauli martiris.
'Of the martyrs Saints Iohannes and Paulus.'
[*Iohannes and Paulus, brothers and eunuchs, martyrs of Rome under the emperor Julian, S00384]
De manna, s(an)c(t)i Iohan[
'Of the manna of Saint John [...]'
[*John the Apostle and Evangelist, S00042]
S(an)c(t)i Iori.e mar(tiris), s(an)c(t)i Agustine mar(tiris), s(an)c(t)i Luci mar(tiris), S(an)c(t)o Mauro conf[ ]anasiae, s(an)c(t)o Cusmi, S(an)c(ti) Damiani.
'Of the martyr Saint Iori.e [?], of the martyr Saint Augustinus, of the martyr Lucius, of the confessor Saint Maurus, [...]anasiae[?], Saint Cosmas, of Saint Damianus.'
[*Augustinus, martyr of Capua, S01993; *Lucius, possibly the bishop and martyr of Rome, S00288, or the martyr of Carthage, S02404, or the martyr of Beauvais, S02944; *Maurus, monk in Italy, ob. c. 584, S00326; *Cosmas and Damian, brothers, physician martyrs of Syria, S00385]
S(an)c(t)i Isidoro mart(iris), s(an)c(t)i Ansarico, s(an)c(t)o Gaorico, s(an)c(t)i Cibriano.
'Of the martyr Saint Isidoros, of Saint Ansaricus, of Saint Gauricus, of Saint Cyprian.'
[*Isidoris, soldier and martyr of Chios, S00425; *Ansaricus, bishop of Soissons, ob. c. 652, S03019; *Gauricus/Gaugeric, bishop of Cambrai, ob. 623/9, S02205; *Cyprian, bishop and martyr of Carthage, S00411]
l. (see Images)
Reliquias s(an)c(t)o Leodegario in Chr(ist)o martere. Passio ipsius dies sec[unda] quod ficit mensis octubri(s).
'Relics of the martyr in Christ, Saint Leudegar. The day of his martyrdom is 2 October.'
[*Leudegar, bishop and martyr of Autun, ob. 677/9, S02098]
Reliquias s(an)c(t)i Lopi ep(iscop)i et confes[
'Relics of the bishop and confessor Saint Lupus [...]'
[either *Lupus, bishop of Troyes, ob. 479, S00418, or the bishop of Sens, ob. c. 620, S02174]
lii. Images)
S(an)c(t)i Marcellini, s(an)c(t)i Luci euangel(istae), s(an)c(t)i Anastasii, s(an)c(t)a Elena, s(an)c(t)i Isiciae, s(an)c(t)i Fronti, s(an)c(t)i Uincenti mar(tiris), s(an)c(t)i Uicturiani, s(an)c(t)i Feolariae, s(an)c(t)i Paterni, episcopi.
'Of Saint Marcellinus, of Saint Luke the Evangelist, of Saint Anastasius, of Saint Helena, of Saint Hesychios, of Saint Frons, of Saint Vincentius, of Saint Victorianus, of Saint Feolarias, of Saint Paternus.'
[*Marcellinus, probably either the bishop and martyr of Rome, S00660, or the priest and martyr of Rome buried on the Via Labicana, S00577; *Luke the Evangelist, S00442; *Anastasius, probably the monk and martyr of Persia, ob. 628, S02052; *Helena, empress and mother of Constantine, ob. 328, S00185; *Hesychios, probably the martyr of Antioch, S01034; *Frons/Fronto, confessor of Périgueux, date unknown, S02946; *Vincentius, deacon and martyr od Zaragoza and Valencia, S00290; *Victorianus, possibly the martyr of Isauria, S00549, or the abbot of Asán, S02108; possibly *Ferreolus, either the martyr of Besançon, S00348, or the martyr of Vienna, S01893; *Paternus, bishop of Avranches, ob. after 556, S02838]
(C.), hic sunt relifecas s(an)t(o) Marcello. (Signum).
'[Chrismon] Here are the relics of Saint Marcellus [notarial sign].'
[*Marcellus, probably the martyr of Chalon-sur-Saône, S00323, but possibly the bishop of Paris, late 4th/5th c., S01301]
S(an)c(t)o Mauricio.
'Of Saint Maurice.'
[*Maurice, commander of the Theban Legion, martyrs of Agaunum, S00339]
S(an)c(t)i Maximino confes(soris) reginsis.
'Of the confessor Saint Maximus of Riez.'
[*Maximus, bishop of Riez, ob. 452/62, S00424]
De pallio dom(n)o Medardo.
'Of the garment of Lord Medard.'
[*Medard, bishop of Vermand buried at Soissons, ob. c. 560, S00168]
S(an)c(t)i Niga[ sanct]i Nicetie de Treuires, s(an)c(t)i Gandidi, s(an)c(t)i Pran[ ], s(an)c(t)i Gennesio, s(an)c(t)i Iulie, s(an)c(t)i Goannis herimita, s(an)c(t)i [ ]ode, s(an)c(t)i Sufragie, s(an)c(t)i Iacobi, s(an)c(t)i Caterinae.
'Of Saint Niga[...?], [of Saint] Nicetius of Trier, of Saint Candidus, of Saint Pra[...?], Of Saint Genesius, of Saint Iulius, of the hermit Saint Iohannes/John, of Saint [...]ode[?], of Saint Suffragia/Suffragius, of Saint James, of Saint Catherine.'
[*Nicetius, bishop of Trier, ob. c. 567, S01305; *Candidus, possibly the martyr of Rome, S02851, or member of the Theban Legion, martyrs of Agaune, S00339; *Genesius, notary and martyr of Arles, S00263; *Iulius, perhaps the bishop of Rome, ob. 352, S00543, or the martyr of Rome/Capua, S02569; probably *John of Lycopolis, ascetic of Egypt, ob. c. 395; *Suffragia/Suffragias, of uncertain identity, S03020; *James, either the 'Brother of the Lord,' S00058, or the Son of Zebedee, S00108, or the Son of Alphaeus, S018101; *Catherine, martyr of Alexandria, S00765]
Reliquias s(an)c(t)o Nigasio de Rim(is), s(an)c(t)i [ ]etati.
'Relics of Saint Nicasius of Reims, of Saint [...]etati[?].'
[*Nicasius, bishop of Reims, 5th c., S02061]
S(an)c(t)o Pa[u]lo erem[ita], s(an)c(t)o Satoro, s(an)c(t)o Laurenti, s(an)c(t)i Sulpiciae, s(an)c(t)[o ]ani.
'Of the hermit Saint Paul, of Saint Saturus, of Saint Laurence, of Saint Sulpicius, of Saint [...]ani[?].'
[*Paul, the First Anchorite, S00089; *Saturus, perhaps the brother of Ambrose of Milan, 4th c., S02640, or one of the martyrs of Nicomedia, S00957, or *Saturinus, bishop and martyr of Toulouse, S00289; *Laurence, deacon and martyr of Rome, S00037; *Sulpicius, either the bishop of Bourges, ob. 591, S02151, or the 'Pious', later bishop of Bourges, ob. 636/7, S02436]
lxix. (see Images)
Hic sunt relifecas s(an)c(t)o Petro. (Signum).
'Here are the relics of Saint Peter [notarial sign].'
[*Peter the Apostle, S00036]
S(an)c(t)i Procuppio, s(an)c(t)i Ursione, s(an)c(t)i Petri.
'Saint Procopius, of Saint Ursio, of Saint Peter.'
[*Procopius, martyr of Caesarea and Palestine, S00118; possibly *Ursinus, first bishop of Bourges, S01294; *Peter the Apostle, S00036]
lxxiv. (see Images)
S(an)c(t)i Proiecti, s(an)c(t)i Leudegariae, s(an)c(t)i Sulpic[ ], s(an)c(t)i Emarine, de manna d(omi)ni, de ueste d(omi)ni, s(an)c(t)i [ ] s(an)c(t)i Candedi, Exsopere, s(an)c(t)i Rust[ ] et Ualerie mart(iris).
'Of Saint Praeiectus, of Saint Leudegar, of Saint Sulpicius, of Saint Amarinus, of the manna of the Lord, of the garment of the Lord, of Saint [...?], of Saint Candidus, of Exsuperius, of Saint Rust[...], and of the martyr Saint Valerius.'
[*Praeiectus, bishop and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676, S02425; *Leudegar, bishop and martyr of Autun, ob. 677/9, S02098; *Sulpicius, either the bishop of Bourges, ob. 591, S02151, or the 'Pious', later bishop of Bourges, ob. 636/7, S02436; *Amarinus, abbot and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676, S03021; *Candidus and Exsuperius, of the Theban Legion, martyrs of Agaune., S00339; possibly *Rusticus, either the companion of Dionysius, S00349, or the bishop of Lyon, 5th c., S02310, or the bishop of Clermont, 5th c., S02651; *Valerius, perhaps the Roman missionary martyred at Soissons, 4th c., S02700, or possibly *Valerianus, martyr of Tournus, S00324]
Capillus s(an)cti Estefani pri(mi) mart(yris) et dido et ossa de capud.
'The hair of Saint Stephen, the First Martyr, and from his finger and the bone of his head.'
[*Stephen, the First Martyr, S00030]
Reliq]ui[s sancti] Solpicio.
'Relics of Saint Sulpicius.'
[*Sulpicius, either the bishop of Bourges, ob. 591, S02151, or the 'Pious', later bishop of Bourges, ob. 636/7, S02436]
Text: Atmsa, Vezin and Marischal 1987, 40-59.
Translation: B. Savill.
Saint’s feast
Cult PlacesCult building - independent (church)
RelicsUnspecified relic
Bodily relic - nails, hair and bodily products
Collections of multiple relics
Bodily relic - bones and teeth
Bodily relic - head
Bodily relic - arm/hand/finger
Transfer, translation and deposition of relics
These labels (authentiques), written on small parchment strips, were originally attached to relics kept at the episcopal church of Sens; they became separated from them during the French Revolution. In 1900-1904, Maurice Prou and Eugène Chartraire published 175 of these labels, which were supplemented by the publication of another c. 40 later in the century. Of the 94 pre-c. 800 labels from Sens now edited in Chartae Latinae Antiquiores (Atmsa, Vezin and Marischal, 1987), about 35 may be datable to the 7th century, although an 8th-century dating is also possible. According to the editors, the cursive script of these labels makes more accurate dating very difficult. All the labels are illustrated in the Chartae Latinae Antiquiores - we have chosen to illustrate six representative examples.For the comparably large collection of relic labels from Saint-Maurice d'Agaune, see E07438, E08075, E08076, E08077, E08078, E08079; see also the more limited evidence from the Roman Sancta sanctorum (E08362), Cantù (E08363) and Solignac (E08316). The other major extant collection of Gallic/Frankish relic labels, that of the nunnery of Chelles, does not include any items datable to before 700.
For full discussion of this category of evidence, see Smith 2020.
The extraordinary range and electicism (chronological as well as geographical) of saints' relics evidenced by this surviving collection of labels speaks for itself. However, readers must be aware that the only very approximate dating of their script means that many labels may post-date our database's cut-off point of c. 700.Such little information is provided by these texts that many of the saints here cannot be identified with certainty. In a few cases (Elisabeth the Martyr, Bishop Coprosedus, Cessator the Recluse) the Sens collection appears to provide a unique witness to otherwise unattested cults.
Edition and facsimiles:Chartae Latinae Antiquiores XIX. France VII, ed. H. Atsma, J. Vezin and R. Marischal (Dietikon-Zurich, 1987).
Further reading:
McCormick, M., Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce, AD 300-900 (Cambridge, 2002), 283-318.
Smith, J.M.H., "The Remains of the Saints: The Evidence of Early Medieval Relic Collections," Early Medieval Europe, 28 (2020), 388-424.
Benjamin Savill
ID | Name | Name in Source | Identity | S00000 | Felix, priest and confessor of Nola | Filix | Uncertain | S00004 | Polykarpos/Polycarp, bishop and martyr of Smyrna, and his companion martyrs | Policarpus | Certain | S00005 | Abraham, abbot at Clermont, ob. 477 | Abra abbas | Uncertain | S00007 | Kyrikos/Cyricus and Ioulitta/Julitta, child and his mother, martyrs of Tarsus | Ciricus | Certain | S00008 | Paul, the Apostle | Paulus | Certain | S00020 | John the Baptist | Iohannes | Uncertain | S00026 | Amantius, bishop of Rodez, late 5th c. | Amantus | Uncertain | S00030 | Stephen, the First Martyr | Estefanus | Certain | S00033 | Mary, Mother of Christ | Maria | Certain | S00036 | Peter, the Apostle | Petrus | Certain | S00037 | Laurence/Laurentius, deacon and martyr of Rome | Laurentus | Certain | S00042 | John, the Apostle and Evangelist | Iohannes | Uncertain | S00049 | Nicetius, bishop of Lyon, ob. 573 | Nicecius | Uncertain | S00058 | James, 'brother of the Lord' | Iacobus | Uncertain | S00077 | Augustine, bishop of Hippo, ob. 430 | Austus | Uncertain | S00084 | Apostles, unnamed or name lost | apostoli | Certain | S00089 | Paul, the First Anchorite | Paulus eremita | Certain | S00092 | Thekla, follower of the Apostle Paul | Aegla | Uncertain | S00097 | Agnes, virgin and martyr of Rome | Agnes | Certain | S00098 | Antony, 'the Great', monk of Egypt, ob. 356 | Antonius | Certain | S00102 | Ioannes/John of Lycopolis, ascetic of Egypt, ob. c. 395 | Goannes herimita | Uncertain | S00108 | James, the Apostle, son of Zebedee | Iacobus | Uncertain | S00118 | Prokopios, martyr of Caesarea of Palestine | Procuppius | Certain | S00168 | Medard, bishop of Vermand buried at Soissons, ob. c. 560 | Medardus | Certain | S00181 | Michael, the Archangel | Michahel | Certain | S00183 | Hilarius/Hilary, bishop of Poitiers, ob. 367 | Aelarias | Uncertain | S00185 | Helena, empress and mother of Constantine, ob. 328 | Elena | Certain | S00208 | Lucius, bishop and martyr of Rome | Lucus | Uncertain | S00217 | Elijah/Elias, Old Testament prophet | Elias | Uncertain | S00263 | Genesius, notary and martyr of Arles | Genesias, Gennesius | Uncertain | S00267 | Jerome, Church Father, ob. c. 420 | Hieronimus | Certain | S00285 | Symeon (the God-receiver), elder of the temple of Jerusalem | Simon | Uncertain | S00288 | Andrew, the Apostle | Andreas | Certain | S00289 | Saturninus, bishop and martyr of Toulouse | Saturus | Uncertain | S00290 | Vincentius/Vincent, deacon and martyr of Zaragoza and Valencia | Vincentus | Certain | S00293 | Mark the Evangelist | Marcus | Uncertain | S00312 | Victor 'Maurus'/the Moor, soldier and martyr of Milan | Uictur | Uncertain | S00313 | Gervasius and Protasius, brothers and martyrs of Milan | Geruasias | Certain | S00320 | Benignus, martyr of Dijon | Benignus | Certain | S00323 | Marcellus, martyr of Chalon-sur-Saône | Marcellus | Uncertain | S00324 | Valerianus, martyr of Tournus | Ualeris | Uncertain | S00326 | Maurus, monk in Italy, ob. c. 584 | Maurus | Certain | S00339 | Theban Legion, commanded by Maurice, martyrs of Agaune, Gaul | Mauricius, Gandidus, Candidus, Candedus, Exsoperis, Exsoperus | Certain | S00343 | Symeon the Elder, stylite of Qal‘at Sim‘ān, ob. 459 | Simon | Uncertain | S00348 | Ferreolus and Ferrucio, martyrs of Besançon | Fereolus, Feolarius | Uncertain | S00349 | Dionysius/Denis, bishop and martyr of Paris, and his companions Rusticus and Eleutherius | Rust | Uncertain | S00379 | Quintinus, martyr of Saint-Quentin | Quintinus | Certain | S00382 | Victor, martyr of Marseille, and his companion martyrs | Uictur | Uncertain | S00384 | Iohannes and Paulus, brothers and eunuchs, martyrs of Rome under the emperor Julian | Iohannes et Paulus | Certain | S00385 | Kosmas and Damianos, brothers, physician martyrs of Syria | Cusmas, Cusmus Damianus | Certain | S00401 | Eugenia, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Latina, and companions | Aeogenia | Uncertain | S00408 | Felix, martyr of Gerona | Filix | Uncertain | S00411 | Cyprian, bishop and martyr of Carthage | Cibrianus | Certain | S00418 | Lupus, bishop of Troyes, ob. 479 | Lopus | Uncertain | S00424 | Maximus, bishop of Riez, ob. 452/462 | Maximinus confessor reginsis | Certain | S00425 | Isidoros, soldier and martyr of Chios | Isidorus | Certain | S00435 | Hilarius/Hilary, bishop of Arles, ob. 449 | Aelarias | Uncertain | S00442 | Luke, the Evangelist | Lucus euangelista | Certain | S00480 | Theodore, soldier and martyr of Amaseia and Euchaita | Teodorus | Uncertain | S00508 | Genesius, martyr of Rome, also 'the mime' | Genesias, Gennesius | Uncertain | S00509 | Hippolytus, martyr of Rome | Hipoletus | Certain | S00543 | Iulius, bishop of Rome, ob. 352 | Iulies | Uncertain | S00549 | Aquilinus/Akylinos and Victorianus, martyrs of Isauria | Uicturianus | Uncertain | S00577 | Marcellinus and Petrus, priest and exorcist, martyrs of Rome, buried on the via Labicana | Marcellinus | Uncertain | S00587 | Four Crowned Martyrs (Secundus, Carpophorus, Victorinus, Severianus), martyrs of Rome | Siuirianus | Certain | S00596 | Pantaleon/Panteleemon, martyr of Nicomedia | Pantaleon | Certain | S00609 | Nabor and Felix, brothers, soldiers and martyrs, buried in Milan | Filix | Uncertain | S00660 | Marcellinus, bishop and martyr of Rome, and companion martyrs | Marcellinus | Uncertain | S00684 | Basilla/Basilissa, virgin and martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus | Basilla | Uncertain | S00685 | Four Crowned Martyrs - the second group (Sempronianus, Nicostratus, Claudius, Castor), martyrs of Sirmium (Pannonia) | Castor | Uncertain | S00735 | Amandus, missionary, monastic founder and bishop of Maastricht, ob. c. 675 | Amantus | Uncertain | S00765 | Catherine/Aikaterina, martyr of Alexandria | Caterina | Certain | S00780 | Basil, bishop of Caesarea, ob. 379 | Basillas, Basillus | Uncertain | S00838 | Gregory I, 'the Great', bishop of Rome, ob. 604 | Gregorias Papa | Certain | S00848 | Severinus, hermit and monk in Noricum, ob. 482 | Siuerinus | Uncertain | S00855 | Primus and Felicianus, martyrs of Numentum, near Rome | Filicianus | Certain | S00859 | Martin, bishop and confessor of Rome, ob. 655/656 | Martinus martyr | Uncertain | S00860 | Symeon the Younger, stylite near Antioch, ob. 592. | Simon | Uncertain | S00957 | Titus, Parilos, Saturus and Mamas, martyrs of Nicomedia | Saturus | Uncertain | S01034 | Hesychios, martyr of Antioch | Isicias | Uncertain | S01116 | Adventor, Octavius and Solutor, martyrs of Turin | Adventus Octauius Siolutus | Certain | S01129 | Romanus, priest of Blaye, ob. c. 390 | Romanus | Uncertain | S01144 | Maxentius, abbot near Poitiers, ob. c. 534 | Mascencius | Uncertain | S01168 | Martialis, first bishop of Limoges | Marcialis | Certain | S01171 | Desiderius, bishop and martyr of Vienne, ob. 606/7 | Desederias | Uncertain | S01280 | Victorius, bishop of Le Mans, ob. c. 490 | Uictur | Uncertain | S01285 | Memmius, first bishop of Châlons-en-Champagne | Memias | Uncertain | S01287 | Marcellus, bishop of Die, ob. 510 | Marcellus | Uncertain | S01294 | Ursinus, first bishop of Bourges | Ursio | Uncertain | S01301 | Marcellus, bishop of Paris, late 4th/5th c. | Marcellus | Uncertain | S01305 | Nicetius, bishop of Trier, ob. c. 567 | Nicecius, Niceties de Treuires | Certain | S01311 | Felix, bishop of Bourges, ob. c. 580 | Filix | Uncertain | S01487 | Firmus and Rusticus, martyrs of Verona | Firminus | Uncertain | S01630 | Viktor and Stephanis/Corona, martyrs of Damascus | Uictur | Uncertain | S01744 | Saints, name lost or very partially preserved | Certain | S01801 | James, the Apostle, son of Alphaeus | Iacobus | Uncertain | S01876 | Felicianus, bishop and martyr of Foligno (central Italy) | Filicianus | Uncertain | S01893 | Ferreolus, soldier and martyr of Vienne | Fereolus, Feolarius | Uncertain | S01972 | Castor, martyr of Tarsus, Cilicia | Castor | Uncertain | S01983 | Columbanus, monk and missionary in Ireland, Gaul and Italy, ob. 615 | Columbus | Uncertain | S01993 | Augustinus and Felicitas, martyrs of Capua | Austus, Agustine | Certain | S02032 | Eligius, bishop of Noyon, ob. 660 | Aeligius | Certain | S02046 | Speusippos, Elasippos and Melesippos, triplets and martyrs of Cappadocia, and later of Langres | Experosippus et Leosippus et Mioleosippus | Certain | S02052 | Anastasios, monk and martyr of Persia, ob. 628 | Anastasius | Uncertain | S02061 | Nicasius, bishop of Reims, 5th c. | Nigasius de Rimis | Certain | S02098 | Leudegar, bishop and martyr of Autun, ob. 677/9 | Leudegarius, Leodegarius, Leudegarias | Certain | S02108 | Victorianus, abbot of Asán, ob. 558 | Uicturianus | Uncertain | S02151 | Sulpicius, bishop of Bourges, ob. 591 | Sulpicias, Solpicios | Uncertain | S02167 | Columba, abbot of Iona, ob. 597 | Columbus | Uncertain | S02174 | Lupus, bishop of Sens, ob. c. 620 | Lopus | Uncertain | S02192 | Felicianus, martyr of Lucania | Filicianus | Uncertain | S02205 | Gaugeric/Gauricus, bishop of Cambrai, ob. 623/9 | Gaoricus | Certain | S02310 | Rusticus, bishop of Lyon (Gaul), 5th cent. | Rust | Uncertain | S02404 | Lucius and Montanus, martyrs of Carthage, disciples of Cyprian | Lucus | Uncertain | S02411 | Iustus/Justus, bishop of Lyon, ob. c. 390 | Iustus | Uncertain | S02425 | Praeiectus, bishop and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676 | Proiectus | Certain | S02436 | Sulpicius Pius, bishop of Bourges, ob. 646/7 | Sulpicias, Solpicius | Uncertain | S02569 | Iulius, martyr of Rome/Capua | Iulies | Uncertain | S02640 | Saturus, brother of Ambrose of Milan, lawyer and prefect of Liguria (Italy) | Saturus | Uncertain | S02651 | Rusticus, bishop of Clermont, 5th cent. | Rust | Uncertain | S02700 | Valerius and Rufinus, martyrs of Soissons | Ualeris | Uncertain | S02838 | Paternus, bishop of Avranches, ob. after 556 | Paternus | Certain | S02851 | Candidus, martyr of Rome, buried on the via Salaria vetus | Candidus, Gandidus | Uncertain | S02944 | Lucius/Lucianus, martyr of Beauvais, companion of Quintinus | Lucus | Uncertain | S02946 | Frons/Fronto, confessor of Périgueux, date unknown | Frontus | Certain | S02958 | Desiderius, bishop of Cahors, ob. 655 | Desederias | Uncertain | S02998 | Cessator, recluse of uncertain identity, venerated in Gaul | Cessator | Certain | S03000 | One-thousand-and-thirty (1030) martyrs, unspecified, venerated in Gaul | martires miltriginta | Certain | S03014 | The Seventy or Seventy-two Disciples (or Apostles) of the New Testament | Septuaginta et duo discipoli | Certain | S03015 | Exuperius, bishop of Toulouse, early 5th c. | Exsoperus | Certain | S03016 | Coprosedus, bishop of uncertain identity, venerated in Gaul | Coprosedus | Certain | S03017 | Elisabeth, martyr of uncertain identity, venerated in Gaul | Elisabit | Certain | S03018 | Deoteria/Deoterias, of uncertain identity, venerated in Gaul | Deoteria/Deoterias | Certain | S03019 | Ansaricus, bishop of Soissons, ob. c. 652 | Ansaricus | Certain | S03020 | Suffragia/Suffragius, of uncertain identity, venerated in Gaul | Sufragia/Sufragias | Certain | S03021 | Amarinus, abbot and martyr of Clermont, ob. 676 | Emarinis | Certain |
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Benjamin Savill, Cult of Saints, E08315 - http://csla.history.ox.ac.uk/record.php?recid=E08315